Thursday, June 12, 2014


Dermatomyositis is an inflammatory myopathy in which the muscles get inflamed. This disorder affects usually the skin and muscles but in some cases it can also affect joints, lungs, and esophagus or may be heart. The most common symptom of this inflammatory disease is a weakness in muscles.

It is a not so common inflammatory disease characterized by the weakness of muscle and skin rash. It can occur both among the children as well as adults. The adults age group affected by this disease is 40s to 60s and among children the age groups varies between 4 to 16 years. Generally dermatomyositis occurs in females and less commonly in males.

There are treatments which can clear the skin rash fully and can help regain muscle strength. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
  • 3 Dermatomyositis prognosis
  • 4 Treatment for dermatomyositis
    • 4.1 When to consult a doctor
  • 5 Dermatomyositis pictures

  • Signs and symptoms of dermatomyositis

    There are many signs and symptoms of dermatomyositis which can help you identify this skin disorder. In almost 40% of the individuals, the onset of dermatomyositis is accompanied by skin disease. Following are the symptoms of cutaneous or beginning of dermatomyositis:

    • Scaly scalp or hair loss

    • Pruritis of skin lesions

    • Eruption on exposed skin

    Dermatomyositis is associated with problem in muscles. The muscle disease may precede or follow the skin disease. Following are the muscle problems related to dermatomyositis:

    • Proximal muscle weakness

    • Sometimes muscle tenderness may occur

    • Muscle fatigue particularly when walking, combing hair, climbing stairs, standing after sitting for long etc.

    Along with the above mentioned problems, dermatomyositis also includes systematic symptoms such as:

    • Dyspnea

    • Dysphagia

    • Dysphonia

    • Arthralgia

    • Arrhythmia

    • Malignancy

    Children with dermatomyositis also develop flexion contracture in ankles and extra muscular manifestations including:

    • Dysphagia which is much similar to scleroderma

    • General problems like fever, weight loss, malaise, arthralgia and Reynaud phenomenon.

    • Gastrointestinal ulcers and infections

    • Contracture joints

    • Pulmonary and interstitial lung disease

    • Atriventricular problems, dilated cardiomyopathies and tachyarrhythmia

    • Subcutaneous calcification

    Other symptoms of dermatomyositis that occur in almost everyone suffering from this skin disease include following:

    • Difficulty in swallowing

    • Fatigue and weight loss

    • Fever

    • Muscle pain and tenderness

    • Problems in lungs

    • Calcinosis i.e. hardened deposit of calcium underneath the skin.

    • Gastrointestinal ulcers and perforations in intestine which is most common among children.

    Diagnosis of Dermatomyositis

    To diagnose if the person is suffering from cutaneous dermatomyositis following examinations are done:

    • Flat, red rash on face, upper trunk and rest parts of the body such as neck, anterior chest, knees, back and shoulders and elbows.

    • Pathognomonic cutaneous features including Gottron papules and Heliotrope.

    • Other features include periungual and cuticular changes, Malar erythema, violaceous erythema, violaceous erythema on extensor surfaces and poikiloderma in photosensitive distribution.

    The extent of muscle involvement in dermatomyositis is examined through following:

    • Distal strength, tendon reflex or sensation.

    • Quadriparesis

    • Flexor muscles and extensor muscles are affected with extensor muscles usually getting affected more than flexor muscles.

    Tests and Imaging studies for dermatomyositis
    There are a number of tests for testing dermatomyositis. Some of the laboratory and other related studies include:

    • Electrocardiography

    • Antinuclear antibody levels

    • Studies related to pulmonary function

    • Myositis-specific antibodies

    • Studies to determine muscle enzyme levels

    Imaging studies to detect dermatomyositis include the following: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, CT scan, Chest radiography, ultrasonography, electromyography and Barium shallow.

    In order to evaluate the symptoms of dermatomyositis, following procedures are available: Skin biopsy, muscle biopsy and esophageal manometry.

