Sunday, June 14, 2015

4 Benefits of Lemon Juice on Skin

4 Benefits of Lemon Juice on Skin
Lemon juice may be a common ingredient in cooking however, do you know that Lemon juice on skin is also possible. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C as well as antioxidants that are great for the skin. It also has many fruit acids that can work as exfoliant and can even remove blackheads.

Benefits of Lemon Juice on Skin

  • Exfoliant: Lemon juice is rich in alpha hydroxyl avid that may aid in exfoliating the skin and in removing impurities that are result of dead skin cells. Without the dead skin cells, the pores may be able to breathe and boost the growth of new skin cells. For best results, it is best that you use pure lemon juice on a cotton ball and apply it to your skin.

  • Removes blackhead: Blackhead occurs when the natural oils of the face are blocked. But applying some lemon juice in your face may remove all the blackheads. Apply the lemon juice on the face and leave it overnight. Rinse the face the next morning.

  • Relieves sunburn: Sunburn can really bring discomfort especially if it is located in the face. It is often characterized with itchiness, dryness and pain. To relieve sunburn, it is best if you mix water and lemon juice and apply it to the directed area. You may also wash your face with the mixture of lemon juice and water if face is affected with sunburn. The mixture of lemon and water may cool down the burn and boost skin healing. This can also minimize the blisters that may appear.

  • Heals acne: Lemon juice is also a natural cure for acne. In fact, lemon juice can actually boost the healing of acne lesions and may even prevent possible breakouts. Apply the lemon juice with water in the morning, afterwards, rinse with cool water and then, apply moisturizer.

6 Ginger Tea Benefits

6 Ginger Tea Benefits
Ginger tea benefits are enjoyed by people who regularly drink ginger tea. Ginger tea is a concoction made by sliced ginger and boiled in water. For additional flavor, honey is commonly added. Ginger tea offers great health benefits but people who drink blood thinner, diabetic drugs and beta-blockers may consult first with their health care providers to avoid negative interactions. Likewise, those who suffer with heartburn should refrain taking this since it may worsen their condition. Pregnant women should also avoid ginger tea since it can result to too much contraction of the uterus.

Ginger Tea Benefits

  • Prevents motion sickness: Those who always feel dizzy and vomiting when travelling may benefit well with ginger tea. For best results, it is best that you consume the ginger tea, thirty minutes before you start your travel.

  • Fights abdominal discomfort: Ginger tea may fight abdominal discomfort and improve the food absorption. If you have abdominal discomfort due to indigestion, ginger tea may lessen the pain associated with indigestion. Likewise, unnecessary belching may be stopped by ginger tea.

  • Lessen inflammation: Ginger tea can also lessen the inflammation of the joints especially the rheumatoid arthritis. It is also effective in reducing tiredness, joints and sore muscles.

  • Good for the brain: Ginger tea can block prostaglandin. Prostaglandin is a chemical in the body that may cause swelling in the blood vessels in the brain. Taking ginger tea may improve the condition of people suffering with severe headaches and migraine.

  • Stress buster: Drinking ginger tea can also improve your mood and may give you sunny disposition. It can give you feeling calm and refreshed especially if you are in the middle of something stressing.

  • Reduces menstrual discomfort: For women suffering with menstrual cramps may try to drink ginger tea to give them soothing effect. Likewise, you may have a soak of hot towel in a ginger tea and place the towel on the top of your lower abdomen to reduce the menstrual cramps.

1 and 2 Hour Postprandial Glucose Levels

1 and 2 Hour Postprandial Glucose Levels During Postprandial Glucose study, a meal acts as a glucose challenge to the body’s metabolism. Insulin is normally secreted immediately after a meal in response to the elevated blood glucose level, causing the level to return to the premeal range within 2 hours. In patients with diabetes the glucose level usually is still elevated 2 hours after the meal. The PPG is an easily performed screening test for DM. If the results are greater than 140 and less than 200 mg/dL, a glucose tolerance test may be performed to confirm the diagnosis. If the 2-hour PPG is greater than 200 mg/dL, the diagnosis of DM is confirmed. Also, a glucose tolerance or glycosylated hemoglobin test can be performed to corroborate and better evaluate the disease.

