Sunday, June 14, 2015

4 Causes of Sharp Pain Lower Left Abdomen

4 Causes of Sharp Pain Lower Left Abdomen
Sharp pain in lower left abdomen may occur in several reasons. The probable source of pain may come from reproductive organs, urinary tract, abdominal muscles or the colon. Pinpointing the exact cause can be a problem because there are organs that are located in that area. If you feel sharp pain in the lower left abdomen, it is best that you consult with your health care provider to have proper diagnosis.

Causes of Sharp pain in lower left abdomen

  • Diverticulitis: Diverticulum may form in the weak areas of the intestine. According to a study, around ten percent of Americans who are above age forty have diverticula. Normally, diverticula may not show any symptoms but when it is inflamed, diverticulitis may occur. The pain associated with diverticulitis is sharp and sudden pain. Other possible symptoms are vomiting, abdominal cramps, vomiting and fever.

  • Kidney stones: The presence of kidney stones in the ureter is another possible culprit of sharp pain in the lower left abdomen. The pain may be severe especially if the size of the stone is large. The pain may also be observed in the groin, back and lower abdominal. Symptoms associated with kidney stones are vomiting, blood in the urine and may feel pain while urinating.

  • Splenic rupture: The splenic rupture may cause abdominal pain. A ruptured spleen may lead to internal bleeding. The possible causes of ruptured spleen are vehicular accident, trauma or an assault.

  • Ectopic pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy can also be the cause of sharp pain in the lower abdomen. This occurs when the embryo grows outside of the uterus. Symptoms accompanied with ectopic pregnancy are nausea, abnormal bleeding and severe pelvic pain. Ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous for a woman, it is important that a patient visits her doctor immediately if she suspects ectopic pregnancy. Immediate medical care is needed for woman suffering with ectopic pregnancy.

Alternating Tylenol and Motrin

Alternating Tylenol and Motrin
Tylenol for kids and Motrin for kids are available as over the counter medications that aids health in reducing fever and in easing pain. Fever medications are generally safe when you follow the manufacturer's instructions or better yet, ask your pediatrician the right dosage. is possible, provided that you ask first with your child's pediatrician.

Doses of Tylenol and Motrin
Acetaminophen is contained in Tylenol while Ibuprofen is found in Motrin. These medications are used in treating fever and pain in infants and young children. The exact dose of each medication is based generally on the weight and not on the age. It is important that you know first the weight of your child before taking this medication.

Temperature in infants that are less in twelve weeks is best measured through a rectal thermometer. Temporal thermometer may be used in infants that are more than twelve weeks while ear thermometers are preferred if the infant is more than six months. Oral thermometers are best use if your child can hold the instrument for several minutes without breaking the oral thermometer.

In regards to the fever, it is best that you give first the right dose of acetaminophen. If the infant still has a fever after one hour after giving the dose of acetaminophen, you may give a dose of ibuprofen. Acetaminophen as well ibuprofen is two different kinds of medications but they can be given alternately if there is high fever. Likewise, if the child feels discomfort, it may be best that they also receive another medication.

In the presence of persistent high fever, you may also alternate the medications every three hours. For example, you can give Acetaminophen at 12 noon and give ibuprofen at around 3 pm, then, give again acetaminophen at 6 pm and ibuprofen at 9 pm. This may reduce the risks of sudden increase of fever as the medication wears off. However, avoid using each medication more than four times and do not alternate Tylenol and Motrin more than twenty-four hours. Consult your child's doctor if fever and pain continues.

What are Muscular System Organs?

What are Muscular System Organs?
The Muscular system organs are composed of three separate groups. Aside from letting your body walk and stand, it also allows your heart to beat and your lungs to breathe as well as the internal organs to function. Several organs and muscles tissue is part of your muscular system. So, next time you think of your muscular build up, remember it is more than just your six-pack abs.

Muscular System Organs

  • Smooth Muscular Tissue: These tissues are located in the blood vessels and in other organs like stomach, urinary and intestines. These muscles are involuntary and are responsible for widening or narrowing the blood vessels. This is also responsible for contracting the food through the digestive tract and cause the uterus to let the baby pass through the birth canal.

  • Skeletal Muscles: Skeletal muscles aids in holding the skeletal frame and in providing mobility. Skeletal muscles are the most popular parts of the muscular system. From large muscles in the buttocks up to the smallest muscle in your finger, skeletal muscles can support our body to walk, jump and move. Some of the large muscles in the body are pectorals, abdominals, quadriceps and gluteus maximus. These muscle groups are then connected to several ligaments, tendons and tissues.

  • Cardiac Muscle: The heart is actually a cardiac muscle. It is consisted of four chambers that contract in harmony. The left side pumps blood to the aorta to all the cells while the right side pumps blood towards the lungs and return again to the heart. Heart is one of the six hundred fifty muscles that are found in the human body and it is considered as the strongest. It is composed of cardiac tissues and considered as the most muscular organs in the body. it can beat seventy two times per minute. But when you exercise, the cardiac muscles can boost its output to 5-8 times more. This means that your heart can pump additional oxygenated blood to your lungs and other muscles.

What are Vitamin Classifications?

What are Vitamin Classifications?
Based on guidelines of National Institute of Health, the body needs thirteen vitamins for normal health. The vitamins that are required by the body are vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B complex. Each of the vitamins provides several functions in the body. Though some people can get all the vitamins in the foods he or she consumed, still supplementing with vitamins is a great idea. Before you take vitamins in your own, it is best that you know the vitamin classification and ask your doctor the best one for you.

Vitamin Classification

  • Classification: The classification of the vitamins is classified depending on the solubility. Some vitamins are soluble in water while some are soluble in fat. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body and may accumulate. On the other hand, water-soluble vitamins are expelled out through the kidneys.

  • Fat-soluble: Fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, and E. Vitamin K is also a sample of fat-soluble vitamin. These vitamins are stored in fat as well as liver cells in the body. Vitamin A is required for the vision, growth of bones and mucous membranes. Vitamin A is an antioxidant and it can decrease the risk of some types of cancer. Meanwhile, vitamin D may help in absorbing phosphorous and calcium. Cartilage, bones and teeth also requires these vitamins. Likewise, vitamin E is needed in the formation of red blood cells and may prevent blood from clotting. On the other hand, vitamin K is responsible for bone maintenance.

  • Water-soluble: Vitamin C and vitamin B complex are all water-soluble. It is not really stored in the body and it should be taken daily. The B complex can boost the energy of the body from food. It also aids in controlling appetite, improving of vision, growth of healthy skin and the formation of blood cells. Vitamin C can boost the growth of tissues, teeth and bones. It also boosts your immune system against infections.

4 Side Effects of Silicon dioxide

4 Side Effects of Silicon dioxide
Silicon dioxide or silicon is the 2nd most common element in the planet. In the body, it is located in bones, cartilages, teeth, tendons and blood vessels. Silicon plays a vital role in the development of collagen and bones. However, there are some instances where silicon dioxide may cause side effects.

Side Effects of Silicon Dioxide

  • Kidney Damage: One of the serious side effects of silicon dioxide is kidney damage. Long term use or taking high dosages of silicon dioxide may increase the risk of damage in the kidneys. People who are suffering with cardiovascular disease and kidney conditions are very vulnerable to this side effect. It is best that you talk with your health care provide before you take silicon dioxide. Those who have history of kidney problems in the past may not be able to take silicon dioxide to avoid problems later on.

  • Silicosis: Silicosis is another side effect of silicon dioxide. This condition is caused by inhaling silicon dust. Silicosis is a lung disease that may lead fibrosis and lung cancer. Miners especially those that have long term exposure and had inhaled big amounts of silicon have higher number of mortality levels than silicon associated cancers.

  • Thiamine Deficiency: Long term use of silicon may result to vitamin deficiency. Silicon derived from enzyme thiaminase is responsible for breaking down thiamine in the body. If you consume silicon dioxide for too long, you may have deficiency in thiamine. Consult first with your health care provider if you need to take silicon dioxide.

