Indian Fire Rash
Indian fire rash is a contagious skin infection and is most common among children and infants. They appear as reddish sores on face, specifically in the areas around mouth and nose. Indian fire rash is caused mainly when bacteria enter into the body through scratches or insect stings but they can also appear on normal and healthy skin. This condition is popularly known as impetigo.
Typically there are no complications associated with Indian fine rash and generally go away on its own within 3 weeks’ time. This skin disease can turn serious so doctor generally advice treatment based on topical and oral antibiotics. Mostly, the affected person/children can go in public places/school once they are no longer contagious. This time duration is just few days after the antibiotic treatment is commenced. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Some of the signs and symptoms of Indian fire rash include:
Impetigo contagiosa: Also known as nonbullous impetigo, it is the most common type of Indian fire rash. The onset of this infection is a reddish sore on face, mostly near nose and mouth. These sore burst rapidly and release pus or fluids which later forms crust. They cause itchiness but do not cause pain. This crust is removed leaving behind reddish spot which heals up quickly without having left scars. This condition is generally not accompanied by fever but lymph nodes in the affected area get swollen up. Since this condition is contagious, if the person slightly scratches or touches the sores then the infection may migrate to other body parts.
Ecthyma: Ecthyma is a severe form of Indian fire rash and may reach even up to the second layer of skin. The person may also develop fluid or pus filled blisters on feet and legs which may turn into ulcers. These sores get punctured on their own with time and develop thick, gray-yellow, solid scan. When the sores heal up, scars are formed and lymph nodes may also swell in this disease.
Bullous impetigo: This form of Indian fire rash mainly occurs in children below 2 years of age. In this condition, fluid-filled blisters which are also painless may occur on torso, legs and arms. The skin surrounding the affected area becomes red and itchiness may occur. The blisters can be big or small and rupture in few days to form yellowish scan is formed which lasts for considerable amount of time.
Some of the causes of Indian fire rash are as follows:
Apart from much obvious prevention such as staying physical contact with infected individuals avoid touching their belongings, there are some other methods of treatments such as:

Indian fire rash is a contagious skin infection and is most common among children and infants. They appear as reddish sores on face, specifically in the areas around mouth and nose. Indian fire rash is caused mainly when bacteria enter into the body through scratches or insect stings but they can also appear on normal and healthy skin. This condition is popularly known as impetigo.
Typically there are no complications associated with Indian fine rash and generally go away on its own within 3 weeks’ time. This skin disease can turn serious so doctor generally advice treatment based on topical and oral antibiotics. Mostly, the affected person/children can go in public places/school once they are no longer contagious. This time duration is just few days after the antibiotic treatment is commenced. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Some of the signs and symptoms of Indian fire rash include:
- Red sores which usually rupture very soon releasing fluid for few days and later turn into yellowish-brown layer or crust.
- Itching
- Blisters which are filled with fluid and are generally painless
- In severe cases, there may be painful, pus-filled sores which turn into ulcers
Types of Indian fire rash
Impetigo contagiosa: Also known as nonbullous impetigo, it is the most common type of Indian fire rash. The onset of this infection is a reddish sore on face, mostly near nose and mouth. These sore burst rapidly and release pus or fluids which later forms crust. They cause itchiness but do not cause pain. This crust is removed leaving behind reddish spot which heals up quickly without having left scars. This condition is generally not accompanied by fever but lymph nodes in the affected area get swollen up. Since this condition is contagious, if the person slightly scratches or touches the sores then the infection may migrate to other body parts.
Ecthyma: Ecthyma is a severe form of Indian fire rash and may reach even up to the second layer of skin. The person may also develop fluid or pus filled blisters on feet and legs which may turn into ulcers. These sores get punctured on their own with time and develop thick, gray-yellow, solid scan. When the sores heal up, scars are formed and lymph nodes may also swell in this disease.
Bullous impetigo: This form of Indian fire rash mainly occurs in children below 2 years of age. In this condition, fluid-filled blisters which are also painless may occur on torso, legs and arms. The skin surrounding the affected area becomes red and itchiness may occur. The blisters can be big or small and rupture in few days to form yellowish scan is formed which lasts for considerable amount of time.
Causes of Indian fire rash
Some of the causes of Indian fire rash are as follows:
- Indian fire rash are caused majorly due to two types of bacteria namely: Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. Both these types of bacteria reside on the skin and are harmless until they enter inside the body through an injury or a cut thereby causing infection
- Among adults, this skin infection is caused mainly due to trauma to skin and due to other skin conditions such as dermatitis. Indian fire rash among children is mainly due to insect bite, cut on skin or due to scratch on the skin. It is to be noticed that Indian fire rash among children can be caused even if there’s no major injury.
- Since it is contagious in nature, therefore anyone who comes in contact with the causative bacteria or by coming in contact with the infected area of any affected person. It may also be caused due to indirect transfer such as coming in contact with contaminated bed sheets, towels, clothes, toys etc.
- The staph bacteria cause the spread of Indian fire rash to the skin surrounding the affected area. The toxin attacks the protein which is responsible for holding skin cells together. If this protein is damaged then the causative bacteria spreads rapidly.
- Potentially anyone belonging to any age group can develop Indian fire rash. However it is most common among children belonging to 2 to 8 years of age. The reason that children are more vulnerable to this infection is their underdeveloped immune systems. It should be noted here that strep and staph bacteria grow in conditions such as close contact of group of people or public places.
Treatment of Indian fire rash
Apart from much obvious prevention such as staying physical contact with infected individuals avoid touching their belongings, there are some other methods of treatments such as:
- Mix 1 tbsp. of white vinegar with pint of water and soak the infected area for 10 to 20 minutes.
- Maintain good hygiene conditions such as keeping the infected area clean all the time.
- After washing the infected skin areas, dry it and apply over the counter topical antibiotics for 2 to 4 times a day.
- Oral and topical antibiotics may be prescribed by the doctor.
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