Sunday, June 14, 2015

4 Causes of Sharp Pain Lower Left Abdomen

4 Causes of Sharp Pain Lower Left Abdomen
Sharp pain in lower left abdomen may occur in several reasons. The probable source of pain may come from reproductive organs, urinary tract, abdominal muscles or the colon. Pinpointing the exact cause can be a problem because there are organs that are located in that area. If you feel sharp pain in the lower left abdomen, it is best that you consult with your health care provider to have proper diagnosis.

Causes of Sharp pain in lower left abdomen

  • Diverticulitis: Diverticulum may form in the weak areas of the intestine. According to a study, around ten percent of Americans who are above age forty have diverticula. Normally, diverticula may not show any symptoms but when it is inflamed, diverticulitis may occur. The pain associated with diverticulitis is sharp and sudden pain. Other possible symptoms are vomiting, abdominal cramps, vomiting and fever.

  • Kidney stones: The presence of kidney stones in the ureter is another possible culprit of sharp pain in the lower left abdomen. The pain may be severe especially if the size of the stone is large. The pain may also be observed in the groin, back and lower abdominal. Symptoms associated with kidney stones are vomiting, blood in the urine and may feel pain while urinating.

  • Splenic rupture: The splenic rupture may cause abdominal pain. A ruptured spleen may lead to internal bleeding. The possible causes of ruptured spleen are vehicular accident, trauma or an assault.

  • Ectopic pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy can also be the cause of sharp pain in the lower abdomen. This occurs when the embryo grows outside of the uterus. Symptoms accompanied with ectopic pregnancy are nausea, abnormal bleeding and severe pelvic pain. Ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous for a woman, it is important that a patient visits her doctor immediately if she suspects ectopic pregnancy. Immediate medical care is needed for woman suffering with ectopic pregnancy.

Alternating Tylenol and Motrin

Alternating Tylenol and Motrin
Tylenol for kids and Motrin for kids are available as over the counter medications that aids health in reducing fever and in easing pain. Fever medications are generally safe when you follow the manufacturer's instructions or better yet, ask your pediatrician the right dosage. is possible, provided that you ask first with your child's pediatrician.

Doses of Tylenol and Motrin
Acetaminophen is contained in Tylenol while Ibuprofen is found in Motrin. These medications are used in treating fever and pain in infants and young children. The exact dose of each medication is based generally on the weight and not on the age. It is important that you know first the weight of your child before taking this medication.

Temperature in infants that are less in twelve weeks is best measured through a rectal thermometer. Temporal thermometer may be used in infants that are more than twelve weeks while ear thermometers are preferred if the infant is more than six months. Oral thermometers are best use if your child can hold the instrument for several minutes without breaking the oral thermometer.

In regards to the fever, it is best that you give first the right dose of acetaminophen. If the infant still has a fever after one hour after giving the dose of acetaminophen, you may give a dose of ibuprofen. Acetaminophen as well ibuprofen is two different kinds of medications but they can be given alternately if there is high fever. Likewise, if the child feels discomfort, it may be best that they also receive another medication.

In the presence of persistent high fever, you may also alternate the medications every three hours. For example, you can give Acetaminophen at 12 noon and give ibuprofen at around 3 pm, then, give again acetaminophen at 6 pm and ibuprofen at 9 pm. This may reduce the risks of sudden increase of fever as the medication wears off. However, avoid using each medication more than four times and do not alternate Tylenol and Motrin more than twenty-four hours. Consult your child's doctor if fever and pain continues.

What are Muscular System Organs?

What are Muscular System Organs?
The Muscular system organs are composed of three separate groups. Aside from letting your body walk and stand, it also allows your heart to beat and your lungs to breathe as well as the internal organs to function. Several organs and muscles tissue is part of your muscular system. So, next time you think of your muscular build up, remember it is more than just your six-pack abs.

Muscular System Organs

  • Smooth Muscular Tissue: These tissues are located in the blood vessels and in other organs like stomach, urinary and intestines. These muscles are involuntary and are responsible for widening or narrowing the blood vessels. This is also responsible for contracting the food through the digestive tract and cause the uterus to let the baby pass through the birth canal.