  • Dehydration: Normally, silicon dioxide is taken for diuretic purposes. Taking silicon dioxide may allow you to excrete fluids through the process of urination. But you have to slow down consuming silicon dioxide because taking this supplement for long term may result to dehydration. Excessive urination may lead to hypokalemia. This may increase the risk of losing potassium in the urine. Discuss with your doctor first before you start taking silicon dioxide supplements.

Normal High and Low Blood Glucose Levels

Normal High and Low Blood Glucose Levels Blood Glucose test is a direct measurement of the blood glucose level. It is most commonly used in the evaluation of diabetic patients. Through an elaborate feedback mechanism, glucose levels are controlled by insulin and glucagon. Glucose levels are low in the fasting state. In response, glucagon, which is made in the alpha cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, is secreted. Glucagon breaks glycogen down to glucose in the liver and glucose levels rise. If the fasting persists, protein and fatty acids are broken down under glucagon stimulation. Glucose levels continue to rise.

Glucose levels are elevated after eating. Insulin, which is made in the beta cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, is secreted. Insulin attaches to insulin receptors in muscle, liver, and fatty cells, in which it drives glucose into these target cells to be metabolized to glycogen, amino acids, and fatty acids. Blood glucose levels diminish. Many other hormones (e.g., adrenocorticosteroids, adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], epinephrine, growth, thyroxine) can also affect glucose metabolism.

The serum glucose test is helpful in diagnosing many metabolic diseases. Serum glucose levels must be evaluated according to the time of day they are performed. For example, a glucose level of 135 mg/dL may be abnormal if the patient is in the fasting state, but this level would be within normal limits if the patient had eaten a meal within the last hour.

In general, true glucose elevations indicate diabetes mellitus (DM), however, there are many other possible causes of hyperglycemia. Similarly, hypoglycemia has many causes. The most common cause is inadvertent insulin overdose in patients with brittle diabetes. If diabetes is suspected based on elevated fasting blood levels, a glycosylated hemoglobin or glucose tolerance test can be performed.

Glucose determinations must be performed frequently in new diabetic patients to monitor closely the insulin dosage to be administered. Finger stick blood glucose determinations are often performed in the morning, before meals, or at bedtime. Results are compared with a sliding-scale insulin chart ordered by the physician to provide coverage with subcutaneous regular insulin.

Normal Blood Glucose Levels

Normal Blood Glucose Levels vary by age. Blood sugar levels are normally low at younger age and the Normal Levels of Blood Glucose increases as the person grows. It it normal for healthy elderly people to have higher blood sugar than healthy adults.

Blood glucose is measured either in terms of Milligrams per Deciliter (mg/dL) or in terms or Millimole per Liter (mmol/L) in labs that use SI units . The following listing shows the Normal Glucose Levels at different age groups:

Premature Infant: 20 to 60 mg/dL (1.1-3.3 mmol/L)

Neonate: 30 to 60 mg/dL (1.7-3.3 mmol/L)

Infant: 40 to 90 mg/dL (2.2-5.0 mmol/L)

Child younger than two years of age: 60 to 100 mg/dL (3.3-5.5 mmol/L)

8 hours Fasting Adult or Child  above two years of age: 70 to 110 mg/dL  ( Less than 6.1 mmol/L)

Non-fasting Adult or Child  above two years of age: Above 200 mg/dL ( Above 11.1 mmol/L)

When pregnant, several women may experience a condition known as Gestational Diabetes. Gestational Diabetes occurs as a result of the physiological changes women experience during pregnancy. Some of these changes may affect the hormones that tolerate the blood sugar levels in the body.

Causes of High Blood Glucose Levels

Diabetes mellitus (DM): This disease is defined by glucose intolerance and hyperglycemia. A discussion of the many possible etiologies is beyond the scope of this manual.

Acute stress response: Severe stress, including infection, burns, and surgery, stimulates catecholamine release. This in turn stimulates glucagon secretion, which causes hyperglycemia.

Cushing syndrome: Blood cortisol levels are high. This in turn causes hyperglycemia.

Pheochromocytoma: Catecholamine stimulates glucagon secretion, which causes hyperglycemia.

Chronic renal failure: Glucagon is metabolized by the kidney. With loss of that function, glucagon and glucose levels rise.

Glucagonoma: Glucagon is autonomously secreted, causing hyperglycemia.

Acute pancreatitis: The contents of the pancreatic cells (including glucagon) are spilled into the bloodstream as the cells are injured during the inflammation. The glucagon causes hyperglycemia.

Diuretic therapy: Certain diuretics cause hyperglycemia.

Corticosteroid therapy: Cortisol causes hyperglycemia.

Acromegaly: Growth hormone stimulates glucagon, which causes hyperglycemia.

Acute Salicylate Toxicity.

Drugs that cause High Blood Glucose Levels include:

  • Tricyclics Antidepressants.

  • Beta-adrenergic Blocking Agents.

  • IV Dextrose Infusion.

  • Dextrothyroxine.

  • Diazoxide.

  • Epinephrine.

  • Estrogens.

  • Glucagon.

  • Isoniazid.

  • Lithium.

  • Phenothiazines.

  • Phenytoin.

  • Triamterene.

Causes of Low Blood Glucose Levels

Insulinoma: Insulin is autonomously produced without regard to biofeedback mechanisms.

Hypothyroidism: Thyroid hormones affect glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of this hormone, glucose levels fall.

Hypopituitarism: Many pituitary hormones (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], growth hormone) affect glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of these hormones, glucose levels fall.

Addison disease: Cortisol affects glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of this hormone, glucose levels fall.

Extensive liver disease: Most glucose metabolism occurs in the liver. With decreased liver function, glucose levels decrease.

Insulin overdose: This is the most common cause of hypoglycemia. Insulin is administered at too high of a dose (especially in brittle diabetes) and glucose levels fall.

Starvation: With decreased carbohydrate ingestion, glucose levels diminish.

Alcohol Consumption.

Drugs that cause Low Blood Glucose Levels include:

  • Acetaminophen

  • Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors.

  • Anabolic Steroids.

  • Biguanides.

  • Clofibrate.

  • Disopyramide.

  • Gemfibrozil.

  • Incretin Mimetics.

  • Insulin.

  • Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors.

  • Meglitinides.

  • Pentamidine.

  • Propranolol.

  • Sulfonylureas.

  • Thiazolidinediones.

4 Signs of Getting Pregnant on the Pill

4 Signs of Getting Pregnant on the Pill
The risk of getting pregnant on the pill is not really high but still it is possible. Therefore, women who are in the pill should know the possible signs of pregnancy. Getting the best prenatal care is very important to make sure that the baby and the mother is well taken care. Any pregnant woman who is on the pill may experience the same sign that all women feel when they are pregnant.

Signs of Getting Pregnant on the Pill

  • Missed Period: First sign of pregnancy is missed period however, this may not be observed in women who had a shot or IUD. In lieu with this, a woman should look for other pregnancy signs. Some women may observe that there is implantation bleeding that may last from six to twelve days after the actual conception. The bleeding is often mistaken for a short and light period.

  • Morning Sickness: Due to the changes in the hormones, pregnancy, vomiting and nausea are observed. These symptoms are part of morning sickness but it is not really limited in mornings, it can be felt any time of the day. Actually, women on the pill are more prone to have extreme morning sickness because of high levels of hormones due to the birth control as well as pregnancy. Part of morning sickness maybe food cravings or the opposite, food aversions or severe dislike for certain foods.

  • Lower back pain: Lower back pain is very common all throughout the pregnancy. If you are on the pill, you may still feel pain in the lower back and in lower abdomen. Severe pain should be consulted with your health care provider.

  • Changes in the breast: Changes in the breast may also occur if you are pregnant on the pill. The changes associated with the breast area may appear the same as pre-menstrual syndrome but the changes during pregnancy may even last long.

