Urine smells like Coffee
Ever wondered why every doctor, when testing for some disease generally asks to get yourself tested for urine test? The reason is obvious, urine is not only one of the most important methods by which body gets rid off its unwanted products but at the same time urine is also a direct reflection of a person’s health and the kind of food he consumes. Several people complain of bad smell or odor in urine. Urine may smell like ammonia or like coffee or a very strong pungent smell.
When in normal health urine is pale yellow and odorless. But even a slight change in eating habits or bodily disorder changes its color and odor. Urine may smell like coffee because of several reasons major being drinking large amount of coffee or very strong coffee or even dehydration. A very genuine question that comes up in mind is when we drink large amount of orange juice does urine smell like orange juice?? No; then why only with coffee? This is because products like coffee, tea and soda contain caffeine.
Caffeine is one of those products which cannot be digested by human body and is as such released by the kidneys into urine. When you drink too much of coffee, kidneys release greater amount of caffeine in urine than at normal times and hence the smell becomes noticeable. Similarly if you drink too less water then also urine becomes concentrated. Caffeine concentration in urine increases relatively when compared to water and it produces coffee like smell. So if you wish to save yourself of the problem of coffee smelling like urine it is important that you keep a check on the quantity of coffee, tea or soda that you drink through the day. Too much of anything can be very harmful and so can be too much of these fluids.
One of the best ways to keep oneself healthy is to drink lots of water. Most doctors suggest drinking at least two liters of water every day on an average. This water is sufficient to remove all unnecessary toxins from the body. If the fluid content is more, it decreases the concentration of smell producing components like caffeine and ammonia. One should always be vigilant about the changes that may take place in urine; its smell and odor. It helps you make sure that your body is functioning perfectly and can also help you detect an early disease. Reasons for change in urine smell and color may vary from being as simple as less water intake to as serious as urinary tract infection or diabetes. Whenever you observer any such changes you may first try to increase water intake; drink lots of water. If it still does not help the problem then you must probably consider seeing a doctor in the best of your interests. Urine is no doubt a window to the inside of a human body. It helps doctors judge about the patient’s health and make precise diagnosis of possible diseases.
All these diseases have early symptoms are expressed in a form that can recognize, find out the causes of the disease is the best way to get effective treatment and prevention best
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Sweat Smells Like Vinegar
Sweat Smells Like Vinegar
Perspiration is a very normal phenomenon and very important for the health and well being of human body. It is one of the very important mechanisms by means of which our body gets rid of its waste substances. Slight smell in sweat is always present but if the sweat smells very strongly of vinegar or onions; it can be one of the most uncomfortable states. It not only bothers those around us but at the same time leaves us thinking about the possible reasons and remedies to get rid of the smell.
There are several reasons why sweat may smell like vinegar. Some of them have been discussed below:
Smelling sweat is a very common thing. It could be because of change in dietary intake, body disorders or change in regular cleaning habits. But at the same time it is not something that cannot be controlled. With little efforts and care anyone can get rid of this foul smell. One of the very simple things that can help is to increase water intake. Water is a natural detoxifying agent. It helps to remove waste substances in form of urine. When your body will have less waste substances, it will mean less smelling sweat.
Also, one should take regular body wash and keep one’s body clean. If you have very high rates of perspiration then probably you could take bath twice a day. That shall keep your skin clean and definitely help in reducing the body odor. Also use of good soap and deodorants can play an important role in getting rid of vinegar like smelling sweat.
You may try changing your diet and observe if that helps. Try to go for a less protein diet for some days and observe if that helps. If the state persists after all trials you must consider referring to a doctor on this, because it may also be an indication of diabetes.
Perspiration is a very normal phenomenon and very important for the health and well being of human body. It is one of the very important mechanisms by means of which our body gets rid of its waste substances. Slight smell in sweat is always present but if the sweat smells very strongly of vinegar or onions; it can be one of the most uncomfortable states. It not only bothers those around us but at the same time leaves us thinking about the possible reasons and remedies to get rid of the smell.
There are several reasons why sweat may smell like vinegar. Some of them have been discussed below:
- Personal hygiene: Very commonly observed reasons for sweat smelling like vinegar can be unhygienic daily habits. People who do not take regular body wash are sure to smell bad soon enough. Your body will excrete waste substances by means of sweating at its normal rate. But if you do not remove accumulated waste substances from the external skin layers regularly it will only be an invitation to all kinds of odour producing bacteria.
- Food consumption: Sometimes even when you are regular with body wash and keep you body clean, your smell may sweat like vinegar. This may have something to do with your diet. Whatever you eat directly affects the smell of sweat. If you are on a diet very rich in proteins, there are greater possibilities that you may observe vinegar like smelling sweat.
- Diabetes: It has also been reported that diabetic generally people have sweat that smells like vinegar. This is because of the ample of sugar content in their body. The breakdown of this sugar leads to generation of acidic compounds like those found in vinegar and hence the smell.
Smelling sweat is a very common thing. It could be because of change in dietary intake, body disorders or change in regular cleaning habits. But at the same time it is not something that cannot be controlled. With little efforts and care anyone can get rid of this foul smell. One of the very simple things that can help is to increase water intake. Water is a natural detoxifying agent. It helps to remove waste substances in form of urine. When your body will have less waste substances, it will mean less smelling sweat.
