Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How to Get Rid of Split Ends

How to Get Rid of Split Ends
A long beautiful hair is a head turner, however, due to external forces, hair can look dry and worst it can get split ends. Split ends affects each strand of the hair and it may not look like it can cause trouble if you look at each strand but it can make the hair look really terrible if a bunch of your hair have split ends.

Split ends can be caused by a variety of things. If you are using a hair product such as shampoo and conditioner that have strong chemical properties, it will likely to have split ends. If you expose yourself under the sun, you can also expect to have split ends. There are several reasons why you can get split ends and there are different ways to help you treat it.

You can treat split ends using different methods. There are ways to trick the eyes as other treatment presents masking the appearance rather than removing it completely. If you get split ends in your hair, you shouldn’t worry about it since there are plenty of solutions available. Just don’t expect the treatment to be fast:

Change the way you take care of your hair
Sometimes, taking care of your hair can do more damage to it than actually take care of it. It’s not that the products that you use are designed to destroy your hair so you keep on searching, bit there are certain habits that we have that causes all sorts of trouble to our hair. An example would be shampoo being directly dumped into the scalp. Rather than doing this, you should massage the shampoo vigorously before applying it to your hair. After you apply the shampoo, make sure that you rinse the hair thoroughly.

Brushing the hair is another thing people often do wrong. When your hair is wet, do not use brush, instead use wide toothed comb. These simple practices and changes should help you get rid of your split ends.

Keep your hair’s natural moisture
Your hair has natural moisture that keeps it shiny and soft. Here’s a tip: protect it at all cost. Dried hair can look downright ugly, luckily there are things that you can do to help you with this problem. It’s not necessary to wash your hair as often, once a day would be fine. You should use salon grade shampoo and conditioner that don’t have strong ingredients that can damage your hair. These types of shampoo and conditioner can maintain the moisture in your hair. Also, you need to make sure that you allow deep conditioning treatments done to your hair as it will also help keep the hair’s moisture.

Do not over expose your hair to extreme heat
Heat can destroy your hair, although there are times when they provide benefit to it as well. You can blow your hair dry but do not do it often. Blow dryer can make the hair really dry and brittle which makes it more prone to split ends. You should air dry the hair more often and do not use an iron while the hair is still wet. You should apply protection creams before you blow dry to keep it moisturized.

Trim the ends
If all is lost, you will have to cut the ends of the hair. Check a bunch of hair and see if they have split ends then trim just to the part where the hair is split.

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