All these diseases have early symptoms are expressed in a form that can recognize, find out the causes of the disease is the best way to get effective treatment and prevention best
4 Symptoms of Pulled Stomach Muscle is a typical injury that may be common in people who are active in athletic activities. The severity of the pulled stomach muscle may vary from one person to another as it may depend on the trauma suffered. The symptoms of pulled stomach health muscle may be easy to identify. Symptoms of Pulled Stomach Muscle
Muscle spasm: Muscle spasm is a common symptom of pulled stomach muscle. The abdominal muscles may have muscle spasm after the injury occurs. After the trauma, the muscle may become rigid to avoid further injury to the area. State of spasm is the reaction of the body in adjusting to the muscle fibers that are injured. But if muscle rupture occurs, the patient may not have spasm but may lead to weakness and muscle failure.
Bruises and swelling: Extreme cases of pulled stomach muscle, bruises and swelling are can be observed. Bruises appear because the blood is released in the injured muscle as part of the body's defense mechanism to fight against infection, which normally follows trauma. It is best that a patient consult doctor as early as possible to heal the bruises, reduce swelling and to avoid further injury.
Pain and discomfort: Another common symptom of pulled stomach muscle is the discomfort or pain in the torso. Pain that is associated with pulled stomach muscle may be felt for a few days up to several months.
Hernia: Severe case of pulled stomach muscle may lead to a bulge in the groin area or lower stomach or also known as hernia. When the stomach muscle is pulled or strained to the extreme where the intestines protrude up to the outer side of the abdominal cavity, the result may be hernia.
Symptoms of pulled stomach muscle can bring discomfort. It is best that you consult with your doctor immediately to avoid further injuries.
Six Dopamine Foods Dopamine is a kind of neurotransmitter that is responsible for sending nerve impulses to the brain. Dopamine levels are required in helping regulating mood and attention. Personality and the level of learning are also affected with dopamine. It is important that you consume dopamine foods since foods that are rich in tyrosine may aid in increasing the level of dopamine naturally. Dopamine Foods
Blueberries and Spirulina: Foods like blueberries and spirulina had increased the levels of dopamine that are in laboratory animals. Accordingly, these foods may lessen the inflammation in the body to reduce the harmful effects from free radicals. Likewise, other foods that are rich in antioxidants are believed to have the same effects.
Wheat germ: Part of wheat germ is rich in phenylalanine, an amino acid that can convert tyrosine inside the system. This can stimulate the formation of neurotransmitters especially the dopamine. You may add wheat germ to your cereals and salad for nutty taste.
Nuts and Seeds: Pumpkin seeds and raw almonds can be a healthy snack. However, aside from being healthy snack, it can also heighten the levels of dopamine in your body. For a variation, you may also add it on pasta and salads.
Animal sources: Foods that comes from animal sources are great sources of protein that can boost the dopamine levels. Animal sources like turkey, chicken, fish and poultry products all contain the protein that is responsible for creation of dopamine. Aside from meat, eggs from these sources may also help.
Non-meat sources: Non-meat sources are also available for vegetarians. Peanuts, almonds and legumes are great alternatives since it can also increase tyrosine levels. Likewise, soy products and tofu may also provide tyrosine.
Other sources: Other foods that are high in carbs and protein may also aid in increasing tyrosine. These foods may include lima beans and bananas.
4 Benefits of Arugula Arugula is a spicy flavorsome herb, which is characterized with dark green leaves that may look similar to romaine. Arugula is oftentimes mistaken for lettuce. This veggie is cruciferous and belongs in the group where cauliflower and broccoli belongs. Arugula also referred as roquette or rocket offers great benefits. Benefits of Arugula
Good source of minerals: Adding this to your salad can make a difference. Just one cup of arugula may have thirty two milligrams of calcium, which is important for your bones. It also has seventy four grams of potassium, which is necessary for stabilizing your blood pressure. It also has trace minerals of iron and zinc. The same cup may give you .29 milligrams of iron, which is great in red blood cells, and .09 milligram of zinc, required for healing of wounds. Other trace minerals like copper, manganese and selenium are also found in arugula.