Also, one should take regular body wash and keep one’s body clean. If you have very high rates of perspiration then probably you could take bath twice a day. That shall keep your skin clean and definitely help in reducing the body odor. Also use of good soap and deodorants can play an important role in getting rid of vinegar like smelling sweat.
You may try changing your diet and observe if that helps. Try to go for a less protein diet for some days and observe if that helps. If the state persists after all trials you must consider referring to a doctor on this, because it may also be an indication of diabetes.
Scarlatina rash
Scarlatina rash
Scarlatina, also known as scarlet fever is a disease that is characterized by symptoms such as sore throat, headache and fever with scarlatina rash developing 1 or 2 days later. Scarlatina is most common among children of age group 4-14 years. Typically antibiotics will help relieve this illness but if scarlet fever is left untreated it may turn into serious conditions such as heart and kidney disease.
Scarlatina rash looks like red blotches which turn into pink-red colored rash which look similar to sunburn skin. These rashes start from one point and continue to spread all over the body. Ears, chest, elbow, groin, neck and inner thighs are usually affected and affected area may itch as well. However face generally remains unaffected but cheeks become flushed and area around mouth becomes pale. The rash become white in color if a glass is pressed on it.
Scarlatina rash do not require any treatment as such and disappear on its own in a week’s time or so. The outer layer of the skin mostly on hands and feet may peel off for weeks after the rash have disappeared.
Milder form of scarlet fever usually has only one symptom i.e. scarlatina rash.
http://www.Symptoms-Causes-treatment.blogspot.com detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
• Bright red bumps, also known as scarlatina rash
• Reddened sore throat
• Fever above 101 degree F
• Loss of appetite
• Difficulty swallowing
• Neck glands get swollen up
• Red lines are formed in the folds of body e.g. Armpit
• Feeling of being unwell
• White coating on tongue, tonsil and back of the throat.
• Chills and body ache
Scarlatina rash and redness in the affected area lasts for about a week and then symptoms begin to subside.
Causes of scarlet fever or scarlatina:
Scarlatina is caused by erythrogenic exotoxin that is released by Streptococcus pyogenes or group beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Scarlet fever is referred to as scarlatina when it is in less acute form and has one symptom i.e. scarlatina rash. Basically scarlatina is a bacterial illness that occurs when bacteria release toxins. Primarily it is caused by the same type of bacteria that cause strep throat.
Scarlet fever is highly contagious and people can easily catch it by simply breathing in the bacteria in airborne droplets from infected person at the time he coughs or sneezes. The incubation period for scarlatina fever is normally 1 to 5 days.
It can also spread by coming in contact with the person having streptococcal skin infection. Also, it spreads if you use contaminated towel, clothes, baths, bed linen etc. Scarlet fever symptoms can also be transferred from carriers even from the person who has scarlet causing bacteria in his throat or skin but no visible symptom. Anyone who is susceptible to toxins produced by streptococcus bacteria will develop symptoms of scarlet fever. It is believed that children above the age of 10 will develop immunity to these toxins. Also, scarlet symptoms can occur more than once in a lifetime.
When to see a doctor
If you suspect your child has developed scarlet fever or scarlatina rash, you should immediately visit a healthcare provider. The doctor will first examine the symptoms by just looking at the rash and other symptoms. He may also ask certain questions such as since when have you developed symptoms or you have come in contact with a person already suffering from scarlatina rash. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will take a sample of saliva from the throat and test it in the laboratory.
For pregnant women, it is difficult to say whether scarlet fever will affect your child or not. However it is advised that you should see your doctor in case you have been in contact with someone already suffering from scarlet fever.
Scarlet fever should not be left untreated as it may worsen over the due course of time. If it is not treated at the right time, it may turn into serious complications like pneumonia, ear infections, kidney problem and rheumatic fever.
The most popular treatment of scarlatina rash is with antibiotic tablets. The doctor would prescribe these medications for the course of 10 days but people with scarlatina symptoms recover within 1 week. Treatment will prevent further problems but there are equal chances of person developing infections in other parts of the body.
Since scarlet is a contagious disease so it is important to make sure that your or family does not come in contact with a person suffering from scarlet fever. Also if you are suffering from scarlet fever, avoid going out of the house until you have taken course of antibiotics for at least 2 days.
Tissues, clothes or bed linen that have been used by the person with scarlet fever should be washed or disposed of. If you have come in contact with any of these, wash your hands thoroughly. Do not share contaminated cups, glasses, towels, glasses etc.
Scarlatina, also known as scarlet fever is a disease that is characterized by symptoms such as sore throat, headache and fever with scarlatina rash developing 1 or 2 days later. Scarlatina is most common among children of age group 4-14 years. Typically antibiotics will help relieve this illness but if scarlet fever is left untreated it may turn into serious conditions such as heart and kidney disease.
Scarlatina rash looks like red blotches which turn into pink-red colored rash which look similar to sunburn skin. These rashes start from one point and continue to spread all over the body. Ears, chest, elbow, groin, neck and inner thighs are usually affected and affected area may itch as well. However face generally remains unaffected but cheeks become flushed and area around mouth becomes pale. The rash become white in color if a glass is pressed on it.
Scarlatina rash do not require any treatment as such and disappear on its own in a week’s time or so. The outer layer of the skin mostly on hands and feet may peel off for weeks after the rash have disappeared.