    Dermatomyositis prognosis

    Though most patients survive, there is a chance of disability. Remission is evident in 22 percent of the cases. Children with severe condition may end up with contractures.  Patients require consistent care and therapy. Patients who have cardiac issues, pulmonary problems etc and are above 60 years of age, can have poor prognosis. Death is caused usually due to weakness in the muscles and cardiopulmonary problems.

    Treatment for dermatomyositis

    If dermatomyositis is caused due to muscle involvement, corticosteroids with or without immunosuppressive agent is helpful. Other things to manage this skin disease are avoiding exposure to sun, using sunscreens, antimalarial agents, topical corticosteroids, mycophenolate mofetil, mycophenolate mofetil, methotrexate and immunoglobulin.

    Medications used to treat dermatomyositis are as follows:

    • Immune globulins

    • Antimalarial agents

    • Immunosuppressive agents such as methotrexate, sirolimus, mycophenolate modetil, rituximab and azathioprine.

    • Corticosteroids such Prednisone. Prednisone is the best-known medication for dermatomyositis.

    • Calcium channel blockers such as diltiazem

    • Colchicines, alendronate and warfarin are also used.

    Some of the non-pharmacotherapy or general measures to treat dermatomyositis are as follows:

    • Avoiding exposure to sun

    • Using elevation for head rest while lying on bed

    • Spending fair time doing bed rest

    • Sun protection

    • Physical therapy and rehabilitative measures

    • Avoid eating before going to bed

    There are also surgical procedures to manage dermatomyositis. Although surgery is not the only option but some patients prefer to take up surgery to remove local area of calcinosis.

    When to consult a doctor
    If you or your near and dear ones have developed signs and symptoms of dermatomyositis, it becomes important to see a doctor to evaluate the symptoms and diagnose the disease. And if already have been diagnosed with this skin disease and you witness some new symptoms developing then you should immediately consult your doctor.

    Dermatomyositis pictures

    White Specks in Stool

    White Specks in Stool
    Many people report about having stool with white specks. This is not a rare problem and has been reported by most of the people, usually in the morning. There are a number of reasons why color of stool changes. The colour of stool may be affected due to different medications or foods. The color of stool is brownish because of the digestion of bile salts, digestive agents that are made by liver and stored in gallbladder. However when bile does not reach stool, stool becomes white or white speck area developed. It implies there is something blocking the bile to reach to the small intestine or liver is not producing bile in sufficient amounts. This is not a normal condition and should be immediately reported to the doctor.

    The stool develops pale clay-like color when bile salts reduce or become absent which in turn is a result of liver diseases like cirrhosis or hepatitis. We can have different colored stools, most of which are not dangerous while some may require medical aid. Therefore it is important to seek doctor advice and take up the tests they suggest.

    Stool color usually depends on the medications, eating habits and amount of bile in the body. Only in rare cases color of stool indicate any serious intestinal conditions. However if you are getting white specks in stool or white stool, it is not normal and is serious enough to talk to a doctor and get evaluated for the reasons of this condition.

    Reasons of white spots or white stool may vary but some may be equally serious. Some medications used in conditions like diarrhoea, indigestion and heartburn can result in white stools. If this is not a result of medications then the reason should be something serious. White stool is usually caused because of the lack of bile, as mentioned earlier.

    Causes of white specks in stool

    Because there are many reasons of white specks in stools so the actual reason can be known only after full diagnosis and investigation. Stool examination with culture proves to be helpful in diagnosing the reason of presence of white specks. This test will show if eggs or larvae of present that have caused the white specks in stool. There are other possibilities also, some of which are discussed below:

    • Infections due to parasites, as already mentioned

    • Since the digestion of fat is affected greatly due to gall bladder and liver disorders, fatty globules may also look like white specks on bowel movement

    • Any disease like irritable bowel syndrome which involves the inflammation of bowel. Such conditions cause irritation of the mucous lining.

    • Poor digestion, constipation, nutritional imbalance or deficiency, muscle weakness, diarrhoea or constipation, headaches, weight loss are also the reasons that may cause white specks to occur. Improper digestion is one of the most common reasons of white specks or spots occurring in the stool.