  • Skeletal Muscles: Skeletal muscles aids in holding the skeletal frame and in providing mobility. Skeletal muscles are the most popular parts of the muscular system. From large muscles in the buttocks up to the smallest muscle in your finger, skeletal muscles can support our body to walk, jump and move. Some of the large muscles in the body are pectorals, abdominals, quadriceps and gluteus maximus. These muscle groups are then connected to several ligaments, tendons and tissues.

  • Cardiac Muscle: The heart is actually a cardiac muscle. It is consisted of four chambers that contract in harmony. The left side pumps blood to the aorta to all the cells while the right side pumps blood towards the lungs and return again to the heart. Heart is one of the six hundred fifty muscles that are found in the human body and it is considered as the strongest. It is composed of cardiac tissues and considered as the most muscular organs in the body. it can beat seventy two times per minute. But when you exercise, the cardiac muscles can boost its output to 5-8 times more. This means that your heart can pump additional oxygenated blood to your lungs and other muscles.

What are Vitamin Classifications?

What are Vitamin Classifications?
Based on guidelines of National Institute of Health, the body needs thirteen vitamins for normal health. The vitamins that are required by the body are vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B complex. Each of the vitamins provides several functions in the body. Though some people can get all the vitamins in the foods he or she consumed, still supplementing with vitamins is a great idea. Before you take vitamins in your own, it is best that you know the vitamin classification and ask your doctor the best one for you.

Vitamin Classification

  • Classification: The classification of the vitamins is classified depending on the solubility. Some vitamins are soluble in water while some are soluble in fat. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body and may accumulate. On the other hand, water-soluble vitamins are expelled out through the kidneys.

  • Fat-soluble: Fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, and E. Vitamin K is also a sample of fat-soluble vitamin. These vitamins are stored in fat as well as liver cells in the body. Vitamin A is required for the vision, growth of bones and mucous membranes. Vitamin A is an antioxidant and it can decrease the risk of some types of cancer. Meanwhile, vitamin D may help in absorbing phosphorous and calcium. Cartilage, bones and teeth also requires these vitamins. Likewise, vitamin E is needed in the formation of red blood cells and may prevent blood from clotting. On the other hand, vitamin K is responsible for bone maintenance.

  • Water-soluble: Vitamin C and vitamin B complex are all water-soluble. It is not really stored in the body and it should be taken daily. The B complex can boost the energy of the body from food. It also aids in controlling appetite, improving of vision, growth of healthy skin and the formation of blood cells. Vitamin C can boost the growth of tissues, teeth and bones. It also boosts your immune system against infections.

4 Side Effects of Silicon dioxide

4 Side Effects of Silicon dioxide
Silicon dioxide or silicon is the 2nd most common element in the planet. In the body, it is located in bones, cartilages, teeth, tendons and blood vessels. Silicon plays a vital role in the development of collagen and bones. However, there are some instances where silicon dioxide may cause side effects.

Side Effects of Silicon Dioxide

  • Kidney Damage: One of the serious side effects of silicon dioxide is kidney damage. Long term use or taking high dosages of silicon dioxide may increase the risk of damage in the kidneys. People who are suffering with cardiovascular disease and kidney conditions are very vulnerable to this side effect. It is best that you talk with your health care provide before you take silicon dioxide. Those who have history of kidney problems in the past may not be able to take silicon dioxide to avoid problems later on.

  • Silicosis: Silicosis is another side effect of silicon dioxide. This condition is caused by inhaling silicon dust. Silicosis is a lung disease that may lead fibrosis and lung cancer. Miners especially those that have long term exposure and had inhaled big amounts of silicon have higher number of mortality levels than silicon associated cancers.

  • Thiamine Deficiency: Long term use of silicon may result to vitamin deficiency. Silicon derived from enzyme thiaminase is responsible for breaking down thiamine in the body. If you consume silicon dioxide for too long, you may have deficiency in thiamine. Consult first with your health care provider if you need to take silicon dioxide.