Milder form of scarlet fever usually has only one symptom i.e. scarlatina rash.
http://www.Symptoms-Causes-treatment.blogspot.com detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Symptoms of scarlet fever
• Bright red bumps, also known as scarlatina rash
• Reddened sore throat
• Fever above 101 degree F
• Loss of appetite
• Difficulty swallowing
• Neck glands get swollen up
• Red lines are formed in the folds of body e.g. Armpit
• Feeling of being unwell
• White coating on tongue, tonsil and back of the throat.
• Chills and body ache
Scarlatina rash and redness in the affected area lasts for about a week and then symptoms begin to subside.
Causes of scarlet fever or scarlatina:
Scarlatina is caused by erythrogenic exotoxin that is released by Streptococcus pyogenes or group beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Scarlet fever is referred to as scarlatina when it is in less acute form and has one symptom i.e. scarlatina rash. Basically scarlatina is a bacterial illness that occurs when bacteria release toxins. Primarily it is caused by the same type of bacteria that cause strep throat.
How does scarlatina rash or fever spread?
Scarlet fever is highly contagious and people can easily catch it by simply breathing in the bacteria in airborne droplets from infected person at the time he coughs or sneezes. The incubation period for scarlatina fever is normally 1 to 5 days.
It can also spread by coming in contact with the person having streptococcal skin infection. Also, it spreads if you use contaminated towel, clothes, baths, bed linen etc. Scarlet fever symptoms can also be transferred from carriers even from the person who has scarlet causing bacteria in his throat or skin but no visible symptom. Anyone who is susceptible to toxins produced by streptococcus bacteria will develop symptoms of scarlet fever. It is believed that children above the age of 10 will develop immunity to these toxins. Also, scarlet symptoms can occur more than once in a lifetime.
When to see a doctor
If you suspect your child has developed scarlet fever or scarlatina rash, you should immediately visit a healthcare provider. The doctor will first examine the symptoms by just looking at the rash and other symptoms. He may also ask certain questions such as since when have you developed symptoms or you have come in contact with a person already suffering from scarlatina rash. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will take a sample of saliva from the throat and test it in the laboratory.
For pregnant women, it is difficult to say whether scarlet fever will affect your child or not. However it is advised that you should see your doctor in case you have been in contact with someone already suffering from scarlet fever.
Scarlet fever should not be left untreated as it may worsen over the due course of time. If it is not treated at the right time, it may turn into serious complications like pneumonia, ear infections, kidney problem and rheumatic fever.
The most popular treatment of scarlatina rash is with antibiotic tablets. The doctor would prescribe these medications for the course of 10 days but people with scarlatina symptoms recover within 1 week. Treatment will prevent further problems but there are equal chances of person developing infections in other parts of the body.
Since scarlet is a contagious disease so it is important to make sure that your or family does not come in contact with a person suffering from scarlet fever. Also if you are suffering from scarlet fever, avoid going out of the house until you have taken course of antibiotics for at least 2 days.
Tissues, clothes or bed linen that have been used by the person with scarlet fever should be washed or disposed of. If you have come in contact with any of these, wash your hands thoroughly. Do not share contaminated cups, glasses, towels, glasses etc.
Scarlatina rash pictures
Hypocative Bowel Sounds
Hypocative Bowel Sounds
Bowel or abdominal sounds are the noises made inside the large and small intestines mostly during digestion. This noise is similar to the sound water makes when moving through the pipe. Because of the fact that intestines are hollow, bowel sounds may echo in the abdomen. Bowel sounds are normal and frequent but it becomes a matter of concern if bowel sounds are loud or there is no abdominal noise at all.
Ileus is a term given to the condition when there is reduced intestinal activity. A number of medical conditions may lead of ileus. It is necessary to determine it in the initial phase because fluids, gas etc may rupture the bowel wall. The noise is so less that doctor may not be able to hear bowel sound.
Hypoactive or reduced bowel sounds is the reduction in tone, frequency and loudness of the bowel sounds. This is an indication that intestinal activity has slowed down. These sounds are most common during sleep and occur for short duration. Usually they occur after taking certain medications or if the person has undergone abdominal surgery. However absent or very less bowel sound indicate constipation.
http://www.Symptoms-Causes-treatment.blogspot.com detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Hypoactive bowel sounds are generally related to digestion – when food is being processed in the intestines. The process of digestion typically occurs few hours after eating and continues even when the person is sleeping. Bowel sounds occur after eating and may also occur due to hunger. When a person is hungry, a hormone-like-substance in the brain increases the urge to eat which then send signals to intestines and stomach. This causes muscle to contract and produce growl like sound.
Abdominal or bowel sounds are of two types: hypoactive and hyperactive. Hypoactive or reduced bowel sounds occur when intestinal activity slows down. On the other hand hyperactive bowel sounds are loud noises; loud enough to be heard by people around. Occasional hypoactive and hyperactive bowel movements are normal but it becomes a medical case if these abdominal sounds are frequent.
Increased or reduced bowel sounds may also be caused because of certain underlying conditions such as:
If abdominal sounds are not present at all then it may be an indication of certain medical conditions including codeine, radiation exposure, abdominal surgery and damaged intestines.
Hyperactive, hypoactive or no bowel movement can also be because of the following serious conditions:
Blocked blood vessels prevent intestines from getting proper blood flow which in turn produces sounds.
Conditions like tumour, hernia and adhesion may cause mechanical bowel obstruction which causes blockage in intestines.
Paralytic ileus i.e. problem in the nerves of intestine or reduced nerve activity is caused due to bowel blockage, infection, chemical imbalance, blood vessel blockage, over expanded bowel and trauma. This may also cause hypoactive bowel movement.