    • Lactose intolerance which means inability to digest dairy products such as butter, milk, cheese etc is also a common reason of people getting white specks in stool. Basically in lactose intolerance, these dairy products when consumed are pooped out as it is in the undigested form which appears as white spots.

    • White specks in stool can also be a result of clumps of fungi. This is common among the people who do not have good immune system like in immune-compromised people – people having undergone therapies such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy or medical conditions like AIDS.

    • Left out particles which are a result of undigested food like capsule cover, seeds or any other eatable that the patient has just had.

    • White stools can also be result of blocked bile duct which in turn is caused due to tumour or gallstone.


    White specks in stool can be caused due to a number of reasons – some of which are normal while others can be serious. Lack of bile or inability of the bile to reach to the small intestine is the most common cause of getting white stool or white specks in stool. Intestinal inflammation, certain medications, medical conditions such as hepatitis, bile duct congenital abnormalities etc are some of the other causes of white specks in stool.

    Whatever the reason of white stool or white specks in stool is, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor may ask you to take some tests to identify and evaluate the actual reason of getting this abnormal stool. He will examine and evaluate the results and based upon the conclusion, he may prescribe certain medications or ask you to control your eating habits.

    Discoloration of the stool may indicate several health issues and should be taken seriously. Contact your doctor immediately about these changes as they can be a sign of potential health concerns.

    Spotting During Ovulation and Pregnancy

    Spotting During Ovulation and Pregnancy
    It is normal for women to spot at any time prior and during pregnancy. Some of the reasons are benign and should not raise too much concern. Unless spotting soon becomes bleeding, there is usually very little danger associated with spotting. Spotting has been an indicator of a healthy and fertile woman. However, sometimes it may come due to reasons that require medical attention. Sometimes it may be a small issue and at other times it may be due to reasons that endanger the lives of both you and your unborn baby. Here is some information on spotting during ovulation, early pregnancy and late pregnancy. It should give you an idea of what safe spotting is and what heavy bleeding is.

 detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

    What causes ovulation spotting?

    Getting pregnant is no men fret for some women and you should try and see if you are ovulating by taking note of the condition of your panty liners. For most women the breasts become tender, and there is an increase in the mucous at the cervix. There may also be some pain on one side, where the ovaries are. However, some women notice that they are spotting when they are ovulating and this is a sign of great fertility.

    One school of thought says that the blood is caused by the eggs when it leaves the follicles. People say that the egg causes the follicle to bleed and this is why some women see the spotting. Another theory that has been put across is the sudden increase in the estrogen levels in a woman’s body. Ovulation spotting can happen just before or during ovulation. If you want to have a child then this may be a good sign for you to get intimate with your partner.

    Spotting in Early Pregnancy

    It is quite normal for some to spot during early pregnancy. In fact it can happen at any time; from conception up to birth. 30 percent of women will have some form of spotting when they get pregnant. There is a big difference between bleeding and spotting and one needs to be aware of that. Spotting is when you notice a few drops of blood that will not even fill the panty liner. In bleeding, you may need a pad so as to stop the blood from soaking your clothes.

    What to do when spotting in early pregnancy

    As aforesaid, it is normal for this to occur but it is best to tell your attending physician or midwife that you are experiencing this. The doctor will recommend a scan to ensure that all is well. The scan is important so that he or she can make sure that you do not have an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies have been known to be fatal, so the scan is very important. Spotting at this time is not an issue and can be caused by sex, an infection, hormonal changes, implantation of the fertilized egg and many other factors. Should the blood increase in mount, or you suddenly feel dizzy and have cramps, then you need to contact your doctor.

    Spotting during late pregnancy

    It is normal for some spotting to occur during normal late pregnancy. This can usually happen after sex, or after your doctor has performed an internal examination. This should not be a need for concern, tough it would be best to inform the doctor. Any sort of blood during pregnancy should be reported to a doctor of a midwife.

    What causes spotting in late pregnancy?

