Monday, August 4, 2014

Creatine Dietary Supplement

Creatine Dietary Supplement
It was not until the dying days of the last century that creatine dietary supplement was introduced to the US market. The creatine monohydrate powder was introduced specifically as a muscle building supplement. Today however, creatine supplementation has become the body building rosary. And for good reasons that has been so.

Basically, creatine is a naturally derived amino acid, naturally occurring in fish, meat, poultry, nuts and such. It is the major component of our muscle tissue and so when you supplement it to sufficient levels, your body quickly repairs any injury, tears or strain in the muscle tissue after gruesome training sessions.

It is no longer a contention that proteins are the single most important nutrient variety of a muscle builder, alongside a balanced diet. Proteins equal mass gains and vice versa. Amino acids are the primary building blocks of proteins and thus the need for more aminos in the muscle builder's diet. To most people, the need for protein is spelt like the need for creatine.

You need to know that creatine supplements are not steroids and they have no side effects associated with their prolonged regular use. Creatine like all other supplements should however not be misused. Taking excess quantities will mess up your health soon or later. Follow the recommended dosage all through. Such creatine dietary supplement brands as Now Foods Creatine Monohydrate, Universal Nutrition Creapure, Dymatize Creatine Monohydrate, AST Micronized Creatine and Prolab Creatine Monohydrate have proved to be very effective for high intensity muscle builders.

Ideally, it's customary recommended that you take 20 grams of creatine dietary supplement for the first 5 days when starting on the supplementation program and then to reduce the daily intake to 10 grams for 5 days every week. This should ideally average at about 50 grams of creatine powder every week.

With this amount in your body building diet, the gains you will expect and posses include:

1. Additional weight gain to the excess of 40% starting from the second week and if accompanied by intense workouts

2. Increased strength and workout power during your exercises with at least 30% starting form the third week of using creatine

3. Increased muscle endurance especially in one set training strategy at high rep ranges

4. Amplified speed of lean muscle generation and growth

5. Shorter recovery durations that are more effective

6. Lower rates of muscle injuries

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