Why is my period blood black?
Menstrual cycle is a very vital part of a women’s life and yet not all women are completely aware of the facts and figures associated with this change and are also sometimes shy to discuss about them. Menstrual cycle is accompanied by several changes both at the physical level as well as mental and emotional state of a woman. Slight change in the menstrual cycle from normal and it leaves the individual alarmed and panicked. These changes could be blood clots during periods or severe pain or cramping. One such change can be the ‘Black period blood’.
Black period blood; as the name suggests it is a situation when blood flow during periods turns black. It is a very common thing and almost every woman faces the problem of black blood during her life time; entire span of menstrual cycles and that too not just once or twice but probably several times. Now the question arises why black blood? Have you ever observed a blood stain on a cloth which has been there for a few days? The stain is never bright red in colour, but dark brown or even blackish in appearance. This is very similar to black blood during periods. It is the blood that has been there in uterus or vagina for quite a few days and is being released from the body now. The doctors consider it a normal state and it is said that blood gets oxidised when stays for long in uterus or vagina. This is generally observed when you are late on your periods. Now you know the probable reason for black blood when you are late on your periods by a few days. It has stayed in uterus or vagina for a few days and so black or dark brown in colour.

http://www.Symptoms-Causes-treatment.blogspot.com detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.2 Remedy for black blood:
Black blood is not a very serious problem or disease and can be taken lightly. But if it is accompanied by severe pain, cramping or the span of menstrual cycle is extended to more number of days than usual, it may indicate the onset of something serious. It is advisable to consult your gynaecologist in such conditions. There can be several reasons for black blood:
1. Black blood towards the end of menstrual cycle is very a normal phenomenon. It is the old blood being thrown out.
2. Retained menses:
These can be another reason for black blood periods. It would mean that the menses are being retained in the uterus or in vagina. It can be retained in vagina id the hymen covers the vagina completely and does not allow blood to flow out until pushed by contractions from uterus. Also, in older women, narrowing cervix could lead to retained menses. In both situations medical assistance at the right time is a must.
3. Infection in vagina:
If the subject is suffering with some kind of vaginal infection, even then black or brown blood discharge can be observed. The infection could be transmitted sexually or caused due to overgrowth of bacteria normally found in vaginal area. In either case the discharge will be accompanied by foul smell or pain in pelvic area.
4. Miscarriage:
Untimely black blood discharge may be indicative of a miscarriage. If you are pregnant or expecting pregnancy, it is very necessary to be cautious of any untimely menstrual cycles. In such situations the blood may be black in colour and could indicate a miscarriage or abortion.
5. Stress and depression:
When a woman undergoes a phase of stress and depression it leads to thinning of the inner walls of uterus. This thinning will eventually lead to delay in shedding of the uterus wall and the onset of periods.
6. The blood discharge during periods may also be affected by the medications that one may be taking. For example, if someone has been taking contraceptive pills it is likely to lead to discolouration of discharged blood.
Black blood in itself is not a disease but it could be an indication to a serious condition or a result of some major change in the female body. So, curing the problem of black blood would essentially mean finding out the reason for this state and consequently take correct medical assistance to curb the same. A major thing to be kept in mind is that black blood towards the end of periods is totally normal. But in all other cases it is judicious to consult your gynaecologist to check for any serious problems.
Also, one can be assured that the problem of black blood during periods is as common as the periods getting delayed or blood clots during periods. So instead of getting alarmed at the slightest changes it is judicious to observe the changes over a period of time and then consult a good doctor if the need is felt.
Menstrual cycle is a very vital part of a women’s life and yet not all women are completely aware of the facts and figures associated with this change and are also sometimes shy to discuss about them. Menstrual cycle is accompanied by several changes both at the physical level as well as mental and emotional state of a woman. Slight change in the menstrual cycle from normal and it leaves the individual alarmed and panicked. These changes could be blood clots during periods or severe pain or cramping. One such change can be the ‘Black period blood’.
Black period blood; as the name suggests it is a situation when blood flow during periods turns black. It is a very common thing and almost every woman faces the problem of black blood during her life time; entire span of menstrual cycles and that too not just once or twice but probably several times. Now the question arises why black blood? Have you ever observed a blood stain on a cloth which has been there for a few days? The stain is never bright red in colour, but dark brown or even blackish in appearance. This is very similar to black blood during periods. It is the blood that has been there in uterus or vagina for quite a few days and is being released from the body now. The doctors consider it a normal state and it is said that blood gets oxidised when stays for long in uterus or vagina. This is generally observed when you are late on your periods. Now you know the probable reason for black blood when you are late on your periods by a few days. It has stayed in uterus or vagina for a few days and so black or dark brown in colour.
http://www.Symptoms-Causes-treatment.blogspot.com detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Causes of Black blood during period
Black blood is not a very serious problem or disease and can be taken lightly. But if it is accompanied by severe pain, cramping or the span of menstrual cycle is extended to more number of days than usual, it may indicate the onset of something serious. It is advisable to consult your gynaecologist in such conditions. There can be several reasons for black blood:
1. Black blood towards the end of menstrual cycle is very a normal phenomenon. It is the old blood being thrown out.
2. Retained menses:
These can be another reason for black blood periods. It would mean that the menses are being retained in the uterus or in vagina. It can be retained in vagina id the hymen covers the vagina completely and does not allow blood to flow out until pushed by contractions from uterus. Also, in older women, narrowing cervix could lead to retained menses. In both situations medical assistance at the right time is a must.
3. Infection in vagina:
If the subject is suffering with some kind of vaginal infection, even then black or brown blood discharge can be observed. The infection could be transmitted sexually or caused due to overgrowth of bacteria normally found in vaginal area. In either case the discharge will be accompanied by foul smell or pain in pelvic area.
4. Miscarriage:
Untimely black blood discharge may be indicative of a miscarriage. If you are pregnant or expecting pregnancy, it is very necessary to be cautious of any untimely menstrual cycles. In such situations the blood may be black in colour and could indicate a miscarriage or abortion.
5. Stress and depression:
When a woman undergoes a phase of stress and depression it leads to thinning of the inner walls of uterus. This thinning will eventually lead to delay in shedding of the uterus wall and the onset of periods.
6. The blood discharge during periods may also be affected by the medications that one may be taking. For example, if someone has been taking contraceptive pills it is likely to lead to discolouration of discharged blood.
Remedy for black blood:
Black blood in itself is not a disease but it could be an indication to a serious condition or a result of some major change in the female body. So, curing the problem of black blood would essentially mean finding out the reason for this state and consequently take correct medical assistance to curb the same. A major thing to be kept in mind is that black blood towards the end of periods is totally normal. But in all other cases it is judicious to consult your gynaecologist to check for any serious problems.
Also, one can be assured that the problem of black blood during periods is as common as the periods getting delayed or blood clots during periods. So instead of getting alarmed at the slightest changes it is judicious to observe the changes over a period of time and then consult a good doctor if the need is felt.
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