    If you are having labor, then you should not be worried since it is normal to bleed a while when your cervix begins to dilate. Other factors that can cause spotting in late pregnancy are

    • Intercourse

    • An internal exam by your doctor or midwife

    • Uterine fibroids

    • Infections of the cervix or vagina

    Should the spotting continue, then it is time to tell your doctor that you need a thorough exam. Heavy bleeding can be caused by

    • Placenta abruption – the placenta separates from the uterine wall

    • Placenta previa – the placenta grows at the base of the uterus and ends up blocking the cervix.

    It is important that you are completely honest with your care provider. He or she should have all the information concerning any spotting or signs of bleeding during pregnancy. You must be on the alert for

    • Fever, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting

    • Dark red blood

    • If you fall or injure yourself in a manner that could affect the baby

    • What is the pattern of the spotting

    • When was the last time that you had sex

    When you notice any spotting, whether in early or late pregnancy, you should put on a clean panty liner and check it every 30-60 minutes. This will allow you to know if the frequency is alarming or not.

    Pea Sized Lump In Neck

    Pea Sized Lump In Neck
    Pea sized lumps in the neck area are mostly due to the small, bean shaped lymph nodes present throughout the body. These lumps appear due to some infection like- cold, bronchitis, tonsillitis etc. but they are usually harmless.

    The main reasons of swelling/lumps around neck are-

    • Cold

    • Sore Throat

    • Injury- cuts or bites near the gland

    • Tumor in the neck detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

    Lymphatic System

    The whole network of lymph nodes in the body forms the lymphatic system. This system is responsible for body’s immunity. The lymph nodes have white blood cells(WBC) called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes in the lymph nodes destroy bacteria’s, viruses and infectious microbes as soon as they pass through it.

    Why Lymph nodes Swell

    Whenever the body is hit by an infection, the lymph nodes enlarge in response to the attack.

    As soon as the lymphatic system completely destroys the infection, the lymph  nodes resume the original state. The swollen or enlarged nodes may or may not pain when you press them. They only feel like a small pea which rolls underneath the skin.

    Treatment for swollen Lymph Glands in the Neck

    Treatment is only required when there is a tumor or cancer in the neck otherwise the lymph nodes go back to normal when the infection subsides.

    When to Approach a Doctor
    When the lymph node doesn’t go away even after the infection subsides, let’s say- 14-20 days, then one should seek a Doctor’s help. The following are some other symptoms-

    • Excessive Weight Loss

    • Sweating in night

    • Itching

    • Chills

    People with swollen lumps have a habit to scratch and squeeze them. This leads to the following problems

    • Lump enlargement

    • Inflammation

    • Redness near the lump

    The lump does not go away for another 40-50 days if you do such things. Leave them alone and within a week’s time they will be gone else the only way to get rid of it will be surgery.

    Such lumps may appear at many areas in the body like- shoulder, neck, groin, back of the ear, mouth etc. Usually they remain till the body recovers from infection. People with tonsillitis may have these lumps for as many years as the tonsils remain and that lasts for few years to decades. So one does not have to worry about it. It should not be confused with lymphoma or other tumors. A small blood test or biopsy can be done for confirmation.

    Pea Sized lumps in the neck are very common and are often developed due to large concentration of lymph nodes in that area of the body. One does not have to worry about them and wait for some time before seeking a Doctor. These lumps may be a little painful as well but

    It becomes a problem only when a person squeezes and scratches the lump because then it may enlarge and spread. Surgical removal is done in that case. Chances of lymphoma(Cancer of lymph nodes) are less and hence keep calm until some other symptoms like sweating and weight-loss appears. Other names that are given to such lumps are- Skin tag and Cyst.

    Discharge from the Eye – Types

    Discharge from the Eye – Types
    Eye mucus is discharge from the eye. This can be common occurrence such as seen in morning when you wake up. It may be difficult to describe different types of mucus that excretes from your eyes to the doctor. Hence, a common way to refer to the mucus is by referring to its color. There are several types of mucus which includes yellow mucus, green mucus, thick crusty mucus, etc. Some of these are explained further.

 detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
  • 2 Eye Mucus causes
  • 3 Symptoms of eye discharge
  • 4 Home remedies

  • Types of discharge from the eye

    Thick gray or green mucus from eye
    Thick mucus, green or gray in color, may indicate affliction of an underlying infection caused due to bacteria. Conjunctivitis resulted due to bacterial infection may cause your eyes to become completely shut when you wake-up in the morning. This type of infection is resulted due to bacteria that produce pyogenic. This may also cause redness and irritation.

