Signs of Mercury Poisoning
Mercury and its compounds have several effects on body functions and tissues. Surprisingly biological and modern industrial processes add mercury compounds at extremely high levels. Mercury is used in various industries such as manufacturing chemicals, paints and household items, fungicides and pesticides. Not only do the consumer goods contain mercury but the air is also contaminated with mercury vapors, dusts and fumes. Water also contains potentially high mercury levels through effluent wastes which contain mercury in varied forms. It is most likely that mercury in water gets converted into organic mercurial by the action of bacteria in muddy sediments which as a result is concentrated by the fishes or any other aquatic form which are consumed by men.
Mercury in any form is poisonous. Mercury poisoning may be caused due to ingestion, injection, vapor inhalation or absorption through skin. Intoxication caused in men may vary depending on the mode of contact with mercury and type of mercury contacted. The signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning are visible only after weeks or months have passed of exposure to mercury. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Accidental and suicidal ingestion of mercury salts like mercuric chloride cause acute mercury poisoning and following symptoms will occur. Digestive tract gets inflammated and abdominal cramps with nausea may occur. Within few hours of ingestion, the person gets vomiting and bloody diarrhea. The mercury that was absorbed is concentrated in kidneys and this result in poisoning of the blood-filtering structures thereby reducing or cessation of the urine output. Consequently toxic substances get accumulated in the bloods and causes death.
Chronic mercury poisoning is caused due to the occupational inhalation of mercury vapors, dust and volatile organic mercurial. It may also be a result of mercury salts like mercuric nitrate absorption through skin. The symptoms of chronic mercury include metallic taste and excess of saliva is formed. Membranes in the mouth gets inflammated, teeth loosen up and a blue line if formed on the gum. These symptoms are accompanied by pain, tremor, numbness, weight loss, loss of appetite, depression, tendency to withdraw along with other changes in mental and personality.
There are some mercurial compounds that are used as diuretics i.e. used to increase the production of urine. If the person develops sensitivity reactions to these compounds, then he may experience hives, asthma, skin lesions and even death. Certain ointments containing mercury can also cause mercury poisoning. Use of such ointments or ingestion of calomel may result in symptoms such as rash, fever and enlargement of spleen as well as lymph nodes. Acrodynia or pink disease, a disorder common among infants and small children is cause due to phenyl mercuric propionate, an organic mercury compound that is mixed in house paints to prevent the mold growth. The symptoms of pink disease include insomnia, irritability, loosening of teeth, loss of appetite, red skin and inflammation of mouth.
Mercury poisoning due to organic mercurial compounds is known as Minamata disease and involves lesions of central nervous system. The term Minamata is due to the outbreak of mercury poisoning that occurred in Minamata, Japan in 1950s. The Minamata disease is characterized by the weakening of muscles, impairment of cerebral functions, loss of sight, coma, paralysis and death. Also, the seabirds and household cats who fed on fish in Minamata showed the symptoms of same disease. The source of mercury that caused outbreak was supposed to be some mercury effluent from factory. In addition, the farmers who seeds treated with organic mercury compound in grain seeds reported the similar symptoms.
Mercury poisoning occurs when inorganic mercury is swallowed. The symptoms vary depending on how much amount is swallowed. Symptoms include burning in stomach and throat, vomiting and bloody diarrhea. When inorganic enters the blood, kidney and brain are severely affected. This causes permanent kidney damage or kidney failure and death.
The sources of exposure to elemental mercury are batteries, dental amalgams, electroplating, barometers, calibration instruments, bronzing, fingerprinting products, infrared detectors, fluorescent lamps, mercury lamps, neon lamps, manometers, thermometers, semiconductor cells, photography, paper pulp industry, paints, silver and gold production.
The sources of inorganic mercury exposure include perfume industry, taxidermy production, antisyphilitic agents, disinfectants, cosmetics, acetaldehyde production, explosives, chemical laboratory, embalming, mercury vapor lamps, the perfume industry, ink manufacturing, fur hat processing, spermicidal jellies, vinyl chloride production, tattooing, mirror silvering and wood preservation.
The sources of organic mercury exposure are antiseptics, fungicides, insecticides, bactericides, embalming agents, pathology products, histology products, laundry products, diaper products, farming products, seed preservation, contaminated food, sea food, and histology products.
There are some fish that can collect potentially higher levels of mercury. Anyone who eats such fish frequently can build up higher level of mercury in their body. Depending on the type, Tuna is considered to have very high mercury content. As such even if you eat it raw or cook it, Tuna will always contain similar amount of mercury. Shark, king mackerel, tilefish and swordfish may also have higher mercury content.