Intake of drugs which slow down the movement in intestine like phenothiazines, anticholinergics and opiates.
Radiation to abdomen
Spinal anaesthesia
General anaesthesia
Abdominal sounds are caused by digestion but it may also be accompanied by other conditions like excess gas, vomiting, nausea, constipation, bloody stools, diarrhoea, weight loss, heart burn and feeling of fullness. In order to diagnose the underlying cause of sounds, the doctor will perform some tests.
The doctor will first know the medical history and will question about the frequency of sounds. Doctor’s stethoscope will help your doctor to listen to the bowel sounds. Following tests may also be performed:
Computed tomography i.e. CT scan which help gets the X-ray images of abdominal area.
Endoscopy that takes pictures of abdomen with the help of a camera attached to tube.
Blood testing to determine any other infection or organ damage.
Treatment for hypoactive bowel sounds depends upon the cause of symptoms. The person should be immediately taken to the hospital if emergencies such as bleeding, bowel damage or obstruction occur.
In case of emergency, the doctor will place a tube through your mouth or nose into the stomach or intestine. During this time the patient will not be allowed to eat or drink anything so that the intestine remains empty. Intravenous fluid will be given in the meantime.
Most of the sounds produced in the stomach or intestine are due to digestion and do not require concern. Bowel sounds are harmless and do not need treatment. If anytime you feel your intestinal activity has become abnormal or your bowel sounds are slowed, loud or too frequent then you should seek medical help. Also if you experience symptoms like nausea, prolonged diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation, bleeding from rectum or any other abnormal symptoms that may be a cause of bowel sound then call your medical care provider immediately.
Bowel or abdominal sounds are the noises made inside the large and small intestines mostly during digestion. This noise is similar to the sound water makes when moving through the pipe. Because of the fact that intestines are hollow, bowel sounds may echo in the abdomen. Bowel sounds are normal and frequent but it becomes a matter of concern if bowel sounds are loud or there is no abdominal noise at all.
Ileus is a term given to the condition when there is reduced intestinal activity. A number of medical conditions may lead of ileus. It is necessary to determine it in the initial phase because fluids, gas etc may rupture the bowel wall. The noise is so less that doctor may not be able to hear bowel sound.
Hypoactive or reduced bowel sounds is the reduction in tone, frequency and loudness of the bowel sounds. This is an indication that intestinal activity has slowed down. These sounds are most common during sleep and occur for short duration. Usually they occur after taking certain medications or if the person has undergone abdominal surgery. However absent or very less bowel sound indicate constipation.
http://www.Symptoms-Causes-treatment.blogspot.com detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Causes of bowel sounds
Hypoactive bowel sounds are generally related to digestion – when food is being processed in the intestines. The process of digestion typically occurs few hours after eating and continues even when the person is sleeping. Bowel sounds occur after eating and may also occur due to hunger. When a person is hungry, a hormone-like-substance in the brain increases the urge to eat which then send signals to intestines and stomach. This causes muscle to contract and produce growl like sound.
Abdominal or bowel sounds are of two types: hypoactive and hyperactive. Hypoactive or reduced bowel sounds occur when intestinal activity slows down. On the other hand hyperactive bowel sounds are loud noises; loud enough to be heard by people around. Occasional hypoactive and hyperactive bowel movements are normal but it becomes a medical case if these abdominal sounds are frequent.
Increased or reduced bowel sounds may also be caused because of certain underlying conditions such as:
- Infection
- Trauma
- Blood clots
- Reduced blood potassium
- Hernia and
- Tumours
If abdominal sounds are not present at all then it may be an indication of certain medical conditions including codeine, radiation exposure, abdominal surgery and damaged intestines.
Hyperactive, hypoactive or no bowel movement can also be because of the following serious conditions:
Other causes of Hypoactive bowel sounds
Tests for abdominal sounds
Abdominal sounds are caused by digestion but it may also be accompanied by other conditions like excess gas, vomiting, nausea, constipation, bloody stools, diarrhoea, weight loss, heart burn and feeling of fullness. In order to diagnose the underlying cause of sounds, the doctor will perform some tests.
The doctor will first know the medical history and will question about the frequency of sounds. Doctor’s stethoscope will help your doctor to listen to the bowel sounds. Following tests may also be performed:
Treatment for hypoactive bowel sounds depends upon the cause of symptoms. The person should be immediately taken to the hospital if emergencies such as bleeding, bowel damage or obstruction occur.
In case of emergency, the doctor will place a tube through your mouth or nose into the stomach or intestine. During this time the patient will not be allowed to eat or drink anything so that the intestine remains empty. Intravenous fluid will be given in the meantime.
Most of the sounds produced in the stomach or intestine are due to digestion and do not require concern. Bowel sounds are harmless and do not need treatment. If anytime you feel your intestinal activity has become abnormal or your bowel sounds are slowed, loud or too frequent then you should seek medical help. Also if you experience symptoms like nausea, prolonged diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation, bleeding from rectum or any other abnormal symptoms that may be a cause of bowel sound then call your medical care provider immediately.