    Yellow eye mucus
    Yellow mucus, along with minute lump or nodule developed on your eyelid, may be a result of a stye. Eyelid glands may get blocked sometimes and get infected. It may also leak mucus.  Though affected individuals may have the urge to pop this pimple- like nodule, it is suggested to avoid doing this.

    White or yellow eye mucus
    White or yellow mucus in watery tears is a sign of dacryocystitis. This is an infection of nasolacrimal sac, which is commonly called tear draining system. The condition may be accompanied with facial pain, swelling around eyelid and redness of face.

    Crusty eye mucus
    Thick crusty eye mucus on your eyelid and lashes may be a result of a condition called blepharitis. This medical condition is caused due to bacteria that generally colonize your skin. These bacteria may grow and infect the eye.

    Stringy white mucus
    Stringy mucus may be an indication of allergic conjunctivitis. The allergic reaction may cause secretion of discharge and accumulation of mucus.

    Eye Mucus causes

    There are several causes that may lead to yellow or green mucus discharge from the eyes. Most cases of eye discharge are harmless and do not cause serious complications. However, in some cases the condition can be caused due to serious underlying condition. The most common reason why many people have mucus in the corner of their eye is because of invasion of some kind of bacteria. These bacteria may have reached the eye due to make-up, oily skin or other factors. Blepharitis is a serious condition that may have caused due to bacteria. This condition is inflammation of the eye, which may lead to thick and yellowish mucus formation.

    People who are suffering from flu and cold may have more discharge from the eye. Pinkeye is a condition wherein viral infection attacks the protective eye membrane. In case of cold or flu, the discharge is less crusty, thinner and clearer. These cases of mucus tend to cure away faster as the irritant is eliminated.  Irritation to the eye can be caused due to many factors such as pollen, gusty winds, dryness of eyes or eyelashes, etc. Inflammation of the conjunctiva can also lead to discharge from the eye. However, these eye issues can lead to serious problems.   So, please consult your doctor if you experience eye discharge, swollen eye, irritation or visual changes.

    Symptoms of eye discharge

    • Yellow or green mucus discharge from the eye

    • Dried discharge on the eyelids or eyelashes

    • Eye lashes becoming stuck when you wake up in the morning

    • Puffy eyelid due to inflammation

    Treatment for yellow or green discharge from the eye
    Depending on the factor that causes your eye to discharge mucus, the doctor will suggest you suitable treatment. It is crucial to consult your doctor if the condition seems serious. Your doctor may possibly suggest you oral antibiotics or appropriate eye-drops according to the condition. If the condition is caused due to serious underlying health issue, then relevant treatment is suggested. In rare cases surgical procedure may be needed depending on the complication.

    Home remedies

    Home remedies are also beneficial when it comes to dealing with discharge from eye of manageable level. If your eyes are closed in the morning due to dried mucus, then one can use soft cloths soaked in warm water and wash your eyes. The warm water loosens the dried crusty mucus and enables you to open your eye.

    Avoid using make-up while you are affected with eye-discharge. You should also switch to new make-up set and throw away the older one, especially if it was the one used during the infection. This will significantly decrease the chances of recurrent eye infection, as it is stated that contaminated cosmetics are among the leading causes of infection of the eye.

    Try removing surplus oil from the eyelid by washing them using mild soap or baby shampoo. While doing this ensure to massage the eyelids in a downward motion. There are also commercial eyelid scrubs which are often suggested by doctors. One should also avoid sharing wash cloths, handkerchiefs and towels.