  • Dehydration: Normally, silicon dioxide is taken for diuretic purposes. Taking silicon dioxide may allow you to excrete fluids through the process of urination. But you have to slow down consuming silicon dioxide because taking this supplement for long term may result to dehydration. Excessive urination may lead to hypokalemia. This may increase the risk of losing potassium in the urine. Discuss with your doctor first before you start taking silicon dioxide supplements.

Normal High and Low Blood Glucose Levels

Normal High and Low Blood Glucose Levels Blood Glucose test is a direct measurement of the blood glucose level. It is most commonly used in the evaluation of diabetic patients. Through an elaborate feedback mechanism, glucose levels are controlled by insulin and glucagon. Glucose levels are low in the fasting state. In response, glucagon, which is made in the alpha cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, is secreted. Glucagon breaks glycogen down to glucose in the liver and glucose levels rise. If the fasting persists, protein and fatty acids are broken down under glucagon stimulation. Glucose levels continue to rise.

Glucose levels are elevated after eating. Insulin, which is made in the beta cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, is secreted. Insulin attaches to insulin receptors in muscle, liver, and fatty cells, in which it drives glucose into these target cells to be metabolized to glycogen, amino acids, and fatty acids. Blood glucose levels diminish. Many other hormones (e.g., adrenocorticosteroids, adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], epinephrine, growth, thyroxine) can also affect glucose metabolism.

The serum glucose test is helpful in diagnosing many metabolic diseases. Serum glucose levels must be evaluated according to the time of day they are performed. For example, a glucose level of 135 mg/dL may be abnormal if the patient is in the fasting state, but this level would be within normal limits if the patient had eaten a meal within the last hour.

In general, true glucose elevations indicate diabetes mellitus (DM), however, there are many other possible causes of hyperglycemia. Similarly, hypoglycemia has many causes. The most common cause is inadvertent insulin overdose in patients with brittle diabetes. If diabetes is suspected based on elevated fasting blood levels, a glycosylated hemoglobin or glucose tolerance test can be performed.

Glucose determinations must be performed frequently in new diabetic patients to monitor closely the insulin dosage to be administered. Finger stick blood glucose determinations are often performed in the morning, before meals, or at bedtime. Results are compared with a sliding-scale insulin chart ordered by the physician to provide coverage with subcutaneous regular insulin.

Normal Blood Glucose Levels

Normal Blood Glucose Levels vary by age. Blood sugar levels are normally low at younger age and the Normal Levels of Blood Glucose increases as the person grows. It it normal for healthy elderly people to have higher blood sugar than healthy adults.

Blood glucose is measured either in terms of Milligrams per Deciliter (mg/dL) or in terms or Millimole per Liter (mmol/L) in labs that use SI units . The following listing shows the Normal Glucose Levels at different age groups:

Premature Infant: 20 to 60 mg/dL (1.1-3.3 mmol/L)

Neonate: 30 to 60 mg/dL (1.7-3.3 mmol/L)

Infant: 40 to 90 mg/dL (2.2-5.0 mmol/L)

Child younger than two years of age: 60 to 100 mg/dL (3.3-5.5 mmol/L)

8 hours Fasting Adult or Child  above two years of age: 70 to 110 mg/dL  ( Less than 6.1 mmol/L)

Non-fasting Adult or Child  above two years of age: Above 200 mg/dL ( Above 11.1 mmol/L)

When pregnant, several women may experience a condition known as Gestational Diabetes. Gestational Diabetes occurs as a result of the physiological changes women experience during pregnancy. Some of these changes may affect the hormones that tolerate the blood sugar levels in the body.

Causes of High Blood Glucose Levels

Diabetes mellitus (DM): This disease is defined by glucose intolerance and hyperglycemia. A discussion of the many possible etiologies is beyond the scope of this manual.

Acute stress response: Severe stress, including infection, burns, and surgery, stimulates catecholamine release. This in turn stimulates glucagon secretion, which causes hyperglycemia.