Cruciferous vegetable: Arugula is used in salads like any other cruciferous vegetable such as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Cruciferous vegetable are considered very healthy since it has properties that can fight against cancer. The reason behind this is the glucosinolates, which is normally converted to isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates are said to boost immune function and play an important role in preventing cancer.
Rich source of carotenoid: Kale and sweet potatoes are rich sources of carotenoid. In the case of Arugula, it is also a good source of carotenoid. Arugula has zeaxanthin, lutein and beta carotene, all are being studied for the antioxidant properties. Consuming leafy vegetables like arugula and spinach is one way to have carotenoids.
Excellent vitamins: Arugula contains vitamin A, fat soluble vitamin that is required for vision and bone growth. One cup of arugula has two hundred eighty-five mcg of beta carotene. It also has vitamin K that is necessary for maintaining bone density.
Si caecum fuerit Pimples Sociis natoque: blind pimple Most whitehead aut pustulis et formant a blackhead. Sed caecus gibba papulae cutis roseo tumorem magis spectat. Hoc comedone clauso, etiam ut a papula, quae tactu mollia sint. Ut caecus tentatio pressis struma vites tentationis. Vos can tractare caecus et pusulas cutis naturalis remedia cum products. Aliquibus in casibus, si non praestet, tentare papulae domus rememdium tibi liceret dermatologist uestris. Quam ut Fac cum caeci Pimples Admonitiones:
Pick Nolite aut Exprimendum. Non fodere at caecus cum papulae acus aut acus, et non exprimendum in an rudimentum impetro rid of adfligebant quod est inferius. Haec sola augeantur tantum questus tabes, deformem cicatricem relinquat forte cutem laedat.
Cautus esto cum Toothpaste. Unum ex maxime popularis remedia dentifricium est; Sed quia hanc non suadeo. Toothpaste aliquos utiles, sunt qui pugnant boni et dentifricium irritatio ad cute, quae deteriora figura sinam. Stude potius ista domus rememdium.
1. Fove Compress Usus tepidi in brevi multum efficere potest siccat papulae. Alicam in aquam applicetur ad pallium papulae, eumque ibi paulisper. Repetere quoties libet, saltem ter in die. Semel caput formae caecus papulae exhaurire habebit exitum, te speraverunt et non curans naturaliter. 2. Ice Compress Si agitur cum admodum tenera cæcus struma uti potes e glaciem reducere tumor et dolor. Ice bene operatur per vasa sanguinis constringente, quod inopem et soreness reducit tumor enim a dum. Sime glaciem pack linteo area questus frigus vitet, quater in die, et mundabunt illud, decem minutis tempus. 3. et mel Apple Mala et mellis optimi faciunt plures domum remedia morborum, et cæcus vocant. Quod est quia pupillam continet malic acidum, notus pro firming usque ad cutem, et melle, ut pugnem pro vobis contra continet antimicrobes bacteria. Mixtio pomum donec carnes, tunc miscentur melle ad formam naturalem, lutum. Pone hoc in struma et hæredes habeatis decem minuta, et lava cutis bene inusserunt. 4. Arbor oleum lacte Tea Suspendisse enim cognoscitur arbor medicinae oleum, et conditiones cutis saepe ponitur. Lacte est etiam bonum cute, quod habet alpha hydroxyl acida probataserit enim magnus ad lenitatem. Ubi intenderis tea lignum aut oleum aut lac caecis vari, et mortuus tollit superficie cutis, ibi congesta quod oleum et lutum. Hoc iuvat motum unclog poris. Adhibe oleum aut tribus temporibus per diem lac. 5. Aloe Vera Quod fides miraculosa, aloe vera planta medicus et qui habet in struma caeco actum est. Folium ex aloe vera herba caule slit eam, et transmigrabis gel. Pone gel in struma et hæredes habeatis XX minutes pro lotis aqua calida. Aloe vera non tantum curat refrigeretur area, sed vires reficiendas. Tergum Acne Pronus ad Skincare Products & Oily: Si vis experiri dolor lorem aliquam super cutem qui sunt proni ad acne breakouts iuvaret nec opus est ut pinguis cutis solvatur Lorem video: Quam ut praeveni caeci Pimples Ne si cæcus papulae est facilius quam semper curantes unum. Quae numquam sapien can succurro curare ne solliciti caeco iterum papulae. 