    Gas Pains

    Gas Pains
    Gas pain associated with gastric may affect at the worst possible time, leading to helplessness and embarrassment. It can affect during a crucial meeting, in a crowded elevator, in party or at home. Though it is not serious to pass gas or flatus, it is often very embarrassing. Gas pain is mild to intense pain that can occur due to gas, in any region of your torso. Chest pain, stomach pain or back pain, etc are sometimes associated with gas issue, though these can be caused due to other serious underlying conditions. The condition may occur due constipation, even diarrhea or intestinal gas. The pain often occurs when gas accumulates in the stomach and the person is not able to emit it. An average individual passes gas as much as ten times in a day. Though gas or gas pain may be difficult to handle, there are measures that can help in reducing the amount of gas accumulation and discomfort can be released.

 detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
  • 4 Symptoms of Gas Pains
  • 5 Treatment for gas pain 

  • Gas pains during pregnancy

    Gas pain is also experienced by pregnant women. The condition is not only manifested through pain in chest or stomach but also through constant burping, farting and bloating. This irregularity can be embarrassing. During pregnancy, gas pain that is often caused due to accumulation of surplus gas in stomach is attributed to hormonal changes. This happens because progesterone relaxes muscles of the body including digestive tract which affects the digestion process. This results in accumulation of gas due to undigested food.

    Chest pain and stomach pain due to gas

    Many people suffer from stomach pain due to gas, which is often accompanied with a feeling to defecate. However, after visiting toilet only gas is expelled, which provides relieve for sometime till more gas accumulates. There are other manifestations of gas build-up, one of which is chest pain. When gas associated pain occurs, it is often intense and pinching. Sometimes people may misunderstand it for chest related issues. The pain can be experienced near rib cage, sides of stomach, right above the navel and anywhere on the chest. Pain caused due to gas can be extremely excruciating. Since there are other causes of stomach and chest pain, it is better to get yourself diagnosed and find the root cause of the condition.

    Causes of gas pain

    Gas pain is chiefly caused due to accumulation of excess gas in the stomach. Gas is formed in the stomach when the bacteria present in colon starts fermenting carbohydrate which are not digested appropriately in the small intestine. High fiber foods, which are said to be healthy, are ironically the worst culprits. Though fiber has numerous health benefits, including digestive advantages, it can lead to accumulation of extra gas in stomach. There are other eatables that may lead to accumulation of gas such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, etc. Fiber supplements may also contribute to cause gas build-up, especially those that have psyllium. Gas may also accumulate due to consumption of carbonated drinks such as soda, beer.

    There are also other causes of gas which are:

    Swallowing air
    Air gets swallowed every time we drink or eat something. Air may also get swallowed due to nervousness, fast eating, chewing- gum, sucking candies, drinking through straw, etc. Some air may reach the lower digestive tract and cause pain.

    Underlying conditions
    Accumulation of gas can be caused due to underlying conditions like inflammatory bowel disease which includes Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, etc.

    Medicinal influences
    Medicine such as laxatives and antibiotics may also cause gas issue. Since, antibiotic affect the standard bacterial flora in the bowel it can contribute to cause gas.

    Constipation often makes it daunting to expel gas which causes bloating and discomfort in the stomach.

    Intolerance to food
    Food intolerance is another factor that may cause accumulation of gas. For example, in some people gas gets built-up due after consuming dairy products. This happens because their body may not be able to break down lactose food. Some other such incidences are recorded in case of gluten which indicates about possibilities of diarrhea and dramatic weight loss. Some people have intolerance to sorbitol, mannitol or other artificial additives. Such issues are even recorded in healthy individuals.

    Symptoms of Gas Pains

    The symptoms and signs associated with gas pain can be extremely obvious. Some of the common indications of gas pain include:

    • Passing gas voluntarily or involuntarily and in excess; It can be either flatus or belches

    • Sharp pain in your stomach, chest or other regions of the torso. This pain can also shift from one location to the other.

    • Feeling of knot in  your abdomen

    • Tightness or swelling or bloating in the stomach

    These symptoms may also occur due to other conditions. Some of such issues include heart disease, gallstone and appendicitis. Since these are serious health issues, it is crucial to consult your doctor.