The 2-hour PPG test is a measurement of the amount of glucose in the patient’s blood 2 hours after a meal is ingested (postprandial). It is used to diagnose diabetes mellitus (DM). When the 2 Hour Postprandial Glucose test is performed, a fasting blood glucose test is performed before the patient takes the meal. The patient should start a 12 hours of fasting before performing the test. The fasting glucose reading will be used as a baseline glucose level to give an idea if the patient glucose level was already high or not before the test.

The meal should contain at least 75 grams of carbohydrates and the patient should eat the whole meal. After taking the meal, the patient should not eat or smoke until the blood sample is drawn 2 hours later since such activities would increase glucose levels in the blood. Patients also are supposed to relax and avoid exhausting activities or exercising during the 2 hours waiting period because the body burns its fat deposit when it comes to exercising which increases glucose levels in blood.

The 1-hour glucose screen is used to detect gestational DM, which is the most common medical complication of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is a carbohydrate intolerance first recognized during pregnancy and affects 3% to 8% of pregnant women, with up to half of these women developing overt diabetes later in life. The detection and treatment of gestational diabetes may reduce the risk for several adverse perinatal outcomes (e.g., excessive fetal growth and birth trauma, fetal death, neonatal morbidity).

Screening for gestational diabetes is performed with a 50-g oral glucose load followed by a glucose level determination 1 hour later. This is called the O’sullivan test. Screening is done between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation. However, patients with risk factors such as a previous history of gestational diabetes may benefit from earlier screening. Patients whose serum glucose level equals or exceeds 140 mg/dL should be evaluated by a 3-hour glucose tolerance test.

Causes of Postprandial Glucose False results:

  • Smoking during the testing period may increase the blood glucose level.

  • Stress can increase glucose levels through the catecholamine effect of increasing serum glucose.

  • If the patient eats a small snack or eats candy during the 2-hour interval, glucose levels will be falsely elevated.

  • If the patient is not able to eat the entire test meal or vomits some or all of the meal, levels will be falsely decreased.

Normal Postprandial Glucose Levels

As people grow in age their Insulin response to what they eat slows down. The normal Postprandial Glucose Levels for healthy persons who are younger than 50 years of age  are lower than 140 mg/dl (Milligram/Deciliter). A healthy person whose age is between 50 and 60 years should have a Postprandial Glucose Level less than 150 mg/dL. After 60 years of age, a person with no signs of high blood sugar would have a Postprandial Glucose Level less thank 160 mg/dL.

Causes of High Postprandial Glucose Levels

Diabetes mellitus (DM): This disease is defined by glucose intolerance and hyperglycemia. A discussion of the many possible etiologies is beyond the scope of this manual.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (DM): This disease is defined by glucose intolerance and hyperglycemia during pregnancy.

Malnutrition: Malnourished patients have very poor glucose tolerance when they start to eat. The pathophysiology and theories of this observation are not well defined and are multiple.

Hyperthyroidism: Thyroid hormone is an ancillary hormone that affects glucose metabolism and acts to increase glucose levels.

Acute stress response: Severe stress, including infection, burns, and surgery, stimulates catecholamine release. This in turn stimulates glucagon secretion, which causes hyperglycemia.

Cushing syndrome: Blood cortisol levels are high. This in turn causes hyperglycemia.

Pheochromocytoma: Catecholamine stimulates glucagon secretion, which causes hyperglycemia.

Chronic renal failure: Glucagon is metabolized by the kidney. With loss of kidney function, glucagon and glucose levels rise.

Glucagonoma: Glucagon is autonomously secreted, causing hyperglycemia.