4 Benefits of Lemon Juice on Skin

4 Benefits of Lemon Juice on Skin
Lemon juice may be a common ingredient in cooking however, do you know that Lemon juice on skin is also possible. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C as well as antioxidants that are great for the skin. It also has many fruit acids that can work as exfoliant and can even remove blackheads.

Benefits of Lemon Juice on Skin

  • Exfoliant: Lemon juice is rich in alpha hydroxyl avid that may aid in exfoliating the skin and in removing impurities that are result of dead skin cells. Without the dead skin cells, the pores may be able to breathe and boost the growth of new skin cells. For best results, it is best that you use pure lemon juice on a cotton ball and apply it to your skin.

  • Removes blackhead: Blackhead occurs when the natural oils of the face are blocked. But applying some lemon juice in your face may remove all the blackheads. Apply the lemon juice on the face and leave it overnight. Rinse the face the next morning.

  • Relieves sunburn: Sunburn can really bring discomfort especially if it is located in the face. It is often characterized with itchiness, dryness and pain. To relieve sunburn, it is best if you mix water and lemon juice and apply it to the directed area. You may also wash your face with the mixture of lemon juice and water if face is affected with sunburn. The mixture of lemon and water may cool down the burn and boost skin healing. This can also minimize the blisters that may appear.

  • Heals acne: Lemon juice is also a natural cure for acne. In fact, lemon juice can actually boost the healing of acne lesions and may even prevent possible breakouts. Apply the lemon juice with water in the morning, afterwards, rinse with cool water and then, apply moisturizer.

6 Ginger Tea Benefits

6 Ginger Tea Benefits
Ginger tea benefits are enjoyed by people who regularly drink ginger tea. Ginger tea is a concoction made by sliced ginger and boiled in water. For additional flavor, honey is commonly added. Ginger tea offers great health benefits but people who drink blood thinner, diabetic drugs and beta-blockers may consult first with their health care providers to avoid negative interactions. Likewise, those who suffer with heartburn should refrain taking this since it may worsen their condition. Pregnant women should also avoid ginger tea since it can result to too much contraction of the uterus.

Ginger Tea Benefits

  • Prevents motion sickness: Those who always feel dizzy and vomiting when travelling may benefit well with ginger tea. For best results, it is best that you consume the ginger tea, thirty minutes before you start your travel.

  • Fights abdominal discomfort: Ginger tea may fight abdominal discomfort and improve the food absorption. If you have abdominal discomfort due to indigestion, ginger tea may lessen the pain associated with indigestion. Likewise, unnecessary belching may be stopped by ginger tea.

  • Lessen inflammation: Ginger tea can also lessen the inflammation of the joints especially the rheumatoid arthritis. It is also effective in reducing tiredness, joints and sore muscles.

  • Good for the brain: Ginger tea can block prostaglandin. Prostaglandin is a chemical in the body that may cause swelling in the blood vessels in the brain. Taking ginger tea may improve the condition of people suffering with severe headaches and migraine.

  • Stress buster: Drinking ginger tea can also improve your mood and may give you sunny disposition. It can give you feeling calm and refreshed especially if you are in the middle of something stressing.

  • Reduces menstrual discomfort: For women suffering with menstrual cramps may try to drink ginger tea to give them soothing effect. Likewise, you may have a soak of hot towel in a ginger tea and place the towel on the top of your lower abdomen to reduce the menstrual cramps.

1 and 2 Hour Postprandial Glucose Levels

1 and 2 Hour Postprandial Glucose Levels During Postprandial Glucose study, a meal acts as a glucose challenge to the body’s metabolism. Insulin is normally secreted immediately after a meal in response to the elevated blood glucose level, causing the level to return to the premeal range within 2 hours. In patients with diabetes the glucose level usually is still elevated 2 hours after the meal. The PPG is an easily performed screening test for DM. If the results are greater than 140 and less than 200 mg/dL, a glucose tolerance test may be performed to confirm the diagnosis. If the 2-hour PPG is greater than 200 mg/dL, the diagnosis of DM is confirmed. Also, a glucose tolerance or glycosylated hemoglobin test can be performed to corroborate and better evaluate the disease.

The 2-hour PPG test is a measurement of the amount of glucose in the patient’s blood 2 hours after a meal is ingested (postprandial). It is used to diagnose diabetes mellitus (DM). When the 2 Hour Postprandial Glucose test is performed, a fasting blood glucose test is performed before the patient takes the meal. The patient should start a 12 hours of fasting before performing the test. The fasting glucose reading will be used as a baseline glucose level to give an idea if the patient glucose level was already high or not before the test.

The meal should contain at least 75 grams of carbohydrates and the patient should eat the whole meal. After taking the meal, the patient should not eat or smoke until the blood sample is drawn 2 hours later since such activities would increase glucose levels in the blood. Patients also are supposed to relax and avoid exhausting activities or exercising during the 2 hours waiting period because the body burns its fat deposit when it comes to exercising which increases glucose levels in blood.

The 1-hour glucose screen is used to detect gestational DM, which is the most common medical complication of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is a carbohydrate intolerance first recognized during pregnancy and affects 3% to 8% of pregnant women, with up to half of these women developing overt diabetes later in life. The detection and treatment of gestational diabetes may reduce the risk for several adverse perinatal outcomes (e.g., excessive fetal growth and birth trauma, fetal death, neonatal morbidity).

Screening for gestational diabetes is performed with a 50-g oral glucose load followed by a glucose level determination 1 hour later. This is called the O’sullivan test. Screening is done between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation. However, patients with risk factors such as a previous history of gestational diabetes may benefit from earlier screening. Patients whose serum glucose level equals or exceeds 140 mg/dL should be evaluated by a 3-hour glucose tolerance test.

Causes of Postprandial Glucose False results:

  • Smoking during the testing period may increase the blood glucose level.

  • Stress can increase glucose levels through the catecholamine effect of increasing serum glucose.

  • If the patient eats a small snack or eats candy during the 2-hour interval, glucose levels will be falsely elevated.

  • If the patient is not able to eat the entire test meal or vomits some or all of the meal, levels will be falsely decreased.

Normal Postprandial Glucose Levels

As people grow in age their Insulin response to what they eat slows down. The normal Postprandial Glucose Levels for healthy persons who are younger than 50 years of age  are lower than 140 mg/dl (Milligram/Deciliter). A healthy person whose age is between 50 and 60 years should have a Postprandial Glucose Level less than 150 mg/dL. After 60 years of age, a person with no signs of high blood sugar would have a Postprandial Glucose Level less thank 160 mg/dL.

Causes of High Postprandial Glucose Levels

Diabetes mellitus (DM): This disease is defined by glucose intolerance and hyperglycemia. A discussion of the many possible etiologies is beyond the scope of this manual.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (DM): This disease is defined by glucose intolerance and hyperglycemia during pregnancy.

Malnutrition: Malnourished patients have very poor glucose tolerance when they start to eat. The pathophysiology and theories of this observation are not well defined and are multiple.

Hyperthyroidism: Thyroid hormone is an ancillary hormone that affects glucose metabolism and acts to increase glucose levels.

Acute stress response: Severe stress, including infection, burns, and surgery, stimulates catecholamine release. This in turn stimulates glucagon secretion, which causes hyperglycemia.

Cushing syndrome: Blood cortisol levels are high. This in turn causes hyperglycemia.

Pheochromocytoma: Catecholamine stimulates glucagon secretion, which causes hyperglycemia.

Chronic renal failure: Glucagon is metabolized by the kidney. With loss of kidney function, glucagon and glucose levels rise.

Glucagonoma: Glucagon is autonomously secreted, causing hyperglycemia.

Diuretic therapy: Certain diuretics cause hyperglycemia.

Corticosteroid therapy: Cortisol causes hyperglycemia.

Acromegaly: Growth hormone stimulates glucagon, which causes hyperglycemia.

Extensive liver disease: Most glucose metabolism occurs in the liver. With decreased function of the liver, glucose levels decrease.

Causes of Low Postprandial Glucose Levels

Insulinoma: Insulin is autonomously produced without regard to biofeedback mechanisms.

