Ever wondered why every doctor, when testing for some disease generally asks to get yourself tested for urine test? The reason is obvious, urine is not only one of the most important methods by which body gets rid off its unwanted products but at the same time urine is also a direct reflection of a person’s health and the kind of food he consumes. Several people complain of bad smell or odor in urine. Urine may smell like ammonia or like coffee or a very strong pungent smell.
When in normal health urine is pale yellow and odorless. But even a slight change in eating habits or bodily disorder changes its color and odor. Urine may smell like coffee because of several reasons major being drinking large amount of coffee or very strong coffee or even dehydration. A very genuine question that comes up in mind is when we drink large amount of orange juice does urine smell like orange juice?? No; then why only with coffee? This is because products like coffee, tea and soda contain caffeine.
Caffeine is one of those products which cannot be digested by human body and is as such released by the kidneys into urine. When you drink too much of coffee, kidneys release greater amount of caffeine in urine than at normal times and hence the smell becomes noticeable. Similarly if you drink too less water then also urine becomes concentrated. Caffeine concentration in urine increases relatively when compared to water and it produces coffee like smell. So if you wish to save yourself of the problem of coffee smelling like urine it is important that you keep a check on the quantity of coffee, tea or soda that you drink through the day. Too much of anything can be very harmful and so can be too much of these fluids.
One of the best ways to keep oneself healthy is to drink lots of water. Most doctors suggest drinking at least two liters of water every day on an average. This water is sufficient to remove all unnecessary toxins from the body. If the fluid content is more, it decreases the concentration of smell producing components like caffeine and ammonia. One should always be vigilant about the changes that may take place in urine; its smell and odor. It helps you make sure that your body is functioning perfectly and can also help you detect an early disease. Reasons for change in urine smell and color may vary from being as simple as less water intake to as serious as urinary tract infection or diabetes. Whenever you observer any such changes you may first try to increase water intake; drink lots of water. If it still does not help the problem then you must probably consider seeing a doctor in the best of your interests. Urine is no doubt a window to the inside of a human body. It helps doctors judge about the patient’s health and make precise diagnosis of possible diseases.