1. hydratationis Bona tua cutis aqua attractio patet. Suus 'a hoc, quod probatum est melius bonum hydratationis elasticitate, opitulationes solet ex impuris, tua cutis meridiem, et potest. Septem dies octo vitra aquae ad bibendum conantur. Sis boost facilisis adde uirgula fructus succo citri vel ut sem. 2. Proper Hygiene Servo tuo oleum mundissima tollere possis, quod quando lutum buildup et corium longum vadit sine lavacro. Vitare problematum lotis faciem cum mitis saponem et aquam ad minus bis. Si cubiculum tuum facies, quam illi, et non uti aqua nimis arida cutis. 3. Diet sani Tu quid edas et cutis in reflectitur. Pone in corpore sola optima sunt, ut fructus et viridia veggies. Vitare gravis cibis, frixam in illa olea, vel pingue cibis. Libratum nutritionem, in servo, et multiplex carbohydrates macilentum cibis, ut tua cutis spectat optimo potest. In salubritatem victu, minus habeas vari cuiuscumque etiam caecos vocant. 4. Easing Suspendisse Cum luce impugnatur corpus sentit. Ne simul obdormierunt, ut comederet et ut ne semper sollicitus, qui potest vos paenitet, et accipit a theloneo in vestri tergum. Omnibus rebus quibus potest ad auxilium reducere vis vitare effrego caecorum vocant.
Indirect Coombs Test Indirect Coombs Test detects circulating antibodies against Red Blood Cells. The major purpose of the Indirect Coombs Test is to determine if the patient has minor serum antibodies (other than the major ABO/Rh system) to RBCs before receiving a blood transfusion. Therefore the Indirect Coombs Test is the “screening” portion of the “type and screen” routinely performed for blood compatibility testing (crossmatching in the blood bank). If the recipient of the blood transfusion has antibodies to the donor’s RBCs, agglutination occurs. The blood cannot be used for that recipient. On the other hand, if the recipient has no antibodies to the donor’s RBCs, agglutination will not occur. Transfusion should then proceed safely without any transfusion reaction.. Indirect Coombs Test is also used to detect other agglutinins, such as cold agglutinins that are associated with mycoplasmal infections.
In this test a small amount of the recipient’s serum is added to donor RBCs containing known antigens on their surfaces. This is the first stage. In the second stage of the test, Coombs serum is added after the test RBCs have been washed of any free globulins. If antibodies exist in the patient’s serum, agglutination occurs. In blood transfusion screening, visible agglutination indicates that the recipient has antibodies to the donor’s RBCs. If the recipient has no antibodies against the donor’s RBCs, agglutination will not occur; transfusion should then proceed safely without any transfusion reaction. Circulating antibodies against RBCs also may occur in an Rh-negative pregnant woman who is carrying an Rh-positive fetus.
Drugs that Cause False Positive Indirect Coombs Resutls
Drugs that may cause false-positive results include:
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
Methyldopa (Aldomet).
Phenytoin (Dilantin).
Causes of Positive Indirect Coombs Resutls
Incompatible Crossmatched Blood: Anti-ABO/Rh antigens in the donor blood cross-react with the patient’s serum.