Keratosis Pilaris – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Keratosis Pilaris – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Keratosis Pilaris is a condition in which rough patches or blisters are noticed on the skin. These blisters are cluster of acne-line bumps. The condition is also referred to as ‘follicular keratosis’ or also as ‘chicken skin’. It is said to be an autosomal dominant medical condition. These dermatologic manifestations are often seen on arms, facial skin, thigh and other body regions. It is believed that blisters caused due to this condition do not appear on glabrous skin such as palm and sole of feet. In most cases the condition does not cause pain or itchiness. Majority of Keratosis pilaris cases are benign and ebb away with time without any treatment. Nevertheless, it is essential to consult your doctor as blisters and patches are also symptoms of serious medical issues.
Keratosis pilaris when affects the face, it is often mistaken with conventional acne. Follicular keratosis is quite common; of the entire population approximately 40% to 50% people are affected with this dermatologic issue. It is more common in adolescent as there is 50% to 80% of the adolescent population suffering from the condition. Though the anomaly can affect both the genders, it is more common in women than men.
http://www.Symptoms-Causes-treatment.blogspot.com detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
There are different types of pilaris that may affect people. When red rashes appear on the facial region, particularly on cheeks, then it is possibly ‘Keratosis Pilaris Faceii’. Another type, in which red and inflamed elevated skin regions are seen on arms, legs, etc, is known as ‘Keratosis Pilaris Rubra’. ‘Keratosis Pilaris Alba’ is yet another kind in which rough bumpy skin is seen. However, in this condition there may be no irritation experienced.
These bumps are similar to goose-bumps in occurrence which is why most people may mistake Pilaris for these bumps. In fact goose-bumps are actually different as they result out of spontaneous muscle contraction. The only similarity in both of these conditions is that they occur on skin region where hair follicles are seen.
This condition is influential at any age however it is frequently diagnosed in children. In this condition there are numerous tiny boils occurring on the skin making the area rough. These bumps occur around the hair follicles on different body regions. Keratosis pilaris can also be inherited and may run in families. As mentioned above Keratosis Pilaris appears like goose-bumps or ‘chicken skin’. This condition is also seen in patients with atopic dermatitis and dry skin. Here are some factors that will help you determine whether the condition is Keratosis Pilaris.
When left untreated the condition may alleviate gradually without any medical intervention. However, it is better to consult a doctor and seek medical assistance as the condition may aggravate and become inflamed if left untreated, especially if occurring on face.
It is discovered that Keratosis Pilaris is resulted due to keratin deposit. Keratin is a hard protein that ensures skin’s safety against infection as well as hazardous substances. Keratin develops into scaly plugs and at the opening of hair follicles causing obstruction of the follicle. There are many plugs that get developed under skin and appear as cluster of bumps on rough skin region. It is not yet understood what causes transformation of keratin into plugs. It is assumed that genetic influences along with possible skin irregularities may cause such a condition. Nevertheless, even healthy individuals may suffer from Keratosis Pilaris. The condition may aggravate if the skin is dry.
This irregularity is not a serious medical anomaly usually. It often does not require any treatment. If the affected individual is concerned about his skin appearance then one can certainly consult a GP. It is better to directly approach a skin specialist technically known as ‘dermatologist’. The doctor may diagnose the condition usually by examining the skin physically and analyzing the scaly plugs.
Unfortunately there is no treatment specifically decided for this condition. Doctors may often suggest self- care techniques and medicinal topical solutions to deal with the condition. The focus of the treatment remains on softening the keratin plug. Possible treatments for Keratosis Pilaris may include topical exfoliation. In this treatment there are topical creams suggested to the patient. These creams contain salicylic acid, alpha-hydroxy, urea moisturizer and lactic acid etc. Exfoliation helps in loosening and removal of dead skin cells. Topical retinoids are also suggested as it helps in preventing hair follicle obstruction due to plugs. In some cases repeated sessions of laser therapy may help in eradication of keratosis pilaris.
The topical application of coconut oil has proved to be quite productive in treating this skin condition. The results are visible in a matter of two weeks or less. Coconut oil alleviates the inflammation, and takes care of itching and redness, due to the presence of lauric acid that is known to be a natural moisturizer. For greater effect, you can apply some coconut oil on the area affected by Keratosis pilaris, after you take a shower. Coconut oil body butter is also known to be increasingly beneficial to treat this condition. You can also apply the loofah dipped in coconut oil and moisturize the skin, during the bath.
Keratosis Pilaris is a condition in which rough patches or blisters are noticed on the skin. These blisters are cluster of acne-line bumps. The condition is also referred to as ‘follicular keratosis’ or also as ‘chicken skin’. It is said to be an autosomal dominant medical condition. These dermatologic manifestations are often seen on arms, facial skin, thigh and other body regions. It is believed that blisters caused due to this condition do not appear on glabrous skin such as palm and sole of feet. In most cases the condition does not cause pain or itchiness. Majority of Keratosis pilaris cases are benign and ebb away with time without any treatment. Nevertheless, it is essential to consult your doctor as blisters and patches are also symptoms of serious medical issues.
Keratosis pilaris when affects the face, it is often mistaken with conventional acne. Follicular keratosis is quite common; of the entire population approximately 40% to 50% people are affected with this dermatologic issue. It is more common in adolescent as there is 50% to 80% of the adolescent population suffering from the condition. Though the anomaly can affect both the genders, it is more common in women than men.
http://www.Symptoms-Causes-treatment.blogspot.com detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Types of Keratosis Pilaris
There are different types of pilaris that may affect people. When red rashes appear on the facial region, particularly on cheeks, then it is possibly ‘Keratosis Pilaris Faceii’. Another type, in which red and inflamed elevated skin regions are seen on arms, legs, etc, is known as ‘Keratosis Pilaris Rubra’. ‘Keratosis Pilaris Alba’ is yet another kind in which rough bumpy skin is seen. However, in this condition there may be no irritation experienced.