Hypothyroidism: Thyroid hormone affects glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of this hormone, glucose levels fall.

Hypopituitarism: Many pituitary hormones (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], growth hormone) affect glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of these hormones, glucose levels fall.

Addison disease: Cortisol affects glucose metabolism. With diminished levels of this hormone, glucose levels fall.

Insulin overdose: This is the most common cause of hypoglycemia. Insulin is administered at too high of a dose (especially in brittle diabetes), and glucose levels fall.

Malabsorption or maldigestion: The test meal is not absorbed and glucose levels do not increase.

6 Good Sources of Monounsaturated Fat

6 Good Sources of Monounsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated fat or also referred as omega-9 fatty acids are good for the heart. The dietary guidelines for Americans suggests that the total fat intake should be between twenty to thirty five percent of daily calories and the sources of these fats should be polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fatty acids. Good source of monounsaturated fat includes fish, oils, nuts and others.

Good Source of Monounsaturated Fat

  • Fish: Most fishes are really rich in polyunsaturated fish especially omega 3 fatty acids but not all fishes are high in monounsaturated fat. Fishes that offer monounsaturated fat are mackerel, sablefish, halibut and herring.

  • Oils: Oils that are rich in monounsaturated fats are sesame, sunflower, canola, peanut and olive oil. These oils are great choices for healthy cooking and they are now widely available in grocery stores. Most Greek and Italian dishes used olive oils. Some of popular Italian foods with olive oils are tomato sauce, pizza sauce and bruschetta. For Greeks, salads that have cabbage, arugula and artichoke used olive oil. For salad enthusiasts, you can use olive oil as an alternative of salad dressing.

  • Nuts: Nuts as well as seeds are also great sources of monounsaturated fats. Nuts like peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews and macadamia are rich in monounsaturated fats. Likewise, pistachios, Brazil nuts and pecans have monounsaturated fats. Other good sources of nuts are almond butter and peanut butter.

  • Fruits: There are only two kinds of fruits that are rich in monounsaturated fats, the olives as well as avocados. Both olives and avocados offer ten grams of monounsaturated fat for every one hundred gram serving.

  • Seeds: Sunflower seeds, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds are all good sources of monounsaturated fat. Sesame seeds including sesame seed butter and paste are also rich in fatty acids.

  • Other Foods: Other sources may include granola bars, eggs, Parmesan cheese and Monterey jack.

3 Heavy Cream Substitutes

3 Heavy Cream Substitutes
Dishes that are laddered with heavy creams are considered high fat and high caloric foods. It may contain lots of saturated fat. Most of these foods are desserts, ice cream, cheesy sauces and soups. If you plan to lose weight, it is best that you use some heavy cream substitute to reduce the calories and decrease the saturated fat.

Heavy Cream Substitute

  • Go light with beverage: Coffee shops offer variety of milk products for tea and coffee. To substitute, it is best if you with switch one-fourth cup of reduced fat milk since it may only have thirty calories per serving and has less fat that is less than one gram of fat and saturated fat. If you prepare coffee at home, it is best that you use fat-free half-and-half, which only have twenty calories in two-table spoon and has no fat.

  • Desserts: regular desserts may have one half cup of dairy. Creating your own version of desserts like ice cream with the same consistency but lesser calories is possible. Use fat-free half-and-half, soya milk and almond milk are better alternatives. Remember, one half cup of heavy cream have four hundred calories and forty grams of fat but it has fat free half and half that have eighty calories and does not contain fat. You may also use soya milk since it only has forty calories and two grams of fat while almond milk has twenty calories and 1.5 grams of fat for every half a cup.

  • Dishes: The heavy creams in dishes may be tasty and creamy but it maybe high in calories. To substitute, fat-free evaporated milk may be better. Fat-free evaporated milk may provide creaminess without extra calories and too many fats. Half cup of fat free evaporated may also give you thirty-five percent of daily-required value of calcium.

How to Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers

How to Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers
Mouth ulcers are painful sores in the mouth. It is often characterized with white and yellow and surrounded by reddish area. Several causes of mouth ulcers may vary accordingly. Dental work, poor immune system or accidental biting of the tongue causes some mouth ulcers. Other health factors that may affect mouth ulcers are stress, lack of vitamin B12 and allergic reaction. Normally, the mouth ulcers may heal on its own, however, it can be really painful and may bring discomfort to your daily activities. There are several ways to soothe your symptoms immediately.

How to Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers

  • Garlic: To treat mouth ulcers, you may rub a piece of garlic on the mouth ulcer every day. Garlic contains allicin, which works as antiseptic and has antibacterial properties. Garlic also has antiviral properties and it can soothe the discomfort of mouth ulcers while boosting the healing process. To use garlic for canker sores, you may rub one piece of garlic for at least one minute and rinse the mouth with clean water after an hour.

  • Gargle with salt and water: Gargling with salt and water may sooth the discomfort of mouth ulcers. The salt has antiseptic properties that can aid in healing your canker sores. To gargle with salt and water, you may need to add twelve tablespoon of iodized salt to one cup of hot water. Gargle the salt and water mixture for at least one minute. Rinse well afterwards.

  • Coconut milk and honey: You may mix coconut milk and honey to get some relief with mouth ulcers. You may mix one fourth cup of coconut milk with two to three tablespoon of honey. Use a clean cloth to rub the mixture in the infected area. Apply for at least three times for effective results.

  • Chewing basil leaves: chewing basil leaves is effective in giving relief for mouth ulcers. Chew the leaves for five to six times daily until the mouth ulcer is healed.

Puer Allergies

Puer Allergies
Sociis natoque: baby allergies

Allergy definiri potest dici quod motus corporis allergen subiecto, contingit ex feugiat effectionem.

Sicut in adultis, ut in eadem reactionem puer cum illo in allergen. Sicut moveri solet allergen immune ratio vadit in corpus, aut per respirationem per nares, ut cutis a cibo per tactum. Allergen cum vadit in corpus, et pugnarent contra histamine quaedam chemicals dimittere allergen immune cellulis, ut ostendit, qui in corpore, signum et urna. Ne multis modis posse in allergies tur. Monita exemplis et Infantem Allergies Quid allergens sunt exempla?

Potest Allergy diversimode secundum allergen iter ingressum in corpus. Genera sunt allergens frequentissimum esse, pollen, dander animali, form conduntur, ciborum, et aliquet nisi. Vestibulum urna Potest ut intestinorum problems, cum aliis allergens potest exhibere, ut respiratorii problems talis ut allergic RHINITIS vel symptoms ut cutis siccitas, aut temerarius aut scabiem.

Lac allergies potest esse major in causa quia infantes. Potest exhibere, ut deiectio, refluxus, constipation, cutis siccitas et colic, quia scabies est temeritas. Eaque etiam, quae in diversis aliis conditionibus. Sic est maximus, quia non ad ius consilio negligerent, medicus consulate. Signa Lorem Allergies

Post puer allergic reactionem, stupefiunt feugiat nulla allergen, et secundum rationem in sequenti orci suaque feugiat felis. Dimittam histamine immune cellulis, quae est allergic ad progressum symptoms.
  • Communis signa

Exhibitio dependet variis factores, quae sunt visa et urna.

Itchiness urna Signa etiam in ore, tumidis labia et linguam, cutis temere, aut ruborem alvaria madent oculi, SCABIOSUS oculos nasalis urna, deiectio, vomitum, et cetera

Allergic profectae sunt plerumque mitis moderari in severitate. Si vehemens allergy accidit, ea merito occurrit, quod in minutis nuditate allergen, et potest esse in toto corpore.

  • Solida quaedam signa
Magis major allergic reactio, per quam proponitur in acuto, gravi formam, est sem vel Anaphylactic Anaphylaxis. Potest vita comminando, ut respirandi involvit et / vel circulatoria ratione. Ut in eo fieri solent ANHELO, DYSPNOEA gravi, et obvolutus est gutturis et linguae: tumor cum systematis respiratorii. Quia cum subito sistit in sanguine CIRCULATORY versatur.