Diuretic therapy: Certain diuretics cause hyperglycemia.

Corticosteroid therapy: Cortisol causes hyperglycemia.

Acromegaly: Growth hormone stimulates glucagon, which causes hyperglycemia.

Extensive liver disease: Most glucose metabolism occurs in the liver. With decreased function of the liver, glucose levels decrease.

Causes of Low Postprandial Glucose Levels

Insulinoma: Insulin is autonomously produced without regard to biofeedback mechanisms.

Hypothyroidism: Thyroid hormone affects glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of this hormone, glucose levels fall.

Hypopituitarism: Many pituitary hormones (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], growth hormone) affect glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of these hormones, glucose levels fall.

Addison disease: Cortisol affects glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of this hormone, glucose levels fall.

Insulin overdose: This is the most common cause of hypoglycemia. Insulin is administered at too high of a dose (especially in brittle diabetes), and glucose levels fall.

Malabsorption or maldigestion: The test meal is not absorbed and glucose levels do not increase.

6 Good Sources of Monounsaturated Fat

6 Good Sources of Monounsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated fat or also referred as omega-9 fatty acids are good for the heart. The dietary guidelines for Americans suggests that the total fat intake should be between twenty to thirty five percent of daily calories and the sources of these fats should be polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fatty acids. Good source of monounsaturated fat includes fish, oils, nuts and others.

Good Source of Monounsaturated Fat

  • Fish: Most fishes are really rich in polyunsaturated fish especially omega 3 fatty acids but not all fishes are high in monounsaturated fat. Fishes that offer monounsaturated fat are mackerel, sablefish, halibut and herring.

  • Oils: Oils that are rich in monounsaturated fats are sesame, sunflower, canola, peanut and olive oil. These oils are great choices for healthy cooking and they are now widely available in grocery stores. Most Greek and Italian dishes used olive oils. Some of popular Italian foods with olive oils are tomato sauce, pizza sauce and bruschetta. For Greeks, salads that have cabbage, arugula and artichoke used olive oil. For salad enthusiasts, you can use olive oil as an alternative of salad dressing.

  • Nuts: Nuts as well as seeds are also great sources of monounsaturated fats. Nuts like peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews and macadamia are rich in monounsaturated fats. Likewise, pistachios, Brazil nuts and pecans have monounsaturated fats. Other good sources of nuts are almond butter and peanut butter.

  • Fruits: There are only two kinds of fruits that are rich in monounsaturated fats, the olives as well as avocados. Both olives and avocados offer ten grams of monounsaturated fat for every one hundred gram serving.

  • Seeds: Sunflower seeds, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds are all good sources of monounsaturated fat. Sesame seeds including sesame seed butter and paste are also rich in fatty acids.

  • Other Foods: Other sources may include granola bars, eggs, Parmesan cheese and Monterey jack.

3 Heavy Cream Substitutes

3 Heavy Cream Substitutes
Dishes that are laddered with heavy creams are considered high fat and high caloric foods. It may contain lots of saturated fat. Most of these foods are desserts, ice cream, cheesy sauces and soups. If you plan to lose weight, it is best that you use some heavy cream substitute to reduce the calories and decrease the saturated fat.

Heavy Cream Substitute

  • Go light with beverage: Coffee shops offer variety of milk products for tea and coffee. To substitute, it is best if you with switch one-fourth cup of reduced fat milk since it may only have thirty calories per serving and has less fat that is less than one gram of fat and saturated fat. If you prepare coffee at home, it is best that you use fat-free half-and-half, which only have twenty calories in two-table spoon and has no fat.

  • Desserts: regular desserts may have one half cup of dairy. Creating your own version of desserts like ice cream with the same consistency but lesser calories is possible. Use fat-free half-and-half, soya milk and almond milk are better alternatives. Remember, one half cup of heavy cream have four hundred calories and forty grams of fat but it has fat free half and half that have eighty calories and does not contain fat. You may also use soya milk since it only has forty calories and two grams of fat while almond milk has twenty calories and 1.5 grams of fat for every half a cup.

