Home Care after Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
Lymphatic tissues are present in various parts all over body. They all serve towards the lymphatic system of the body and work for the immune and circulatory system. Tonsils and adenoids are also lymphatic tissues located in the cervical region of the human body. Adenoids are enlarged lymphatic tissues that are placed higher at the back of nose and throat while tonsils are small lymphatic tissues present at each side at the base of tongue. There are instances when both these tissues become so large that they become an obstruction parts of the brain and function in speech and breathing and have to be removed. They are removed from the mouth in a minor operation administered with general anesthesia. However, the region of operation is sensitive therefore care after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is crucial. Mostly patients are kept under observation in hospital but if discharged home care after tonsillectomy should not be lax at all.
In general, complete recovery after the procedure takes up to two weeks, though the soreness diminishes after 5-6 days. The first 2-3 days bed rest should be abundant with only limited activity. Activities having strain should be strongly avoided, especially for children. Limited activity is till one week only and after two whole normal activity and diet can be resumed. For two weeks the patients cannot drive, operate heavy machinery or drink alcohol. Care after tonsillectomy should be taken for children regarding any sports, gym or physical stress for a fortnight. Crowds should be avoided.
With regards to diet, plenty of fluid diet is essential. Although it can result in a little uneasiness, but mild fluids like water, fresh apple juice or grape juice, sherbet, ice cream, ginger ale should be taken abundantly. Orange or other citrus and tangy juices should be avoided as they will cause pain. Food is allowed after the second day but only of soft nature. They can be soft noodles, mashed potatoes, eggs, warm soup with vegetables, grits, puddings and the likes. Care after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy should be taken regarding spicy and hot food. Also scratchy and hard food such as chips and pretzels should be avoided.
Pain is to be expected after the operation and pain meds prescribed should be taken regularly. Pain in the ear is also sometimes associated but will recede with healing. Bleeding after tonsillectomy is very mild and slight streaks in the saliva may be seen right after the operation. Sucking ice chips and keeping head elevated helps it to stop however if the bleeding does not stop or increases, the doctor should be consulted immediately. Little fever is also common for people after the procedure maximum that might go is up till 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Fluids intake and pain meds taken regularly take care of the fever as well. Two white coverings in the area where the tonsils were removed can be seen. They are normal and should not be taken off. As the healing proceeds scabs will come and slough off repairing the membrane. Bad odor is known to come in this time period, but will recede with time. After two weeks care should be taken in not increasing heart rates from strenuous activities.
Lymphatic tissues are present in various parts all over body. They all serve towards the lymphatic system of the body and work for the immune and circulatory system. Tonsils and adenoids are also lymphatic tissues located in the cervical region of the human body. Adenoids are enlarged lymphatic tissues that are placed higher at the back of nose and throat while tonsils are small lymphatic tissues present at each side at the base of tongue. There are instances when both these tissues become so large that they become an obstruction parts of the brain and function in speech and breathing and have to be removed. They are removed from the mouth in a minor operation administered with general anesthesia. However, the region of operation is sensitive therefore care after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is crucial. Mostly patients are kept under observation in hospital but if discharged home care after tonsillectomy should not be lax at all.
In general, complete recovery after the procedure takes up to two weeks, though the soreness diminishes after 5-6 days. The first 2-3 days bed rest should be abundant with only limited activity. Activities having strain should be strongly avoided, especially for children. Limited activity is till one week only and after two whole normal activity and diet can be resumed. For two weeks the patients cannot drive, operate heavy machinery or drink alcohol. Care after tonsillectomy should be taken for children regarding any sports, gym or physical stress for a fortnight. Crowds should be avoided.
With regards to diet, plenty of fluid diet is essential. Although it can result in a little uneasiness, but mild fluids like water, fresh apple juice or grape juice, sherbet, ice cream, ginger ale should be taken abundantly. Orange or other citrus and tangy juices should be avoided as they will cause pain. Food is allowed after the second day but only of soft nature. They can be soft noodles, mashed potatoes, eggs, warm soup with vegetables, grits, puddings and the likes. Care after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy should be taken regarding spicy and hot food. Also scratchy and hard food such as chips and pretzels should be avoided.
Pain is to be expected after the operation and pain meds prescribed should be taken regularly. Pain in the ear is also sometimes associated but will recede with healing. Bleeding after tonsillectomy is very mild and slight streaks in the saliva may be seen right after the operation. Sucking ice chips and keeping head elevated helps it to stop however if the bleeding does not stop or increases, the doctor should be consulted immediately. Little fever is also common for people after the procedure maximum that might go is up till 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Fluids intake and pain meds taken regularly take care of the fever as well. Two white coverings in the area where the tonsils were removed can be seen. They are normal and should not be taken off. As the healing proceeds scabs will come and slough off repairing the membrane. Bad odor is known to come in this time period, but will recede with time. After two weeks care should be taken in not increasing heart rates from strenuous activities.
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