Monday, August 4, 2014

Liquid Calcium Supplements

Liquid Calcium Supplements
Calcium is quite essential for the optimum and efficient maintenance of the bones and the joints. Calcium plays a vital role in the formation and strength of the bones, cartilage and also the teeth.

Calcium supplements are available in many forms. The tablet forms are of two types, the normal hard variety which requires to be swallowed with water. Then there is a chewable kind of calcium tablet. These tablets are usually of two kinds. The soft chewable kind, where the tablet usually is flavored, either chocolate or vanilla flavored and is very soft. The other kind of chewable calcium tablet is also usually flavored, but is quite hard in consistency. These chewable tablets actually need to be sucked on or bitten in to.

There is another variation of the calcium supplements. The liquid calcium supplement is quite easy to administer, regardless of the age of the patient. The liquid form of calcium is easily absorbed by the body too.

The liquid calcium supplements available are all competing with each other to gain advantage in the market. But the best liquid calcium supplement should meet certain requirements. The Recommended Dietary Allowance or RDA is the American standard for dietary allowances. RDA mentions clearly that calcium requirement is calculated on the basis of elemental calcium. Elemental calcium means that amount of calcium which is actually going to be absorbed and be available for utilization, out of the total calcium compound ingested.

An ideal liquid calcium supplement should have the RDA recommended 1000 milli gram of calcium in the elemental form. If the liquid calcium supplement is further enhanced by the addition of some compounds which accelerate or maximize the calcium absorption, it would be more useful and functional.

Along with the calcium, if there is also Vitamin D added to it, then it will totally cancel the need for any additional Vitamin D supplements. The other vital part about calcium absorption in the gut is that if there is associated magnesium deficiency, then the absorbed calcium may accumulate in the soft tissues and a certain type of joint inflammation can result. So an ideal liquid calcium supplement can become more practically useful, if there is magnesium also added to the calcium and Vitamin D.

Vitamin K is an important factor which assists in the proper utilization of the available calcium and also regulates the binding of the calcium to the bones, without getting accumulated or piled up in the blood vessels. So an addition of Vitamin K can also be beneficial.

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