Chlorine Rash
A chlorine rash is a skin rash that is caused due to the exposure to chlorine. Chlorine rash is popular with the name swimming pool rash because mostly people report these rashes after they have been to a swimming pool. It does not take much time for the onset of signs and symptoms of these skin rashes after exposure to chlorine. The beginning of chlorine rash is troublesome itching.
Chlorine is a harsh chemical and is also a strong oxidant. If chlorine is left on skin for a considerable time, it may cause itching and in later stages it develops as rash on the skin. Chlorine is added in the water to kill bacteria but if a person is allergic to chlorine, he may develop symptoms of chlorine allergy. But the extent to which the symptoms are developed vary greatly from one person to the other. Some may not be affected at all but others may get severe problems due to even little exposure.
A number of clinical and home remedies are available for treating chlorine rash. The symptoms may take few days to few weeks to heal. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Usually chlorine that is added in water of swimming pools, recreational water parks, hot tubs etc is inhabited by people and therefore they report eruption of chlorine rash. The purpose of adding chlorine is to use it as a disinfectant for killing bacteria that grow in such heavily populated water. For some people, getting exposed to small quantity of water causes no harm and for others, exposure to even a little quantity of chemical can trigger allergic rash development. A person who develops chlorine rash is said to have chlorine allergy.
People who spend most of the time in swimming pools generally develop chorine rash because chlorine bonds to hair and skin and do not easily wash away. This is the reason that chlorine continues to irritate the skin even after the person has come out of the pool. In due course of time the chlorine causes irritation and develop as rash or bumps on the skin. If it is lingering chlorine that is causing irritation and rash then it should be washed off. A concentrated pH balanced Vitamin C spray can help you get rid of the chlorine present on your skin.
Extreme itching is the first symptom of chlorine rash. There is a equally possibility of itching to get started as soon as person comes in contact with chlorinated water or it may take several hours also. Most people may also get small bumps all over the skin. Within few hours or days these bumps turn into patches. Generally the affected body parts get swollen up and patches become rd in colour. It may also be accompanied by pain.
Itchy rashes are the most common symptoms of chlorine rash which mostly occur if you have recently been into a public swimming pool or hot tub. Since fumes of chlorine cause eye irritation therefore in some cases it is also possible that the individual may have watery or dry, swollen, itchy and painful eyes when having allergic chlorine reaction.
In rare cases the person may also develop certain gastrointestinal symptoms and respiratory ailments. Some of these common diseases are problem breathing, coughing, sneezing and other breathing problems. The person may also develop stuffed or itchy nose because of the smell of chlorine. However these symptoms may vary from one person to the other.
Taking certain steps may prevent chlorine rash to develop. If you are going to swim in a public swimming pool or any other public water spot and you are allergic to chlorine then you should first talk to the manager about the levels of chlorine in the water. Remove the swimsuit as soon as you come out of the water so as to limit the contact with chlorine. It would be great if you take bathe before and after entering the swimming pool having chlorinated water.
The most common treatment used by the people to treat their chlorine rash is to get an over-the-counter cream or ointment. The creams used to treat rash contain corticosteroids. An anti-itch ointment provides quick relief to the itching which is the most irritating symptom of this kind of rash.
Until the chlorine rashes are cured, the person should continue using antibacterial soap and also keep the affected area clean and dry all the time. However even after taking such measures, the symptoms continue to worsen, rash spreads, colour changes, develops high temperature or itching increases then the person should see a doctor immediately.
You should not use towel and clothes of the person already having chlorine rash. Do not enter into the pool until the chlorine rashes are healed up.

A chlorine rash is a skin rash that is caused due to the exposure to chlorine. Chlorine rash is popular with the name swimming pool rash because mostly people report these rashes after they have been to a swimming pool. It does not take much time for the onset of signs and symptoms of these skin rashes after exposure to chlorine. The beginning of chlorine rash is troublesome itching.
Chlorine is a harsh chemical and is also a strong oxidant. If chlorine is left on skin for a considerable time, it may cause itching and in later stages it develops as rash on the skin. Chlorine is added in the water to kill bacteria but if a person is allergic to chlorine, he may develop symptoms of chlorine allergy. But the extent to which the symptoms are developed vary greatly from one person to the other. Some may not be affected at all but others may get severe problems due to even little exposure.
A number of clinical and home remedies are available for treating chlorine rash. The symptoms may take few days to few weeks to heal. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Causes of chlorine rash
Usually chlorine that is added in water of swimming pools, recreational water parks, hot tubs etc is inhabited by people and therefore they report eruption of chlorine rash. The purpose of adding chlorine is to use it as a disinfectant for killing bacteria that grow in such heavily populated water. For some people, getting exposed to small quantity of water causes no harm and for others, exposure to even a little quantity of chemical can trigger allergic rash development. A person who develops chlorine rash is said to have chlorine allergy.
People who spend most of the time in swimming pools generally develop chorine rash because chlorine bonds to hair and skin and do not easily wash away. This is the reason that chlorine continues to irritate the skin even after the person has come out of the pool. In due course of time the chlorine causes irritation and develop as rash or bumps on the skin. If it is lingering chlorine that is causing irritation and rash then it should be washed off. A concentrated pH balanced Vitamin C spray can help you get rid of the chlorine present on your skin.
Signs and symptoms of chlorine rash
Extreme itching is the first symptom of chlorine rash. There is a equally possibility of itching to get started as soon as person comes in contact with chlorinated water or it may take several hours also. Most people may also get small bumps all over the skin. Within few hours or days these bumps turn into patches. Generally the affected body parts get swollen up and patches become rd in colour. It may also be accompanied by pain.
Itchy rashes are the most common symptoms of chlorine rash which mostly occur if you have recently been into a public swimming pool or hot tub. Since fumes of chlorine cause eye irritation therefore in some cases it is also possible that the individual may have watery or dry, swollen, itchy and painful eyes when having allergic chlorine reaction.
In rare cases the person may also develop certain gastrointestinal symptoms and respiratory ailments. Some of these common diseases are problem breathing, coughing, sneezing and other breathing problems. The person may also develop stuffed or itchy nose because of the smell of chlorine. However these symptoms may vary from one person to the other.
Taking certain steps may prevent chlorine rash to develop. If you are going to swim in a public swimming pool or any other public water spot and you are allergic to chlorine then you should first talk to the manager about the levels of chlorine in the water. Remove the swimsuit as soon as you come out of the water so as to limit the contact with chlorine. It would be great if you take bathe before and after entering the swimming pool having chlorinated water.
Treatment of chlorine rash
The most common treatment used by the people to treat their chlorine rash is to get an over-the-counter cream or ointment. The creams used to treat rash contain corticosteroids. An anti-itch ointment provides quick relief to the itching which is the most irritating symptom of this kind of rash.
Until the chlorine rashes are cured, the person should continue using antibacterial soap and also keep the affected area clean and dry all the time. However even after taking such measures, the symptoms continue to worsen, rash spreads, colour changes, develops high temperature or itching increases then the person should see a doctor immediately.
You should not use towel and clothes of the person already having chlorine rash. Do not enter into the pool until the chlorine rashes are healed up.
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