Sunday, June 22, 2014

Will Second Hand Smoke Show up in Drug Test?

Will Second Hand Smoke Show up in Drug Test?

Those who smoke marijuana know that it might show up on a drug test. But what about second hand smoke? If you are in the room or car with someone who is smoking marijuana, can the second hand smoke you inhale show up on a drug test? Many people worry about this, and with good reason. If you are at a social event where other people are partaking of the marijuana but you are not, should you be penalized for their choices? You might be if the second hand smoke shows up in a drug test. This article will give you the answer and offer some tips to limit your exposure to second hand smoke.

Will Second Hand Smoke Show up in Drug Test?
It is very unlikely that second hand smoke will make you fail a drug test. However, it can leave traces of the active chemical in the marijuana, tetrahydracannabinol, or THC for short. This amount of THC is not likely to alert most drug tests. In addition, most drug tests are highly sophisticated, and can avoid those false positives that might come from second hand smoke inhalation.

However, you can avoid the chance of it showing up at all by avoiding that second hand smoke as much as you can. Stay out of smoke-filled cars or unventilated rooms. If you are breathing in the smoke in an enclosed space, your levels might go high enough that a drug test would detect them. If you are in a room that is hazy from the smoke and you stay there for several hours, you could easily breathe in enough smoke to not only make you high, but enough that it will show up on a drug test – even if you never took a puff yourself.

However, simple exposure in a typical room of average size is not enough to create a positive result on the drug test. That’s because drug tests work to identify the drug, but they also identify the metabolites, which are created by your body after the drug goes through your system.

Follow-up Test: Hair Test
It’s a different story with the drug test on hair. In a hair drug test, second hand smoke can and usually will be detected. A positive hair tests typically requires a follow-up tests, during which the hair sample is washed before testing. This will remove any residue on the hair from the second hand smoke and test only for metabolites, not for the THC itself. If there are no metabolites in the hair, and the water used to wash the hair tests positive, then it is assumed you were in a room with second hand smoke, and you didn’t smoke the marijuana yourself.

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