Cushing syndrome: Blood cortisol levels are high. This in turn causes hyperglycemia.

Pheochromocytoma: Catecholamine stimulates glucagon secretion, which causes hyperglycemia.

Chronic renal failure: Glucagon is metabolized by the kidney. With loss of that function, glucagon and glucose levels rise.

Glucagonoma: Glucagon is autonomously secreted, causing hyperglycemia.

Acute pancreatitis: The contents of the pancreatic cells (including glucagon) are spilled into the bloodstream as the cells are injured during the inflammation. The glucagon causes hyperglycemia.

Diuretic therapy: Certain diuretics cause hyperglycemia.

Corticosteroid therapy: Cortisol causes hyperglycemia.

Acromegaly: Growth hormone stimulates glucagon, which causes hyperglycemia.

Acute Salicylate Toxicity.

Drugs that cause High Blood Glucose Levels include:

  • Tricyclics Antidepressants.

  • Beta-adrenergic Blocking Agents.

  • IV Dextrose Infusion.

  • Dextrothyroxine.

  • Diazoxide.

  • Epinephrine.

  • Estrogens.

  • Glucagon.

  • Isoniazid.

  • Lithium.

  • Phenothiazines.

  • Phenytoin.

  • Triamterene.

Causes of Low Blood Glucose Levels

Insulinoma: Insulin is autonomously produced without regard to biofeedback mechanisms.

Hypothyroidism: Thyroid hormones affect glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of this hormone, glucose levels fall.

Hypopituitarism: Many pituitary hormones (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], growth hormone) affect glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of these hormones, glucose levels fall.

Addison disease: Cortisol affects glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of this hormone, glucose levels fall.

Extensive liver disease: Most glucose metabolism occurs in the liver. With decreased liver function, glucose levels decrease.

Insulin overdose: This is the most common cause of hypoglycemia. Insulin is administered at too high of a dose (especially in brittle diabetes) and glucose levels fall.

Starvation: With decreased carbohydrate ingestion, glucose levels diminish.

Alcohol Consumption.

Drugs that cause Low Blood Glucose Levels include:

  • Acetaminophen

  • Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors.

  • Anabolic Steroids.

  • Biguanides.

  • Clofibrate.

  • Disopyramide.

  • Gemfibrozil.

  • Incretin Mimetics.

  • Insulin.

  • Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors.

  • Meglitinides.

  • Pentamidine.

  • Propranolol.

  • Sulfonylureas.

  • Thiazolidinediones.

4 Signs of Getting Pregnant on the Pill

4 Signs of Getting Pregnant on the Pill
The risk of getting pregnant on the pill is not really high but still it is possible. Therefore, women who are in the pill should know the possible signs of pregnancy. Getting the best prenatal care is very important to make sure that the baby and the mother is well taken care. Any pregnant woman who is on the pill may experience the same sign that all women feel when they are pregnant.

Signs of Getting Pregnant on the Pill

  • Missed Period: First sign of pregnancy is missed period however, this may not be observed in women who had a shot or IUD. In lieu with this, a woman should look for other pregnancy signs. Some women may observe that there is implantation bleeding that may last from six to twelve days after the actual conception. The bleeding is often mistaken for a short and light period.

  • Morning Sickness: Due to the changes in the hormones, pregnancy, vomiting and nausea are observed. These symptoms are part of morning sickness but it is not really limited in mornings, it can be felt any time of the day. Actually, women on the pill are more prone to have extreme morning sickness because of high levels of hormones due to the birth control as well as pregnancy. Part of morning sickness maybe food cravings or the opposite, food aversions or severe dislike for certain foods.

  • Lower back pain: Lower back pain is very common all throughout the pregnancy. If you are on the pill, you may still feel pain in the lower back and in lower abdomen. Severe pain should be consulted with your health care provider.

  • Changes in the breast: Changes in the breast may also occur if you are pregnant on the pill. The changes associated with the breast area may appear the same as pre-menstrual syndrome but the changes during pregnancy may even last long.