Monday, August 4, 2014

Green Tea Dietary Supplement

Green Tea Dietary Supplement
Nowadays, green tea is available as a supplement. Many supplements are being manufactured using green tea, with a view to meet the market needs among different special interest groups. Moreover, it is worth noting here that curiosity on the effectiveness of green tea has attracted interest from people of different ages, cultures and geographical boundaries. In other words, some supplements that are now readily available in the market can be used by anyone.

Research on EGCG, an element that naturally occurs in green tea, inhibits growth of cancerous cells. More importantly, it can kill the existing cancerous cells. It actually does without damaging the unaffected cells that neighbor the affected ones.

EGCG is also very efficient in preventing blood from clotting. The risk of thrombosis is therefore drastically lowered. Blood clotting is one of the most common causes of deaths as a result of stroke and heart attacks. For people who are bothered by so much caffeine that exists in green tea, it is good to try out decaffeinated drinks.

Before you buy supplements made from green tea, you should know some basics facts about green tea. You need to know that this substance contains antioxidants. You need to know that the antioxidants are important chemicals oxidation reaction rates in all biological contexts. Oxidation reactions are those whereby electrons are transferred from one substance to a particular oxidizing agent.

Our bodies badly need antioxidants. Green tea contains polyphenol antioxidant which is very commonly used in biological reaction in the bodies of all mammals. They make it impossible for our body cells to become cancerous. It also eases the hazardous effects alcoholics face everyday. It can also act as a stimulant. It quenches thirst. It cures the beriberi disease as well as improving the urinary and mental function.

Dietary supplements containing green tea are important for people with cognition problems. It is also recommended among people who suffer from neurological conditions which are degenerative, a good example being the Alzheimer's disease. People with arthritis need to get into this diet regimen since it is the best curative option that they will ever find.

Once someone has gotten into regular use of these dietary supplements, the body system gets the ability to prevent cell membranes from becoming degraded. The body also benefits from a raised metabolic rate and LDL cholesterol levels are lowered. In other words, green tea supplement is good for both curative and preventive purposes.

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