Mercury and its compounds have several effects on body functions and tissues. Surprisingly biological and modern industrial processes add mercury compounds at extremely high levels. Mercury is used in various industries such as manufacturing chemicals, paints and household items, fungicides and pesticides. Not only do the consumer goods contain mercury but the air is also contaminated with mercury vapors, dusts and fumes. Water also contains potentially high mercury levels through effluent wastes which contain mercury in varied forms. It is most likely that mercury in water gets converted into organic mercurial by the action of bacteria in muddy sediments which as a result is concentrated by the fishes or any other aquatic form which are consumed by men.
Mercury in any form is poisonous. Mercury poisoning may be caused due to ingestion, injection, vapor inhalation or absorption through skin. Intoxication caused in men may vary depending on the mode of contact with mercury and type of mercury contacted. The signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning are visible only after weeks or months have passed of exposure to mercury. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Acute mercury poisoning
Accidental and suicidal ingestion of mercury salts like mercuric chloride cause acute mercury poisoning and following symptoms will occur. Digestive tract gets inflammated and abdominal cramps with nausea may occur. Within few hours of ingestion, the person gets vomiting and bloody diarrhea. The mercury that was absorbed is concentrated in kidneys and this result in poisoning of the blood-filtering structures thereby reducing or cessation of the urine output. Consequently toxic substances get accumulated in the bloods and causes death.
Chronic mercury poisoning
Chronic mercury poisoning is caused due to the occupational inhalation of mercury vapors, dust and volatile organic mercurial. It may also be a result of mercury salts like mercuric nitrate absorption through skin. The symptoms of chronic mercury include metallic taste and excess of saliva is formed. Membranes in the mouth gets inflammated, teeth loosen up and a blue line if formed on the gum. These symptoms are accompanied by pain, tremor, numbness, weight loss, loss of appetite, depression, tendency to withdraw along with other changes in mental and personality.
Other mercury poisoning
There are some mercurial compounds that are used as diuretics i.e. used to increase the production of urine. If the person develops sensitivity reactions to these compounds, then he may experience hives, asthma, skin lesions and even death. Certain ointments containing mercury can also cause mercury poisoning. Use of such ointments or ingestion of calomel may result in symptoms such as rash, fever and enlargement of spleen as well as lymph nodes. Acrodynia or pink disease, a disorder common among infants and small children is cause due to phenyl mercuric propionate, an organic mercury compound that is mixed in house paints to prevent the mold growth. The symptoms of pink disease include insomnia, irritability, loosening of teeth, loss of appetite, red skin and inflammation of mouth.
Organic mercurial compound
Mercury poisoning due to organic mercurial compounds is known as Minamata disease and involves lesions of central nervous system. The term Minamata is due to the outbreak of mercury poisoning that occurred in Minamata, Japan in 1950s. The Minamata disease is characterized by the weakening of muscles, impairment of cerebral functions, loss of sight, coma, paralysis and death. Also, the seabirds and household cats who fed on fish in Minamata showed the symptoms of same disease. The source of mercury that caused outbreak was supposed to be some mercury effluent from factory. In addition, the farmers who seeds treated with organic mercury compound in grain seeds reported the similar symptoms.
Inorganic mercury poisoning
Mercury poisoning occurs when inorganic mercury is swallowed. The symptoms vary depending on how much amount is swallowed. Symptoms include burning in stomach and throat, vomiting and bloody diarrhea. When inorganic enters the blood, kidney and brain are severely affected. This causes permanent kidney damage or kidney failure and death.
Sources of exposure
The sources of exposure to elemental mercury are batteries, dental amalgams, electroplating, barometers, calibration instruments, bronzing, fingerprinting products, infrared detectors, fluorescent lamps, mercury lamps, neon lamps, manometers, thermometers, semiconductor cells, photography, paper pulp industry, paints, silver and gold production.
The sources of inorganic mercury exposure include perfume industry, taxidermy production, antisyphilitic agents, disinfectants, cosmetics, acetaldehyde production, explosives, chemical laboratory, embalming, mercury vapor lamps, the perfume industry, ink manufacturing, fur hat processing, spermicidal jellies, vinyl chloride production, tattooing, mirror silvering and wood preservation.
The sources of organic mercury exposure are antiseptics, fungicides, insecticides, bactericides, embalming agents, pathology products, histology products, laundry products, diaper products, farming products, seed preservation, contaminated food, sea food, and histology products.
There are some fish that can collect potentially higher levels of mercury. Anyone who eats such fish frequently can build up higher level of mercury in their body. Depending on the type, Tuna is considered to have very high mercury content. As such even if you eat it raw or cook it, Tuna will always contain similar amount of mercury. Shark, king mackerel, tilefish and swordfish may also have higher mercury content.
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