Monday, August 4, 2014

Information On Histidine

Information On Histidine
Histidine is an essential amino acid during infancy, and its
synthetic pathways in older children and adults are poorly understood.
According to "Nelson's Textbook of Pediatrics" the clinical signs of a
lack of the enzyme which acts in the metabolism of histadine can
include impaired speech, growth retardation or mental retardation.
However, whether these findings are actually related to lack of
histidine is unclear since children who are defficient in histidine can
be completely normal.

The importance of the amino acid histidine lies in the fact that the
body uses it to manufacture histamine, and histamine is responsible for
a wide range of physiological processes. It is common knowledge that
histamines cause the swelling and reddening in many inflammations and
allergic reactions. Doctors therefore often prescribe antihistamines in
the treatment of inflammations and infections, as well as allergies.

Histidine is a metalloprotein that can bind and transport several
metals, including copper and iron. It also increases calcium
absorption, reduces histamine levels, and in turn controls diarrhea.
(Too much histidine will actually cause constipation, and this is
overcome by taking zinc and GLA in the form of primrose, borage, or
black current oil.) Since diarrhea causes dehydration and loss of
electrolytes, histidine can greatly enhance performance by countering
this effect. Histidine is also an important mechanism in clotting
factors and can minimize internal bleeding from microtrauma.

As the major component of zinc-binding proteins, histidine is
essential for zinc absorption and transport to tissues. One study
showed that histidine supplementation stimulated growth by increasing
zinc absorption, which in turn thickened the growth plate in bone. Zinc
is also a factor in insulin sensitivity, prostaglandin synthesis, and
immune function. Another critical role for histidine is myelin basic
protein. Because of this protein's zinc-binding properties, myelin is
compacted and provides more nerve-insulating protection.

Less known is the important role, histamines play in sexual
functions. By and large it is histamines that regulate ejaculations and
orgasms. Men suffering from premature ejaculations often show increased
histamine activity. They may be helped by an amino acid which
counteracts the formation of histamine from histidine, or the activity
of histamine, namely methionine.

Contrarily, men and women having difficulties achieving orgasms may
be helped by histidine supplementation, as this may result in increased
histamine levels in the sexual tract, which in turn may make orgasms
and ejaculations easier. Older men who experience a slow down in sexual
response may also ask their doctors about histidine supplementation.

An additional pro-sexual effect of histidine may lay in its
vasodilating effect, thus making blood flow to the sex organs easier.

Apart from its sexual functions, histidine is involved in many other
physiological processes. It is necessary for the production of red and
white blood cells and supports the activity of suppressor T cells.

Histidine is used as a supplement for sufferers of rheumatoid
arthritis, since it has been shown that in these patients, histidine
levels are low. And last not least, histidine is, like many other amino
acids, important for growth and general tissue repair.

In the heart, the ability of histidine to act as an electron donor
and, thereby, to neutralize singlet oxygen and the hydroxyl radical
results in improved contractility and heart function during heart
attack and cardiac procedures such as angioplasty, heart bypass, heart
transplant. Cellular (tissue) damage occurs in a wide variety of
medical conditions, including infectious diarrheal diseases, ophthalmic
surgery, ideopathic bowel diseases, cardiac conditions, transplant
surgery, the central nervous system, and the administration of
radiation therapy and chemotherapeutic agents.

Histidine has been administered to both animals and humans in dozens
of studies for numerous conditions. The metabolic pathway,
pharmacokinetics, and safety of histidine are all well known.
Preclinical studies by CYTOS have demonstrated that histidine is very
effective in preventing cellular (tissue) damage in a wide variety of
ischemic and inflammatory conditions.

Histidine protects cells by the following:

  • Scavenging reactive oxygen species called singlet oxygen and the hydroxyl radical;

  • Inhibiting lipid peroxidation;

  • Preserving glutathione levels;

  • Protecting the nitric oxide (NO) cycle; and

  • Reacting with and inactivating inflammatory mediators such as cytokines and prostaglandins.

Histidine is able to protect cells (i.e., tissue) during
inflammation by using one or more of these biochemical processes

  • Van Wouwe, J.P.; Veldhuizen, M.; Growth characteristics in
    laboratory animals fed zinc-deficient, copper-deficient, of
    histidine-supplemented diets. Biol. Trace Elem. Res., 55(1-2):71-7,
    Oct-Nov, 1996

  • Horrobin, D.F.; Mandu, M.S.; Oka, M.; Morgan, R.O.; Cunnane, S.C.;
    Aly, A.I.; Ghayur, T., Schweitzer, M.; and Karmali, R.A.; The
    nutritional regulation of T lymphocyte function. Med. Hypothesis,
    5(9):969-85, Sep., 1979

  • Tsang, D.; Tsang, Y.S.; Ho, W.K.; and Wong, R.N.; Myelin basic
    protein is a zinc-binding protein in brain: possible role in myelin
    compaction. Neurochem. Res., 22(7):811-9, July, 1997

  • Dr. Hess, Dr. Kukreja. Cytoprotection by Histidine via Reactive Oxygen Scavenging. Cytos Pharmaceuticals LLC

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