Sunday, June 14, 2015

4 Signs of Getting Pregnant on the Pill

4 Signs of Getting Pregnant on the Pill
The risk of getting pregnant on the pill is not really high but still it is possible. Therefore, women who are in the pill should know the possible signs of pregnancy. Getting the best prenatal care is very important to make sure that the baby and the mother is well taken care. Any pregnant woman who is on the pill may experience the same sign that all women feel when they are pregnant.

Signs of Getting Pregnant on the Pill

  • Missed Period: First sign of pregnancy is missed period however, this may not be observed in women who had a shot or IUD. In lieu with this, a woman should look for other pregnancy signs. Some women may observe that there is implantation bleeding that may last from six to twelve days after the actual conception. The bleeding is often mistaken for a short and light period.

  • Morning Sickness: Due to the changes in the hormones, pregnancy, vomiting and nausea are observed. These symptoms are part of morning sickness but it is not really limited in mornings, it can be felt any time of the day. Actually, women on the pill are more prone to have extreme morning sickness because of high levels of hormones due to the birth control as well as pregnancy. Part of morning sickness maybe food cravings or the opposite, food aversions or severe dislike for certain foods.

  • Lower back pain: Lower back pain is very common all throughout the pregnancy. If you are on the pill, you may still feel pain in the lower back and in lower abdomen. Severe pain should be consulted with your health care provider.

  • Changes in the breast: Changes in the breast may also occur if you are pregnant on the pill. The changes associated with the breast area may appear the same as pre-menstrual syndrome but the changes during pregnancy may even last long.

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