  • Dishes: The heavy creams in dishes may be tasty and creamy but it maybe high in calories. To substitute, fat-free evaporated milk may be better. Fat-free evaporated milk may provide creaminess without extra calories and too many fats. Half cup of fat free evaporated may also give you thirty-five percent of daily-required value of calcium.

How to Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers

How to Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers
Mouth ulcers are painful sores in the mouth. It is often characterized with white and yellow and surrounded by reddish area. Several causes of mouth ulcers may vary accordingly. Dental work, poor immune system or accidental biting of the tongue causes some mouth ulcers. Other health factors that may affect mouth ulcers are stress, lack of vitamin B12 and allergic reaction. Normally, the mouth ulcers may heal on its own, however, it can be really painful and may bring discomfort to your daily activities. There are several ways to soothe your symptoms immediately.

How to Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers

  • Garlic: To treat mouth ulcers, you may rub a piece of garlic on the mouth ulcer every day. Garlic contains allicin, which works as antiseptic and has antibacterial properties. Garlic also has antiviral properties and it can soothe the discomfort of mouth ulcers while boosting the healing process. To use garlic for canker sores, you may rub one piece of garlic for at least one minute and rinse the mouth with clean water after an hour.

  • Gargle with salt and water: Gargling with salt and water may sooth the discomfort of mouth ulcers. The salt has antiseptic properties that can aid in healing your canker sores. To gargle with salt and water, you may need to add twelve tablespoon of iodized salt to one cup of hot water. Gargle the salt and water mixture for at least one minute. Rinse well afterwards.

  • Coconut milk and honey: You may mix coconut milk and honey to get some relief with mouth ulcers. You may mix one fourth cup of coconut milk with two to three tablespoon of honey. Use a clean cloth to rub the mixture in the infected area. Apply for at least three times for effective results.

  • Chewing basil leaves: chewing basil leaves is effective in giving relief for mouth ulcers. Chew the leaves for five to six times daily until the mouth ulcer is healed.

Puer Allergies

Puer Allergies
Sociis natoque: baby allergies

Allergy definiri potest dici quod motus corporis allergen subiecto, contingit ex feugiat effectionem.

Sicut in adultis, ut in eadem reactionem puer cum illo in allergen. Sicut moveri solet allergen immune ratio vadit in corpus, aut per respirationem per nares, ut cutis a cibo per tactum. Allergen cum vadit in corpus, et pugnarent contra histamine quaedam chemicals dimittere allergen immune cellulis, ut ostendit, qui in corpore, signum et urna. Ne multis modis posse in allergies tur. Monita exemplis et Infantem Allergies Quid allergens sunt exempla?

Potest Allergy diversimode secundum allergen iter ingressum in corpus. Genera sunt allergens frequentissimum esse, pollen, dander animali, form conduntur, ciborum, et aliquet nisi. Vestibulum urna Potest ut intestinorum problems, cum aliis allergens potest exhibere, ut respiratorii problems talis ut allergic RHINITIS vel symptoms ut cutis siccitas, aut temerarius aut scabiem.

Lac allergies potest esse major in causa quia infantes. Potest exhibere, ut deiectio, refluxus, constipation, cutis siccitas et colic, quia scabies est temeritas. Eaque etiam, quae in diversis aliis conditionibus. Sic est maximus, quia non ad ius consilio negligerent, medicus consulate. Signa Lorem Allergies

Post puer allergic reactionem, stupefiunt feugiat nulla allergen, et secundum rationem in sequenti orci suaque feugiat felis. Dimittam histamine immune cellulis, quae est allergic ad progressum symptoms.
  • Communis signa

Exhibitio dependet variis factores, quae sunt visa et urna.