These bumps are similar to goose-bumps in occurrence which is why most people may mistake Pilaris for these bumps. In fact goose-bumps are actually different as they result out of spontaneous muscle contraction. The only similarity in both of these conditions is that they occur on skin region where hair follicles are seen.
Symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris
This condition is influential at any age however it is frequently diagnosed in children. In this condition there are numerous tiny boils occurring on the skin making the area rough. These bumps occur around the hair follicles on different body regions. Keratosis pilaris can also be inherited and may run in families. As mentioned above Keratosis Pilaris appears like goose-bumps or ‘chicken skin’. This condition is also seen in patients with atopic dermatitis and dry skin. Here are some factors that will help you determine whether the condition is Keratosis Pilaris.
- Tiny bumps appearing on body parts such as thighs, arms etc. These bumps may be reddish or white
- Affected skin region would usually have dry and rough area
- Blisters occurring on the affected area may cause itchiness
- Keratosis specially exacerbates in winter which is also considered as a characteristics of the condition
When left untreated the condition may alleviate gradually without any medical intervention. However, it is better to consult a doctor and seek medical assistance as the condition may aggravate and become inflamed if left untreated, especially if occurring on face.
It is discovered that Keratosis Pilaris is resulted due to keratin deposit. Keratin is a hard protein that ensures skin’s safety against infection as well as hazardous substances. Keratin develops into scaly plugs and at the opening of hair follicles causing obstruction of the follicle. There are many plugs that get developed under skin and appear as cluster of bumps on rough skin region. It is not yet understood what causes transformation of keratin into plugs. It is assumed that genetic influences along with possible skin irregularities may cause such a condition. Nevertheless, even healthy individuals may suffer from Keratosis Pilaris. The condition may aggravate if the skin is dry.
Is it necessary to see a doctor for Keratosis Pilaris?
This irregularity is not a serious medical anomaly usually. It often does not require any treatment. If the affected individual is concerned about his skin appearance then one can certainly consult a GP. It is better to directly approach a skin specialist technically known as ‘dermatologist’. The doctor may diagnose the condition usually by examining the skin physically and analyzing the scaly plugs.
Unfortunately there is no treatment specifically decided for this condition. Doctors may often suggest self- care techniques and medicinal topical solutions to deal with the condition. The focus of the treatment remains on softening the keratin plug. Possible treatments for Keratosis Pilaris may include topical exfoliation. In this treatment there are topical creams suggested to the patient. These creams contain salicylic acid, alpha-hydroxy, urea moisturizer and lactic acid etc. Exfoliation helps in loosening and removal of dead skin cells. Topical retinoids are also suggested as it helps in preventing hair follicle obstruction due to plugs. In some cases repeated sessions of laser therapy may help in eradication of keratosis pilaris.
How to treat Keratosis pilaris with coconut oil?
The topical application of coconut oil has proved to be quite productive in treating this skin condition. The results are visible in a matter of two weeks or less. Coconut oil alleviates the inflammation, and takes care of itching and redness, due to the presence of lauric acid that is known to be a natural moisturizer. For greater effect, you can apply some coconut oil on the area affected by Keratosis pilaris, after you take a shower. Coconut oil body butter is also known to be increasingly beneficial to treat this condition. You can also apply the loofah dipped in coconut oil and moisturize the skin, during the bath.
Keratosis Pilaris Pictures
Dermatographism is a skin disorder which is also referred to as skin writing. When individuals affected by dermatographism engage in even light scratching of their skin, then such areas become reddish and develop into elevated wheals that look like hives. The skin marks generally tend to fade away after about half an hour.
Doctors are not aware of the exact causes of dermatographism. It can however arise or get activated due to stress or other emotional upheavals, different kinds of infections, or intake of certain drugs like penicillin.
Dermatographism is a mild condition and hence most patients often do not go for treatment. Doctors may sometimes prescribe Benadryl or other such allergy medications if the signs and symptoms cause a lot of discomfort.
http://www.Symptoms-Causes-treatment.blogspot.com detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.1 Dermatographism causes 2 Treatment of dermatographism 3 Dermatographism pictures
Symptoms of dermatographism
Some of the signs and symptoms of dermatographism are listed below:
The symptoms typically develop a few minutes after a patient has scratched or rubbed his/her skin. They clear on their own within half an hour. This is the most prevalent form of dermatographism.
In rare cases, certain other forms of dermatographism can result in gradual formation of welts and cause pain and burning sensations in the affected areas. Such symptoms tend to last for many hours or even some days.
Dermatographism is usually a harmless condition. It does not result in lasting scars or marks, and generally causes just mild symptoms.
It may be noted that about 25 to 50 percent of healthy individuals may develop a white line followed by a reddish line along with mild swelling of a specific skin area when it is subjected to scratching or firm stroking. The adjacent skin areas may also experience some kind of minor reddening and flaring. Around five percent of the global population tend to suffer from such exaggerated skin response and they are said to be affected by dermatographism.
The skin condition by itself can be persistent and last for several months or years.However in most cases, the condition tends to clear off in a year or two. Patients will experience a substantial reduction in the formation of welts as well as in the intensity of accompanying symptoms.
