Causes Of Crackling Sound In Ear: How To Get Rid Of Crackling Noise . Crackling sound in ear is not normal. It may indicate something wrong with your ears. Though a common problem, crackling sound in the ear can cause lot of annoyance and distress for the sufferer. This unusual sound usually occurs when you open your mouth for yawning or while gulping the food. The sound is similar to rubbing of papers.Together with crackling, there may be associated pain in the ears in some cases, while many sufferers may only complain of crackling noise. The inability to hear properly may cause communication difficulties and the person may unnecessarily shout as if he is deaf. Posted by Prevention And Detection Of Diseases At An Early Stage When The First Signs To Get The Most Effective Treatment. While there may be a serious reason for occurrence of such type of sound, crackling sound may simply be manifestation of impacted ear wax or a blocked Eustachian tube of the middle ear. So why does crackling sound occur in the ear? Let us find the reason behind it.
What Causes Crackling Noise In The Ear?
The commonest things first, so let us begin with ear wax. Build up of ear wax is often observed in many persons. When the ear wax gets impacted and dry and when it lies over the ear drum, crackling sound is produced due to vibration of ear drum. Posted by Prevention And Detection Of Diseases At An Early Stage When The First Signs To Get The Most Effective Treatment. The second most common cause for crackling or popping sound is Eustachian tube dysfunction. Each ear has small Eustachian tube that connects the middle ear to the back of throat. The main function of Eustachian tube is to keep the balance between pressure outside the ear and pressure inside the ear. Whenever there is an imbalance of pressure, the tube opens and releases the pressure built up inside the middle ear. This usually happens when you fly in a Plane or dive under the sea.However in some cases, the Eustachian tube remains closed even when it has to remain open. This is called Eustachian tube malfunction. This happens when the fluid in the middle ear becomes thick and clogs the tube. The pressure inside the ear becomes high and when you open your mouth or yawn or gulp it produces a crackling sound to release the pressure. Eustachian tube dysfunction usually occurs due to allergic cold and cough.TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) disorder can also result into crackling sound in the ear. The joint is located just in front of the ear. The noise from this joint can simulate as noise from the ears.Spasm of muscles inside the ear can be a reason for clicking and crackling sound in the ear.How To Get Rid Of Crackling Sound In Ear?
- Clean your ears: cleaning your ears at regular intervals helps to reduce the buildup of wax in the ear canal. You can use ear buds to remove the wax or you can also wash your ear with ear wash bulbs. Before using any methods, always try to soften the wax by putting wax dissolving ear drops for a day or two.
- Open your mouth or stretch your jaw wide open. This equalizes the pressure inside the ear with that of the environmental pressure.
- Valsava maneuver: it is a common procedure followed by scuba divers. In this procedure the person first squeezes his nostril to prevent the air from entering. He then takes a deep breath and releases it in a gentle manner while keeping the nostrils closed. In this procedure the force applied should be gentle, since excessive force may damage the ear drum.
- Putting few drops of Mullein ear oil will also help to relieve most ear problems.
- Inhalation of steam and gargling warm salt water helps in case of cold and cough. It also allows easy drainage of collected mucus.
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