Monday, August 4, 2014

Health Nutrition Supplements

Health Nutrition Supplements
In this competitive world of rat-race, everyone wishes to remain fit and fine in body and mind. However, eating hastily the junk and fast-foods will give you only fats and calories that will unnecessarily make you overweight and obese. In this scenario, health nutrition supplements play an active role in keeping you healthy. However, our busy schedule has kept us so time-bound that we hardly eat enough to satisfy our body needs. To cap it all, we eat the vegetables that are farmed extensively and stale enough with least nutrients. Thence, we need health nutrition supplements in order to maintain health. Lack of nutritional supplements invites diseases that lead to poor health. The poor diet cast deteriorating effect on health, causing beriberi, scurvy, kwashiorkor, and osteoporosis. The junk food is processed one and consumption of this processed food leads to metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Remember, you cannot ignore the importance of nutritional supplements and there is no substitute for the balanced diet if you want sound health. The fatty and spicy food may satisfy your tongue, but it cannot satisfy your bodily needs.

Nutrition supplements are nothing but vitamins, proteins and minerals. These nutrients are like a fuel to the body. Nowadays, antioxidants are in high demand just as A, E, C, D and the mineral selenium. Mangoes, spinach, dark leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and squash are enriched with vitamin A with beta carotene. Almonds, whole grains, wheat, and vegetable oils include vitamin E. Tomatoes, cauliflower, asparagus, strawberries, broccoli, citrus fruits, and bell peppers have enough vitamin C antioxidants. The sunrays of the morning are replete with vitamin D in great abundance. These nutrients stimulate our basal metabolism and increase our immune power, which helps to fight against the toxins, germs and viruses of various diseases. In turn we remain healthy and strong. However, you should eat a balanced diet. The health nutrition supplements are beneficial for sound health, but the overdose of the nutritional supplements might bring out the detrimental effects like nausea and dizziness. In other words, low-dose or overdose would produce negative impact on your body. Nevertheless, balanced nutritious diet is the master key to sound health. Before you start nutrition supplements, it is better to consult with your health nutritionist or dietitian for the properly balanced diet, which is suitable for your body type. Now change your diet habits and instead of eating junk foods, start eating eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables.

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