Dermatographism can occur at any age. However, it is commonly found in young adults and teenagers.
The exact cause of dermatographism is not known. Researchers think that the condition may be triggered by an allergen; however no such causative allergens have been found as yet.
Some of the risk factors which can increase the vulnerability or trigger an episode of dermatographism are mentioned below:
Most patients affected by dermatographism tend to be healthy. In some cases, they may suffer from thyroid disorders.
It has been found that after the formation of initial wheals, scratching it can cause them to spread to nearby skin areas. Most wheals tend to affect just the skin surface. However, some may have deeper extensions and can result in formation of large wheals.
Hereditary factors have also been found to be associated with dermatographism.
It is generally not essential to treat dermatographism as the symptoms tend to disappear on their own. In case the symptoms cause discomfort, then doctors may prescribe antihistamine drugs like fexofenadine, Benadryl, or cetirizine.
Patients may follow the below listed self-care guidelines to alleviate the discomfort and prevent the onset of symptoms:
Dermatographism is a skin disorder which is also referred to as skin writing. When individuals affected by dermatographism engage in even light scratching of their skin, then such areas become reddish and develop into elevated wheals that look like hives. The skin marks generally tend to fade away after about half an hour.
Doctors are not aware of the exact causes of dermatographism. It can however arise or get activated due to stress or other emotional upheavals, different kinds of infections, or intake of certain drugs like penicillin.
Dermatographism is a mild condition and hence most patients often do not go for treatment. Doctors may sometimes prescribe Benadryl or other such allergy medications if the signs and symptoms cause a lot of discomfort.
http://www.Symptoms-Causes-treatment.blogspot.com detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Symptoms of dermatographism
Some of the signs and symptoms of dermatographism are listed below:
- Skin inflammation and swelling
- Elevated reddish lines on skin
- Itchiness
- Formation of welts similar to hives
The symptoms typically develop a few minutes after a patient has scratched or rubbed his/her skin. They clear on their own within half an hour. This is the most prevalent form of dermatographism.
In rare cases, certain other forms of dermatographism can result in gradual formation of welts and cause pain and burning sensations in the affected areas. Such symptoms tend to last for many hours or even some days.
Dermatographism is usually a harmless condition. It does not result in lasting scars or marks, and generally causes just mild symptoms.
It may be noted that about 25 to 50 percent of healthy individuals may develop a white line followed by a reddish line along with mild swelling of a specific skin area when it is subjected to scratching or firm stroking. The adjacent skin areas may also experience some kind of minor reddening and flaring. Around five percent of the global population tend to suffer from such exaggerated skin response and they are said to be affected by dermatographism.
The skin condition by itself can be persistent and last for several months or years.However in most cases, the condition tends to clear off in a year or two. Patients will experience a substantial reduction in the formation of welts as well as in the intensity of accompanying symptoms.
Dermatographism can occur at any age. However, it is commonly found in young adults and teenagers.
Dermatographism causes
The exact cause of dermatographism is not known. Researchers think that the condition may be triggered by an allergen; however no such causative allergens have been found as yet.
Some of the risk factors which can increase the vulnerability or trigger an episode of dermatographism are mentioned below:
- In some persons, dermatographism can arise due to contact with extreme temperatures, both cold and hot. The symptoms usually tend to aggravate in hot environments such as after taking a warm bath.
- Skin breakouts can also occur due to simple variations in the temperature and other kinds of environmental factors.
- The underlying presence of other skin diseases like dermatitis or dry skin can also pose greater threat to development of dermatographism. Any skin disorder that results in an elevated desire to scratch may increase the susceptibility.
- Mild pressure from being seated for long periods or from clothing, clapping of the hands, using different tools, or even frenetic kissing can trigger a bout of wheals.
- The skin welts can also form after exercising if it involves pressure or knocks on the skin. For example, in boxing, rugby, football, or wresting.
- Rubbing of the skin against bed sheets or clothes, rigorous toweling after a bath, as well as wearing constricted apparels, skintight watch straps or jewelry can also trigger an adverse response.
- Presence of an underlying infection or intake of certain medications like penicillin, etc.
- Research has indicated that certain nervous factors are also involved in development of dermatographism. Episodes of itchiness and subsequent formation of wheals due to scratching to alleviate the itchiness, tend to occur at regular intervals in people who experience frequent bouts of emotional agitation, excessive stress, and worrying situations.
Most patients affected by dermatographism tend to be healthy. In some cases, they may suffer from thyroid disorders.
It has been found that after the formation of initial wheals, scratching it can cause them to spread to nearby skin areas. Most wheals tend to affect just the skin surface. However, some may have deeper extensions and can result in formation of large wheals.
Hereditary factors have also been found to be associated with dermatographism.
Treatment of dermatographism
It is generally not essential to treat dermatographism as the symptoms tend to disappear on their own. In case the symptoms cause discomfort, then doctors may prescribe antihistamine drugs like fexofenadine, Benadryl, or cetirizine.
Patients may follow the below listed self-care guidelines to alleviate the discomfort and prevent the onset of symptoms:
- Do not scratch the skin to find relief from itchiness caused by dermatographism or other skin diseases.
- Prevent skin irritation by avoiding the use of woolen apparels or those made from itchy fabrics, harsh soaps, and hot baths.
- Drink lots of water and remain hydrated
- Dry skin tends to be itchy. Hence, regularly moisturize the skin with creams and lotions.