Detected antibodies can be developed due to previous exposure to fetal Rh+ Red Blood Cells. This can be detected in Maternal Anti-Rh Antibodies, Newborn Hemolytic Disease
What are Normal Estrogen Levels? Estrogen is the dominant female hormone and it may fluctuate at several times in your lifetime. Not only women produces estrogen, men also manufactures estrogen however, not the same as most women do. If normal estrogen levels are not met, a woman may have fertility problems. There are different kinds of estrogen hormone however, the level that is frequently measure is the estradiol. Normal Estrogen Levels
Premenopausal: A woman that belongs in the reproductive age, the hormone may be at lowest in the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The level of estradiol at the initial days of menstrual cycle may be observed at around twenty to forty pictograms per milliliter. As the egg that contained follicle starts to mature in the ovary, estradiol levels start to increase around one hundred fifty to two hundred eighty pictograms per milliliter or more. The levels of estradiol may increase after ovulation until the beginning of the next menstrual period, which it may fall to fifty to one hundred pictograms unless the woman gets pregnant.
Pregnant Women: The levels of estradiol along with hCG and progesterone are highly elevated and may continue to rise all throughout the pregnancy. In the first trimester, the hormones may be around seven hundred twenty six pictograms per milliliter. In the last trimester, the levels may be measured around nine hundred six to nine thousand three hundred eighty-five.
Postmenopausal Women: Women who belong in the postmenopausal stage have very low estradiol. They may have estradiol levels at around ten pictograms per milliliter. Several years prior the actual menopause, the estradiol levels may fluctuate and the level may be quite higher in the day three instead of day one of menstrual cycle. During this time, the ovarian reserve in perimenopause may be decreasing. As the ovarian reserve decrease, there is less likely of getting pregnant.
Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody (AChR Antibody) is found in more than 85% to 90% of patients with acquired Myasthenia Gravis (MG), and 63% of patients with only ocular MG have elevated levels. The presence of this antibody is virtually diagnostic of Myasthenia Gravis. The measured titer does not correspond well with the severity of MG. In an individual patient with MG, however, antibody levels are particularly useful in monitoring response to immunosuppressive therapy. As the patient improves, antibody titer decreases. This test is also used in patients who are suspected of having a thymoma, because 59% of these patients have MG. Because congenital MG is not an autoimmune disease, this antibody test is not helpful in the diagnosis of congenital MG.
This antibody blocks neuromuscular transmission by interfering with the binding of ACh to AChR sites on the muscle membrane and preventing muscle contraction. It is this phenomenon that characterizes MG. There are three different AChR antibodies that test for MG. The AChR-binding antibody is most commonly used. If this test is negative and the diagnosis of MG is highly suspected, the AChR-modulating antibody is used and may be more sensitive. Furthermore, a positive modulating antibody test may indicate subclinical MG, contraindicating the use of curare-like drugs during surgery. The AChR-blocking antibody is the least sensitive test (positive in only 61% of patients with MG), but it can be quantified more accurately. The blocking and modulating antibodies are not often positive for about 1 year after onset of MG symptoms. The most commonly used method for the detection of these AChR antibodies is radioimmunoassay.
Causes of Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody False Results
False-positive results may occur in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis who have been treated with cobra venom.
False-positive results may be seen in patients with penicillamine-induced or Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndromes.
Patients with autoimmune liver disease may have elevated results.
The use of muscle relaxant drugs (metocurine and succinylcholine) or penicillamine may also cause false-positive results.
Immunosuppressive drugs may suppress the formation of these antibodies in patients with subclinical Myasthenia Gravis.
Normal Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody Levels
AChR Antibodies are not normally found in blood. Healthy patients should test negative for Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies or have very low levels less than 0.03 nmol/L.
Causes of finding Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody
Myasthenia Gravis: 10% of MG patients have a Thymoma.
OcularMyasthenia Gravis.
Thymoma: Fifty-nine percent of patients with thymoma have Myasthenia Gravis.