    Treatment for gas pain 

    Your doctor will first diagnose the condition to determine the root cause of the issue and accordingly suggest a treatment. He may also run a check on your medical background to find any history of medical issues and existing physical anomalies. Your doctor may suggest medicines such as Beano, lactase supplements, simethicone, charcoal tablets etc, to deal with the issue.  These are also available over the counter, but one should consider taking it after consulting a doctor for better remission. Your doctor may also suggest dietary changes to complement the ongoing treatment.

    Chlorine Rash

    Chlorine Rash
    A chlorine rash is a skin rash that is caused due to the exposure to chlorine. Chlorine rash is popular with the name swimming pool rash because mostly people report these rashes after they have been to a swimming pool. It does not take much time for the onset of signs and symptoms of these skin rashes after exposure to chlorine. The beginning of chlorine rash is troublesome itching.

    Chlorine is a harsh chemical and is also a strong oxidant. If chlorine is left on skin for a considerable time, it may cause itching and in later stages it develops as rash on the skin. Chlorine is added in the water to kill bacteria but if a person is allergic to chlorine, he may develop symptoms of chlorine allergy. But the extent to which the symptoms are developed vary greatly from one person to the other. Some may not be affected at all but others may get severe problems due to even little exposure.

    A number of clinical and home remedies are available for treating chlorine rash. The symptoms may take few days to few weeks to heal. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

    Causes of chlorine rash

    Usually chlorine that is added in water of swimming pools, recreational water parks, hot tubs etc is inhabited by people and therefore they report eruption of chlorine rash. The purpose of adding chlorine is to use it as a disinfectant for killing bacteria that grow in such heavily populated water.  For some people, getting exposed to small quantity of water causes no harm and for others, exposure to even a little quantity of chemical can trigger allergic rash development. A person who develops chlorine rash is said to have chlorine allergy.

    People who spend most of the time in swimming pools generally develop chorine rash because chlorine bonds to hair and skin and do not easily wash away. This is the reason that chlorine continues to irritate the skin even after the person has come out of the pool. In due course of time the chlorine causes irritation and develop as rash or bumps on the skin. If it is lingering chlorine that is causing irritation and rash then it should be washed off. A concentrated pH balanced Vitamin C spray can help you get rid of the chlorine present on your skin.

    Signs and symptoms of chlorine rash

    Extreme itching is the first symptom of chlorine rash. There is a equally possibility of itching to get started as soon as person comes in contact with chlorinated water or it may take several hours also. Most people may also get small bumps all over the skin. Within few hours or days these bumps turn into patches. Generally the affected body parts get swollen up and patches become rd in colour. It may also be accompanied by pain.

    Itchy rashes are the most common symptoms of chlorine rash which mostly occur if you have recently been into a public swimming pool or hot tub. Since fumes of chlorine cause eye irritation therefore in some cases it is also possible that the individual may have watery or dry, swollen, itchy and painful eyes when having allergic chlorine reaction.

    In rare cases the person may also develop certain gastrointestinal symptoms and respiratory ailments. Some of these common diseases are problem breathing, coughing, sneezing and other breathing problems. The person may also develop stuffed or itchy nose because of the smell of chlorine.  However these symptoms may vary from one person to the other.


    Taking certain steps may prevent chlorine rash to develop. If you are going to swim in a public swimming pool or any other public water spot and you are allergic to chlorine then you should first talk to the manager about the levels of chlorine in the water. Remove the swimsuit as soon as you come out of the water so as to limit the contact with chlorine. It would be great if you take bathe before and after entering the swimming pool having chlorinated water.

    Treatment of chlorine rash

    The most common treatment used by the people to treat their chlorine rash is to get an over-the-counter cream or ointment. The creams used to treat rash contain corticosteroids. An anti-itch ointment provides quick relief to the itching which is the most irritating symptom of this kind of rash.

    Until the chlorine rashes are cured, the person should continue using antibacterial soap and also keep the affected area clean and dry all the time. However even after taking such measures, the symptoms continue to worsen, rash spreads, colour changes, develops high temperature or itching increases then the person should see a doctor immediately.

    You should not use towel and clothes of the person already having chlorine rash. Do not enter into the pool until the chlorine rashes are healed up.

    Chlorine Rash Pictures