Monday, June 23, 2014

What Causes Tuberculosis Disease | Reasons for TB Infection

What Causes Tuberculosis Disease | Reasons for TB Infection

Tuberculosis Causes:
As mentioned earlier, TB or tuberculosis is mainly caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis and by another similar kind of bacteria called Mycobacterium bovis. These two types of TB bacteria infect a person by way of the droplets that are left suspended in the air by an infected person who either coughed or sneezed somewhere in the direct vicinity.

  • Some people cannot transmit this disease and the bacteria even when they are infected when they have what is called LTBI or latent tuberculosis infection. How this happens is a person does get infected by the TB bacteria, he does test positive for the ailment, but the person’s immune system worked to wall off the infectious organisms in what is called a granuloma.

  • There are people who are more prone to getting this disease for environmental and physical conditions that they might have or be exposed to. Some of those who are in the high-risk list of possible TB victims include people who have HIV or AIDS, people who live in crowded areas due to their somewhat low socioeconomic status, those who are alcoholics and have low immunity to diseases, and those who are homeless.

  • Other people who are at risk of getting this ailment include health workers who are often exposed to people who have TB and people who move to places or countries where the disease has a high number of cases noted.

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