Gravi allergic profectae sunt rara. Quidam doctores praescribere an adrenaline auto injector calamum pro infantibus, qui sunt diagnosed esse ad exponere pro anaphylactic profectae.

  • Moratus symptoms
Sunt autem et aliae formae allergies, vel non dicitur, retardati impetu IGE mediata allergies. Signa, atque simul non manifestant difficile celerrime ad rectam macula aut trigger causa allergic reactionem. Retardati impetu ad curare diu motus, et quidam adhuc perstat. Hinc ius amet medici congrua consulere debet.

Quia spectaculum video discernere et infantes ut varia forma in urna allergies / ae habet:

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Pulvis minuta sunt, et indumentorum varii in judicio, in lecto sunt, etiam visa tegit, pulvinar etc opercula

Haec cura est, ne ad parentes, ad accipiendum a allergies, vel ad minimum pulverem prohibere progressio morbo.
  • Ab arte puer pellis fabrica circumtextum tegeretur, quod pervia. Quod communiter invenitur in libero vendendi products habent allergy. Non adsumes et crassa magnum consolatorem, uti pro stragulis tenuis.
  • Lava quod est bedcovers cubilibus, et semel in septimana aqua calida (CXXX gradus F).
  • Discedite de saginati nugas et CRINITUS, vestra hedum scriptor ludus locus. Quia pulvis minuta sunt cellaria. Lava quod est quin saepe agendo puer, regulariter calida aqua.
  • Subinde in vacuum lautus mundatis discubitus, si non circa nata. Aera et terram commovere possunt purgari constrata, extergunt cum lineo panno humido solo, removenda.
  • Maximum efficientiam particulate caperet (HEPA) colum, quod est in paucis delectis vacuum cleaners, potest etiam ad hauriendumminimum particulas. Ergo satius est quam iusto vacuum cleaners uti vacuum cleaners.
  • Etiam ac faces caeli conditioners mundus subinde odio. Possunt etiam agere variis acervum pulvis minuta.
  • Gravi de allergy infans sit reponenda curavimus stragula blandis solum est quasi lignum.
2 pollinis

In diebus ventosa, puer aliquis est ad pollen allergy. Difficillimum est moderari, ubi cum pollen a Iove ludere foris. Cohibentem velit fabula tempore clausis fenestras cubilia post lavationem manuum, et pilis, et puer ille de ludo, ne proles etiam remedia ad pollen allergy. 3 Praeterea, facundos dander

Pet dander agnosci potest, ut in pueris et in urna tempus. Quod causatur ex Nasi urna eget urna dander commune cum aliqua cutis allergies.

Conservabunt te et facundos dander saepius lavit cum shampoos dapibus. Pueri ludunt tempus eget capere. Si manet facundos dander urna, in ultimo est dare Pet. Molde ad 4 Ad quartum

Sita est ad communem quaestionem humiditate aeris tempestas tepida atque locorum. Ita humidum et calidum et usus aer conditioners vitet dehumidifiers environment ubi res sita est.

Clean bathrooms frequenti platea vel tea lignum olei. Eandem necessariis locis, ne formam capere augmentum communiter factae.

Reticulocyte Count

Reticulocyte Count The reticulocyte count is a test for determining bone marrow function and evaluating erythropoietic activity. This test is also useful in classifying anemias. A reticulocyte is an immature red blood cell (RBC) that can be readily identified under a microscope by staining the peripheral blood smear with Wright or Giemsa stain. It is an RBC that still has some microsomal and ribosomal material left in the cytoplasm. It sometimes takes a few days for that material to be cleared from the cell. Normally there are a small number of reticulocytes in the bloodstream.

The reticulocyte count gives an indication of RBC production by the bone marrow. Increased reticulocyte counts indicate the marrow is releasing an increased number of RBCs into the bloodstream, usually in response to anemia. A normal or low reticulocyte count in a patient with anemia indicates that the marrow response to the anemia by way of production of RBCs is inadequate and perhaps is contributing to or is the cause of the anemia (as in aplastic anemia, iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, depletion of iron stores). An elevated reticulocyte count found in patients with a normal hemogram indicates increased RBC production compensating for an ongoing loss of RBCs (hemolysis or hemorrhage).

Because the reticulocyte count is a percentage of the total number of RBCs, a normal to low number of reticulocytes can appear high in the anemic patient, because the total number of mature RBCs is low. To determine if a reticulocyte count indicates an appropriate erythropoietic (RBC marrow) response in patients with anemia and a decreased hematocrit, the reticulocyte index is calculated by multiplying the patient’s Reticulocyte Count by his or her Hematocrit Level and dividing the result by Normal Hematocrit Level.

The reticulocyte index in a patient with a good marrow response to the anemia should be 1.0. If it is below 1.0, even though the reticulocyte count is elevated, the bone marrow response is inadequate in its ability to compensate (as seen in iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, marrow failure). In these clinical situations, if iron or vitamin B12 is administered, the reticulocyte count will rise significantly to the point that the index equals or exceeds 1.0.

Causes of False Reticulocyte Count

  • Pregnancy may cause an increased reticulocyte count.

  • Howell-Jolly bodies are blue stippling material in the RBC that occurs in severe anemia or hemolytic anemia. The RBCs containing these Howell-Jolly bodies look like reticulocytes and can be miscounted by some automated counter machines as reticulocytes; this gives a falsely high number of reticulocytes.

Causes of High Reticulocyte Count

  • Hemorrhage (3 to 4 days later): In response to significant blood loss, the marrow attempts to compensate by producing large numbers of RBCs, some of which are immature RBCs called reticulocytes.

  • Hemolytic disease of the newborn: Immune-mediated destruction of RBCs reduces RBC survival. The marrow attempts to compensate for the shortened RBC survival by producing large numbers of RBCs, some of which are immature RBCs called reticulocytes.

  • Treatment for iron, vitamin B12, or folate deficiency: After replacement treatment for anemia caused by nutritional deficiency, the marrow responds by increasing production of RBCs, some of which are immature RBCs called reticulocytes.

Hemolytic Anemia causes the Red Blood Cell destroyed at a faster rate than normal which decrease the RBCs survival rate. The marrow attempts to compensate for the shortened RBC survival by producing large numbers of RBCs, some of which are immature RBCs called reticulocytes. Examples of Hemolytic Anemia include:

  • Immune Hemolytic Anemia.

  • Hemoglobinopathies.

  • Hypersplenism.

  • Trauma from a Prosthetic Heart Valve.

Causes of Low Reticulocyte Count

Nutritional deficiencies suppress marrow production of RBCs and reticulocytes as well. Low Reticulocyte associated conditions that are caused by nutritional deficiencies include Iron-deficiency Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, and Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia.

Chronic Diseases cause the bone marrow production of Red Blood Cells and reticulocytes to be reduced.

Bone Marrow also fails to produce Red Blood Cells and reticulocytes because of :

  • Aplastic Anemia.

  • Radiation Therapy.

  • Malignancy.

  • Bone Marrow Failure.

  • Adrenocortical Hypofunction.

  • Anterior Pituitary Hypofunction.

3 Causes Why Scalp Hurts

3 Causes Why Scalp Hurts
There are several causes why your scalp hurts. The pain maybe classified from mild form up to severe depending on the cause. Some causes can be treated with simple home remedies while others may require home remedies. If severe scalp pain is observed, it may require medical attention.

Causes of Scalp Pain

  • Contact dermatitis: Contact dermatitis may be the culprit of scalp pain. It is characterized as inflammation of the skin that can be caused by irritating chemicals like jewelries, soaps and cosmetics. Contact dermatitis may also be due to poison oak and poison ivy. Symptoms that are often associated with contact dermatitis are red bumps, severe itchiness, tenderness in the affected area, dry scales in the skin and pain. Oftentimes, the skin that had contact with the offending objects may show symptoms. Part of the treatment is avoiding or limiting the exposure to the cause of contact dermatitis.