Itchiness urna Signa etiam in ore, tumidis labia et linguam, cutis temere, aut ruborem alvaria madent oculi, SCABIOSUS oculos nasalis urna, deiectio, vomitum, et cetera

Allergic profectae sunt plerumque mitis moderari in severitate. Si vehemens allergy accidit, ea merito occurrit, quod in minutis nuditate allergen, et potest esse in toto corpore.

  • Solida quaedam signa
Magis major allergic reactio, per quam proponitur in acuto, gravi formam, est sem vel Anaphylactic Anaphylaxis. Potest vita comminando, ut respirandi involvit et / vel circulatoria ratione. Ut in eo fieri solent ANHELO, DYSPNOEA gravi, et obvolutus est gutturis et linguae: tumor cum systematis respiratorii. Quia cum subito sistit in sanguine CIRCULATORY versatur.

Gravi allergic profectae sunt rara. Quidam doctores praescribere an adrenaline auto injector calamum pro infantibus, qui sunt diagnosed esse ad exponere pro anaphylactic profectae.

  • Moratus symptoms
Sunt autem et aliae formae allergies, vel non dicitur, retardati impetu IGE mediata allergies. Signa, atque simul non manifestant difficile celerrime ad rectam macula aut trigger causa allergic reactionem. Retardati impetu ad curare diu motus, et quidam adhuc perstat. Hinc ius amet medici congrua consulere debet.

Quia spectaculum video discernere et infantes ut varia forma in urna allergies / ae habet:

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Pulvis minuta sunt, et indumentorum varii in judicio, in lecto sunt, etiam visa tegit, pulvinar etc opercula

Haec cura est, ne ad parentes, ad accipiendum a allergies, vel ad minimum pulverem prohibere progressio morbo.
  • Ab arte puer pellis fabrica circumtextum tegeretur, quod pervia. Quod communiter invenitur in libero vendendi products habent allergy. Non adsumes et crassa magnum consolatorem, uti pro stragulis tenuis.
  • Lava quod est bedcovers cubilibus, et semel in septimana aqua calida (CXXX gradus F).
  • Discedite de saginati nugas et CRINITUS, vestra hedum scriptor ludus locus. Quia pulvis minuta sunt cellaria. Lava quod est quin saepe agendo puer, regulariter calida aqua.
  • Subinde in vacuum lautus mundatis discubitus, si non circa nata. Aera et terram commovere possunt purgari constrata, extergunt cum lineo panno humido solo, removenda.
  • Maximum efficientiam particulate caperet (HEPA) colum, quod est in paucis delectis vacuum cleaners, potest etiam ad hauriendumminimum particulas. Ergo satius est quam iusto vacuum cleaners uti vacuum cleaners.
  • Etiam ac faces caeli conditioners mundus subinde odio. Possunt etiam agere variis acervum pulvis minuta.
  • Gravi de allergy infans sit reponenda curavimus stragula blandis solum est quasi lignum.
2 pollinis

In diebus ventosa, puer aliquis est ad pollen allergy. Difficillimum est moderari, ubi cum pollen a Iove ludere foris. Cohibentem velit fabula tempore clausis fenestras cubilia post lavationem manuum, et pilis, et puer ille de ludo, ne proles etiam remedia ad pollen allergy. 3 Praeterea, facundos dander

Pet dander agnosci potest, ut in pueris et in urna tempus. Quod causatur ex Nasi urna eget urna dander commune cum aliqua cutis allergies.

Conservabunt te et facundos dander saepius lavit cum shampoos dapibus. Pueri ludunt tempus eget capere. Si manet facundos dander urna, in ultimo est dare Pet. Molde ad 4 Ad quartum

Sita est ad communem quaestionem humiditate aeris tempestas tepida atque locorum. Ita humidum et calidum et usus aer conditioners vitet dehumidifiers environment ubi res sita est.

Clean bathrooms frequenti platea vel tea lignum olei. Eandem necessariis locis, ne formam capere augmentum communiter factae.