Thursday, February 27, 2014

Vibration In Ear When Talking: Causes Of Vibration Noise In Ears

Vibration In Ear When Talking: Causes Of Vibration Noise In Ears . Vibration in ear is a common problem faced by many individuals. It is a type of ringing sound in the ear that persists throughout day and night in some people. Many people experience it only in silence zone or when they are alone. Ringing in ears in medical terms is also known as tinnitus. It is perception of vibration or a typical hissing or ringing sound by the patient when there is no real sound present around him.

Vibration in ears is common problem faced by elderly individuals. The condition can be either intermittent or constant.

Posted by Prevention And Detection Of Diseases At An Early Stage When The First Signs To Get The Most Effective Treatment.

The intensity may be mild to moderate or severe. Vibration in ears may sometimes be accompanied with hearing loss. When present, it can cause lot of annoyance for the patient as he is not able to concentrate in his daily work. There are many reasons for occurrence of vibration in ears let us know them in detail in the next paragraph.

What Are The Causes Of Vibration In Ear?

  • Damage to the nerve endings of the auditory nerve (hearing nerve). Patient may experience the feeling of vibration when the microscopic fibers of the hearing nerve are damaged.

    Posted by Prevention And Detection Of Diseases At An Early Stage When The First Signs To Get The Most Effective Treatment.

  • Vibration in ears with noise: Constant exposure to loud noise can cause deafness in some patient. Researchers have found that exposure to loud noise for long duration can be a reason for tinnitus.
  • Use of certain drugs for long duration can affect the auditory nerve and hearing. This may ultimately give symptoms of vibration in ear in such patients. Certain antibiotics, and anti inflammatory drugs may affect the cells of the inner ear.
  • Vibration in ear while talking: Person may experience vibration in ear while talking or eating or yawning. Usually it occurs in people who are above the age of 40. However the condition can also prevail in patients who are young. TMJ (temporo-madibular joint) disorder is responsible for this condition. It is a jaw joint disorder that gives rise to a click or grating sound while talking or opening the mouth. Patient may also complain of pain in the jaw joint situated just near the ear.
  • Vibration in ear may also occur when there is collection of ear wax.
  • When the bones of the middle ear do not vibrate and become stiff, it can give rise to a hissing and vibrating sound in the ears.
  • Rupture of ear drum either due to trauma or due to loud sound can cause vibration in the ear during the initial stage.
  • Infection in the ear, cold and sinusitis can also cause vibration. But in such cases as soon as the underlying cause is eliminated vibration cease abruptly.
  • Excess of collection of ear wax is also responsible for such vibrations. It affects normal hearing. There may be associated inflammation of eardrum.
  • Stress is not directly associated with vibration, but it can make the condition worse when present.
  • Diet: Certain type of foods is known to trigger vibration in ears. Such foods include red wine, cheese, fatty food, chocolate, salty and spicy food. All these ingredients make tinnitus worse.
  • Deficiency of certain vitamins such as B vitamin may be responsible for tinnitus.

Treatment For Vibration In Ear When Talking

Since there are many causes responsible for vibration in ears, it is necessary for the patient to consult an ear, nose throat (ENT) specialist. Vibration in ears in many cases goes off suddenly as it has come. In some patient it remains for a prolonged period of time. Besides taking the conventional medications prescribed by the doctor, patient can also try alternative therapies and home remedies as an adjuvant.

  • Coenzyme Q10 is made up of natural substances which are all powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants are helpful in raising the immunity as well as the circulation in the ears.
  • Ginko biloba is known to improve the blood circulation in the ears. It improves hearing loss and decreases dizziness in the patient. Besides, ginkgo is beneficial in improving the memory in elderly individuals.
  • If the cause for vibration is internal inflammation, eating pineapple will be beneficial. This is because pineapple contains papain, an enzyme which helps to reduce inflammation in the ears.
  • Garlic and sea vegetables like kelp are also beneficial in reducing the tinnitus. Include them in your regular diet to alleviate vibrations in ear.
  • Cleaning ear wax may also reduce vibrations if that is the cause.

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