  • Scalp psoriasis: Psoriasis can also be another cause why your scalp is hurting. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation more than fifty percent of individuals suffering with psoriasis develop it on the scalp. It is characterized with irritation, skin redness and appearance of white scales. Scalp psoriasis may be classified as mild to severe. Most of mild cases may have scaly appearance while severe forms may have thick crusts that cover the whole scalp. The scales may even spread to the neck and ears. Psoriasis may affect anyone but it is more common to individuals between fifteen years of age to thirty-five years old.

  • Cellulitis: Cellulitis is also another reason for pain in the scalp. This is commonly caused by bacterial infection that affects the skin and skin tissues. Symptoms of cellulitis may be red patches of skin, tenderness and inflammation. Common cases may only affect the surface of the skin but in severe forms, the infection may reach the skin tissues up to the lymph nodes and even the blood stream.

5 Low Sugar Fruits

5 Low Sugar Fruits
Fruits may contain natural sugars like fructose, sucrose and glucose. The sugar content of fruits may vary accordingly. The natural sugars found in fruits may give you the energy that your body needed. However, for individuals who want to limit their carbs intake, the sugar content of fruits may be a problem. If you want to lose weight or if you prefer to control your carbohydrates, it is best that you consume low sugar fruits.

Low Sugar Fruits

  • Lemons: Lemons are included in the list with low sugar content. It approximately has 1.5 grams in medium fruit and two grams in large lemon. Natural sugars in lemons may include glucose, sucrose and fructose. Lemon is also a great source of vitamin C.

  • Cranberries: Cranberries are low sugar fruits. The fresh raw cranberries may contain four grams of sugar. However, the dried cranberries may be relatively higher. Dried cranberries may have seventy two grams of sugar for each cup. Cranberries are good source of antioxidants that may aid in protecting the body from cell damage.

  • Papaya: Papayas are tropical fruit with low sugar content. One cup of papaya cubes may provide approximate eight grams of natural sugars while one cup of mashed papaya may already have fourteen grams of sugar. Papayas are good sources of sucrose, fructose and glucose. It has vitamins A and C and potassium.

  • Strawberries: Strawberry is another fruit with low sugar content. One cup of fresh strawberries may have seven to eight grams of natural sugars. One cup of unsweetened and frozen strawberries may provide ten grams of natural sugars. Strawberries are rich sources of vitamin C and potassium.

  • Starfruits: It may have four to six grams of natural sugars for each cup. It can provide you lutein, carotene and vitamin C. Star fruits can be combined to smoothies, salads and can be made to sweet tart.

Аллергическая реакция Сыпь

Аллергическая реакция Сыпь
Ссылка Источник: allergic reaction rash

Аллергии являются общим, но неверная реакция иммунной системы к конкретным веществам, которые на самом деле не вредны для вашего тела. Некоторые вещества, такие как продукты питания, лекарства или пыльца не будет беспокоить большинство лиц, но будет вызвать аллергическую реакцию у других. В большинстве случаев, аллергии вызовет непрерывное чихание или сыпь, но и тип аллергической реакции, вы испытываете будет варьироваться от пациента к пациенту. Некоторые виды аллергических реакций, известных как анафилаксии может быть фатальным. К счастью, есть много простых и эффективных средств правовой защиты для лечения аллергических реакций сыпь. Основные причины аллергической реакции Rash

Впервые Выдержка на аллерген, как правило, вызывают слабую реакцию, но неоднократного воздействия может привести к более серьезных симптомов. После того, как вы были подвержены действию аллергена, или испытали реакцию, даже небольшой контакт с тем же аллергеном может вызвать тяжелую реакцию. 1 Контактный дерматит


Наиболее распространенный тип дерматита является раздражителем контактный дерматит, который возникает, когда вещество повреждения наружных участков кожи. Это может включать в себя химические растворители, мыло, продукты кожи или макияж, который является слишком жестким для кожи. Другие раздражающие относятся вещи, как ядовитый плющ и дуба. Эти типы раздражителей обычно вызывают сухие красные пятна на лице, руках или пальцах. Если это серьезный это может привести к волдырей на коже.

В некоторых случаях, люди имеют только аллергическую реакцию, когда продукты они носят подвергаются солнце. Это больше общего с ингредиентов в мази, НПВПлекарства или солнцезащитные. Бортовые вещества могут также привести к реакции контактный дерматит. Охрана контактный дерматит возникает, когда раздражители или аллергены, такие как топлива, химикатов, воды, красителей, моющих средств или аналогичных продуктов приходит в ваш контакт в то время как на работе.


Контактный дерматит сыпь может вызвать зуд, который может оказаться глубоким, нежность, боль, волдыри, которые истощают жидкости и кору, кожная сыпь в открытых площадей, ударов, красная сыпь или треснувших, сухих красными пятнами, подобным ожога. Эти симптомы появляются в районах, которые вступают в непосредственный контакт с аллергеном, например, участок кожи, который коснулся часть драгоценностей. В некоторых случаях только участки кожи подвергаются воздействию аллергена будет реагировать, или все ваше тело будет реагировать на аллерген, таких как продукты питания или лекарства, которые вы внутрь. 2. Ульи


Аллергия на продукты питания может привести ульи развиваться на коже, даже если вы съели эту еду до без инцидентов. Укусы насекомых или укусы и глотая лекарства могут также привести к аллергической реакции на коже. Контакт кожи с химическими веществами, мазей, крапивы укусов, латекс и подобных веществ также может вызвать сыпь появляться.


Ульи обычно появляются внезапно, вызывая небольшие, поднятые шишки появляются на пораженный участок кожи. Они могут быть красного или белого и часто напоминают вспышку, крапивы жало или волдырь. Ульи будут отличаться по размерам, но они часто сталкиваются друг с другом делает всю площадь кожи выглядеть пятнистым и красный. Ульи часто начинают исчезать в течение 24 часов, но некоторые из них могут оставаться на теле в течение некоторого времени, если реакция была очень тяжелой.
Дополнительные симптомы включают общее ощущение плохо, зуд в пострадавшем районе, опухший язык или горло, затрудненное дыхание, отек половых органов, век или губ. Это является результатом состояния, известного как ангио- отека, который вызывает утечку жидкости в тканях под кожей, вызывая их разбухание. Симптомы этого состояния обычно длятся несколько дней дольше, чем самих ульев. Средства от аллергической реакции Rash

Внимание: не царапают Царапины на зуд кожи может привести к повреждению кожи, что может привести к более раздражения.. Если необходимо, протрите кожу полотенцем, а не поцарапать и не применять анти-зуд крем. 1 Алоэ Вера

Почему это помогает: Алоэ Вера содержит большое количество витамина Е и противовоспалительного агента, известного как B-ситостерин. Завод также обладает антибактериальными и противогрибковыми свойствами, которые могут помочь расслабить кожу, когда она, имеющий негативную реакцию на вещества.