Dermatographism pictures
Black cohosh – Benefits and Side Effects
Black cohosh – Benefits and Side Effects
Black cohosh also known as Actaea racemosa or Cimicifuga racemosa is a perennial plant most commonly found in North America. It is a smooth herbaceous plant and produces compound leaves from its underground stem (also known as rhizome). Medicinal extracts are obtained from its roots and rhizome. This plant is said to have anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time it also used as an analgesic or sedative. In historical days blach cohosh has been used by the Natives of America to treat gynaecological disorders. Its medicinal properties are so versatile that it has also been used to cure sore throat, kidney disorders or even depression. Later in 1840’s it has also been used to cure rheumatism, nervous disorders and lactation.
The use of black cohosh has changed a great deal over the period of time. In present days it is mainly used for the following:
Black cohosh should be taken only under a doctor’s prescription. The amount of dose taken plays great importance. The doctor can prescribe the dosage as per patient’s requirement. As a revealed in studies if more than 950 milligrams of black cohosh is consumed in a day, it is considered as over dosage and is bound to have side effects. At the same time doctors also suggest that black cohosh should not be used for prolonged times. At a time it should not be taken in for more than six months.
Black cohosh can only be taken in form of tablets or solution. There are no food products that can act as natural sources of black cohosh. Also it should be taken only by adults above 18 years of age. It may have severe side effects on children.
Like every other thing black cohosh too has its benefits as well as side effects. Some of the side effects of black cohosh consumption are as follows:
As we can see black cohosh can be both beneficial as well as harmful. It is very important that it is taken in only under supervision of doctor. Also, because its dose plays a very important role in the slight difference that is there between effect and side effect. The usage for medicinal purpose has changed a lot over the time from historic days till present and its further usage is still under research. The greatest question that lays ahead the scientists at present is how it behaves so similar to female hormone estrogens, and the studies are still under progress to solve the mystery.
Black cohosh also known as Actaea racemosa or Cimicifuga racemosa is a perennial plant most commonly found in North America. It is a smooth herbaceous plant and produces compound leaves from its underground stem (also known as rhizome). Medicinal extracts are obtained from its roots and rhizome. This plant is said to have anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time it also used as an analgesic or sedative. In historical days blach cohosh has been used by the Natives of America to treat gynaecological disorders. Its medicinal properties are so versatile that it has also been used to cure sore throat, kidney disorders or even depression. Later in 1840’s it has also been used to cure rheumatism, nervous disorders and lactation.
The use of black cohosh has changed a great deal over the period of time. In present days it is mainly used for the following:
- It is used to moderate the effects of menopause. It is said to have estrogenic properties and is taken in by women undergoing menopause. Since it is a mild sedative and also has anti- inflammatory properties, it helps in case of hot flashes. It is also helpful with other menopausal symptoms such as headaches, vaginal dryness, heart palpitations and even mood changes.
- Though it has no scientific support right now but black cohosh has also been reported to be used by women in order to regulate periods and ease out intensity of PMS symptoms.
- It is also used to induce labor pains.
- It is sometimes also used to bring relief from arthritis pain and lower blood pressure.
Black cohosh should be taken only under a doctor’s prescription. The amount of dose taken plays great importance. The doctor can prescribe the dosage as per patient’s requirement. As a revealed in studies if more than 950 milligrams of black cohosh is consumed in a day, it is considered as over dosage and is bound to have side effects. At the same time doctors also suggest that black cohosh should not be used for prolonged times. At a time it should not be taken in for more than six months.
Black cohosh can only be taken in form of tablets or solution. There are no food products that can act as natural sources of black cohosh. Also it should be taken only by adults above 18 years of age. It may have severe side effects on children.
Side effects of Black Cohosh
Like every other thing black cohosh too has its benefits as well as side effects. Some of the side effects of black cohosh consumption are as follows:
- Over dose of black cohosh may cause headaches and upset stomach. It may also result in vaginal bleeding or spotting or nauseated feeling. Very prolonged use may also result in gain of weight.
- It is also associated with liver damage. Though there are still not any proven facts or reports to support the same. But many experts have raised their concerns that black cohosh may lead to liver damage. So people who take regular intake of such medicines should remain aware and constantly look for any signs of liver damage, so that it may be cured at an early stage, if at all such a situation occurs.
- Women who are pregnant should avoid taking black cohosh. Though it is taken to induce labor pains but if taken in early months of pregnancy it increases the risk of miscarriage.
- Also, women suffering with breast cancer should not take medicines prepared from this herbaceous plant. Studies have reported that it may worsen existing breast cancer.
- Black cohosh is said to have characteristics like that of female hormone estrogen. And it produces same effect as this hormone. So it is very important that its intake be avoided in all diseases or conditions that may be affected by female hormone. Such diseases may include ovarian cancer or cancer of the uterus, fibroids and endometriosis.
- People who have protein S deficiency should particularly avoid black cohosh. This is because this deficiency is characterised by blood clots formation, and since black cohosh has hormone like affect it may increase the possibility of blood clots formation.
As we can see black cohosh can be both beneficial as well as harmful. It is very important that it is taken in only under supervision of doctor. Also, because its dose plays a very important role in the slight difference that is there between effect and side effect. The usage for medicinal purpose has changed a lot over the time from historic days till present and its further usage is still under research. The greatest question that lays ahead the scientists at present is how it behaves so similar to female hormone estrogens, and the studies are still under progress to solve the mystery.
Black Cohosh Pictures
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