Как подать заявку: Возьмите один Алоэ Вера стебель около 6-8 дюймов в длину, разбить его открытым и нанесите гель непосредственно на площади, пораженной сыпью. Вы можете увеличить эту дозировку при необходимости, если сыпь особенно велика. Нанести гель три раза в день для достижения наилучших результатов. 2 прохладный компресс

название = "image004" граница = "0" альт = "image004" SRC = "./ изображения / 10433690 / image004.jpg" ширина = "207">

Ульи источают тепло, поэтому применение прохладный компресс, держа кожу от холодного стекла или принимая теплой ванны может помочь уменьшить дискомфорт. Размещение прохладный овсянку на ульев также может помочь уменьшить зуд. Носите дышащий одежду, которая держит кожу прохладной, чтобы минимизировать раздражение. 3 Увлажнение

Питье большого количества воды поможет смыть раздражитель, который вызвал ваша система реагировать. Это также поможет свести к минимуму побочные эффекты аллергии лекарства. 4. Medical Products

Без рецепта продукты могут помочь уменьшить сыпь, вызванные аллергической реакции, хотя вы должны проверить, чтобы убедиться, что вы не аллергия на любой из ингредиентов в этих продуктах до применения. Чтобы быть в безопасности, обратитесь к врачу о том, что лекарства будет уместно использовать. Бенадрил Bug Укус милосердия может помочь обеспечить эффективное, быстрое облегчение от зуда, что укусы насекомых и биты могут вызвать. Это местное болеутоляющее / антигистаминные защищает кожу, чтобы предотвратить боль и зуд, защищая кожу от больший ущерб. Оральный Бенадрил могут быть приняты для уменьшения любого зуд или припухлость, которая может привести к появлению царапин. 5.Гамамелиса

Гамамелис обладает вяжущим свойством, что может помочь уменьшить опухоль на коже. Варить унцию гамамелиса коры в течение 10 минут в пол-литра воды. Процедить смесь, охладить его, а затем смочите чистую ткань в гамамелиса и применить его на кожу на 30 минут. Осторожно промыть кожу после. 6 календулы Эфирные масла

Календула может помочь производить больше белых кровяных клеток, что позволит устранить микробы, вызывающие сыпь. Варить календулы травы или добавить 1-2 капель эфирного масла и дайте смеси сидеть в течение 10 минут. Применить его к сыпи с помощью чистой ткани. Когда обращаться к врачу

Позвоните своему врачу, если вы заметили, что горло отек, лицо отек, крапивницу или затрудненное дыхание. Если боль от вашего первоначального реакции начинает ухудшаться, вы должны проверить, чтобы увидеть, если вы можете есть инфекция. Те, кто был укушен насекомым должно также вызвать своего врача, если они разрабатывают лихорадка, озноб, тошнота, рвота, судороги, головокружение, слабость, спутанность сознания или боль в мышцах.

Если вы разрабатываете тяжелой кожная что не ослабевали в течение недели, ухудшается быстро или сопровождается другими симптомами к врачу.

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) is a measure of the average average concentration or percentage of hemoglobin within a single RBC. Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration is calculated from the results of both Hemoglobin test and Hematocrit test. MCHC calculation provide more helpful information about hemoglobin production than what Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) can provide. By knowing the hemoglobin concentration of a Red Blood Cell, it will be possible classify anemia, diagnose its type, and have a better idea of its causes even better than using MCH. Using Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin, It is possible to identify cases of Hyperchromic Red Blood Cells. Hyperchomic Red Blood Cells look darker than normal under the microscope in Red Blood Cell Morphology study.

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration is one of the Red Blood Cells Indices. To have a better classification of anemia, MCHC is used with other RBC Indices (e.g. Mean Corpuscular Volume). The calculation of Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration is also ordered routinely as a part of Complete Blood Cell Count.

MCHC is derived by dividing the patient’s Hemoglobin Level (measured in g/dL) by his or her Hematocrit Level and multiplying the result by 10. The final result will be the average Red Blood Cell Hemoglobin Concentration. For example a patient who has a Hemoglobin level of 16g/dL and a 40% Hematocrit Level his or her MCHC will eaual (16/40) x 100 g/dL or 40 g/dL.

When MCHC values are decreased, the cell has a deficiency of hemoglobin and is said to be hypochromic (frequently seen in iron-deficiency anemia and thalassemia). When values are normal, the anemia is said to be normochromic (e.g., hemolytic anemia). RBCs cannot be considered hyperchromic. Only 37 g/dL of hemoglobin can fit into the RBC.

Causes of False Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration Calculation

  • Cell counting machines can wrongfully indicate high Hemoglobin Levels if the patient has High Lipid Levels in blood. These wrong high hemoglobin levels will lead to false calculations of MCHC.

  • Alteration in RBC shape (spherocytosis, acute transfusion reactions, erythroblastosis fetalis) may cause automated counting machines to indicate MCHC levels above normal.

Normal Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration

Since newborns normally have larger Red Blood Cells than children and adults. In other words, their Hematocrit Levels are normally higher than children and adults which reduces their MCHC due to the division by Hematocrit level . The following are the Normal MCHC for newborns and adults:

Newborn: 32 to 33 g/dL.

Child or Adult: 32 to 36 g/dL.

Causes of High Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration

High Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration indicates that Red Blood Cells would look darker or more red under the microscope. The Red Blood Cells will be called Hyperchromic when they look darker than normal. Hyperchomic Red Blood Cells are found in healthy people who live in high altitudes. Dehydration also increases Hemoglobin concentration which leads to Hyperchomic RBCs. Other causes of High Hemoglobin Levels will lead to Hyperchromic Red Blood Cells and High MCHC as well.

Causes of Low Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration

Iron-deficiency Anemia and Thalassemia are the most common causes of hypochromatism. Thalassemia minor (heterozygous) may not be clinically evident except by measurement of RBC count, MCV, and MCHC.

3 Causes of Jaw Pain Right Side

3 Causes of Jaw Pain Right Side
Jaw pain right side may indicate a medical problem in either the jaw or a disease that affects the nerves, tissues and head structure some autoimmune conditions may also lead to jaw pain. It is best that you consult with your health care provide to rule out the underlying causes of your jaw pain.

Causes of Jaw Pain Right Side

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia: Trigeminal neuralgia or also referred as douloureux is a disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve. The condition is characterized with sharp stabbing pain in the right or left side of the jaw. The pain may be observed in one side or both sides of the face. The pain is so painful that it is often referred as the suicide disease. The condition is considered rare and it only affects two hundred thousand people in the United States alone. The pain is characterized as short stabbing flashes that may last for several days, weeks and even months. The triggers of each attack may vary but the most common are those that apply pressure to trigeminal nerve. Sometimes, just eating and talking can cause pain. This condition is more observed to adults that are over fifty years old. Medications are available as well as surgical procedures may be needed to lessen the pain.

  • Sinusitis: Sinusitis is characterized as the swelling of the sinuses due to allergies, virus, fungi and bacteria. The exact location of the pain may depend on the part of the sinus affected. Infection in the right sinus may lead to pain in the upper teeth and the right jaw.

  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: Temporomandibular joint disorder can also be the culprit of jaw pain in the right side. The possible causes of the TMJ may include misaligned teeth, grinding of the teeth and arthritis. Too much chewing of the gum may also result to TMJ.

4 Symptoms of Pulled Stomach Muscle

4 Symptoms of Pulled Stomach Muscle
is a typical injury that may be common in people who are active in athletic activities. The severity of the pulled stomach muscle may vary from one person to another as it may depend on the trauma suffered. The symptoms of pulled stomach health muscle may be easy to identify.

Symptoms of Pulled Stomach Muscle

  • Muscle spasm: Muscle spasm is a common symptom of pulled stomach muscle. The abdominal muscles may have muscle spasm after the injury occurs. After the trauma, the muscle may become rigid to avoid further injury to the area. State of spasm is the reaction of the body in adjusting to the muscle fibers that are injured. But if muscle rupture occurs, the patient may not have spasm but may lead to weakness and muscle failure.

  • Bruises and swelling: Extreme cases of pulled stomach muscle, bruises and swelling are can be observed. Bruises appear because the blood is released in the injured muscle as part of the body's defense mechanism to fight against infection, which normally follows trauma. It is best that a patient consult doctor as early as possible to heal the bruises, reduce swelling and to avoid further injury.

  • Pain and discomfort: Another common symptom of pulled stomach muscle is the discomfort or pain in the torso. Pain that is associated with pulled stomach muscle may be felt for a few days up to several months.

  • Hernia: Severe case of pulled stomach muscle may lead to a bulge in the groin area or lower stomach or also known as hernia. When the stomach muscle is pulled or strained to the extreme where the intestines protrude up to the outer side of the abdominal cavity, the result may be hernia.

Symptoms of pulled stomach muscle can bring discomfort. It is best that you consult with your doctor immediately to avoid further injuries.

Six Dopamine Foods

Six Dopamine Foods
Dopamine is a kind of neurotransmitter that is responsible for sending nerve impulses to the brain. Dopamine levels are required in helping regulating mood and attention. Personality and the level of learning are also affected with dopamine. It is important that you consume dopamine foods since foods that are rich in tyrosine may aid in increasing the level of dopamine naturally.

Dopamine Foods

  • Blueberries and Spirulina: Foods like blueberries and spirulina had increased the levels of dopamine that are in laboratory animals. Accordingly, these foods may lessen the inflammation in the body to reduce the harmful effects from free radicals. Likewise, other foods that are rich in antioxidants are believed to have the same effects.

  • Wheat germ: Part of wheat germ is rich in phenylalanine, an amino acid that can convert tyrosine inside the system. This can stimulate the formation of neurotransmitters especially the dopamine. You may add wheat germ to your cereals and salad for nutty taste.

  • Nuts and Seeds: Pumpkin seeds and raw almonds can be a healthy snack. However, aside from being healthy snack, it can also heighten the levels of dopamine in your body. For a variation, you may also add it on pasta and salads.

  • Animal sources: Foods that comes from animal sources are great sources of protein that can boost the dopamine levels. Animal sources like turkey, chicken, fish and poultry products all contain the protein that is responsible for creation of dopamine. Aside from meat, eggs from these sources may also help.

  • Non-meat sources: Non-meat sources are also available for vegetarians. Peanuts, almonds and legumes are great alternatives since it can also increase tyrosine levels. Likewise, soy products and tofu may also provide tyrosine.

  • Other sources: Other foods that are high in carbs and protein may also aid in increasing tyrosine. These foods may include lima beans and bananas.

4 Benefits of Arugula

4 Benefits of Arugula
Arugula is a spicy flavorsome herb, which is characterized with dark green leaves that may look similar to romaine. Arugula is oftentimes mistaken for lettuce. This veggie is cruciferous and belongs in the group where cauliflower and broccoli belongs. Arugula also referred as roquette or rocket offers great benefits.

Benefits of Arugula

  • Good source of minerals: Adding this to your salad can make a difference. Just one cup of arugula may have thirty two milligrams of calcium, which is important for your bones. It also has seventy four grams of potassium, which is necessary for stabilizing your blood pressure. It also has trace minerals of iron and zinc. The same cup may give you .29 milligrams of iron, which is great in red blood cells, and .09 milligram of zinc, required for healing of wounds. Other trace minerals like copper, manganese and selenium are also found in arugula.

  • Cruciferous vegetable: Arugula is used in salads like any other cruciferous vegetable such as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Cruciferous vegetable are considered very healthy since it has properties that can fight against cancer. The reason behind this is the glucosinolates, which is normally converted to isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates are said to boost immune function and play an important role in preventing cancer.

  • Rich source of carotenoid: Kale and sweet potatoes are rich sources of carotenoid. In the case of Arugula, it is also a good source of carotenoid. Arugula has zeaxanthin, lutein and beta carotene, all are being studied for the antioxidant properties. Consuming leafy vegetables like arugula and spinach is one way to have carotenoids.

  • Excellent vitamins: Arugula contains vitamin A, fat soluble vitamin that is required for vision and bone growth. One cup of arugula has two hundred eighty-five mcg of beta carotene. It also has vitamin K that is necessary for maintaining bone density.

Si caecum fuerit Pimples

Si caecum fuerit Pimples
Sociis natoque: blind pimple

Most whitehead aut pustulis et formant a blackhead. Sed caecus gibba papulae cutis roseo tumorem magis spectat. Hoc comedone clauso, etiam ut a papula, quae tactu mollia sint. Ut caecus tentatio pressis struma vites tentationis. Vos can tractare caecus et pusulas cutis naturalis remedia cum products. Aliquibus in casibus, si non praestet, tentare papulae domus rememdium tibi liceret dermatologist uestris. Quam ut Fac cum caeci Pimples

  • Pick Nolite aut Exprimendum. Non fodere at caecus cum papulae acus aut acus, et non exprimendum in an rudimentum impetro rid of adfligebant quod est inferius. Haec sola augeantur tantum questus tabes, deformem cicatricem relinquat forte cutem laedat.
  • Cautus esto cum Toothpaste. Unum ex maxime popularis remedia dentifricium est; Sed quia hanc non suadeo. Toothpaste aliquos utiles, sunt qui pugnant boni et dentifricium irritatio ad cute, quae deteriora figura sinam. Stude potius ista domus rememdium.
1. Fove Compress

Usus tepidi in brevi multum efficere potest siccat papulae. Alicam in aquam applicetur ad pallium papulae, eumque ibi paulisper. Repetere quoties libet, saltem ter in die. Semel caput formae caecus papulae exhaurire habebit exitum, te speraverunt et non curans naturaliter. 2. Ice Compress

Si agitur cum admodum tenera cæcus struma uti potes e glaciem reducere tumor et dolor. Ice bene operatur per vasa sanguinis constringente, quod inopem et soreness reducit tumor enim a dum. Sime glaciem pack linteo area questus frigus vitet, quater in die, et mundabunt illud, decem minutis tempus. 3. et mel Apple

Mala et mellis optimi faciunt plures domum remedia morborum, et cæcus vocant. Quod est quia pupillam continet malic acidum, notus pro firming usque ad cutem, et melle, ut pugnem pro vobis contra continet antimicrobes bacteria. Mixtio pomum donec carnes, tunc miscentur melle ad formam naturalem, lutum. Pone hoc in struma et hæredes habeatis decem minuta, et lava cutis bene inusserunt. 4. Arbor oleum lacte Tea

Suspendisse enim cognoscitur arbor medicinae oleum, et conditiones cutis saepe ponitur. Lacte est etiam bonum cute, quod habet alpha hydroxyl acida probataserit enim magnus ad lenitatem. Ubi intenderis tea lignum aut oleum aut lac caecis vari, et mortuus tollit superficie cutis, ibi congesta quod oleum et lutum. Hoc iuvat motum unclog poris. Adhibe oleum aut tribus temporibus per diem lac. 5. Aloe Vera

Quod fides miraculosa, aloe vera planta medicus et qui habet in struma caeco actum est. Folium ex aloe vera herba caule slit eam, et transmigrabis gel. Pone gel in struma et hæredes habeatis XX minutes pro lotis aqua calida. Aloe vera non tantum curat refrigeretur area, sed vires reficiendas. Tergum Acne Pronus ad Skincare Products & Oily:

Si vis experiri dolor lorem aliquam super cutem qui sunt proni ad acne breakouts iuvaret nec opus est ut pinguis cutis solvatur Lorem video:

Quam ut praeveni caeci Pimples Ne si cæcus papulae est facilius quam semper curantes unum. Quae numquam sapien can succurro curare ne solliciti caeco iterum papulae. 1. hydratationis

Bona tua cutis aqua attractio patet. Suus 'a hoc, quod probatum est melius bonum hydratationis elasticitate, opitulationes solet ex impuris, tua cutis meridiem, et potest. Septem dies octo vitra aquae ad bibendum conantur. Sis boost facilisis adde uirgula fructus succo citri vel ut sem. 2. Proper Hygiene

Servo tuo oleum mundissima tollere possis, quod quando lutum buildup et corium longum vadit sine lavacro. Vitare problematum lotis faciem cum mitis saponem et aquam ad minus bis. Si cubiculum tuum facies, quam illi, et non uti aqua nimis arida cutis. 3. Diet sani

Tu quid edas et cutis in reflectitur. Pone in corpore sola optima sunt, ut fructus et viridia veggies. Vitare gravis cibis, frixam in illa olea, vel pingue cibis. Libratum nutritionem, in servo, et multiplex carbohydrates macilentum cibis, ut tua cutis spectat optimo potest. In salubritatem victu, minus habeas vari cuiuscumque etiam caecos vocant. 4. Easing Suspendisse

Cum luce impugnatur corpus sentit. Ne simul obdormierunt, ut comederet et ut ne semper sollicitus, qui potest vos paenitet, et accipit a theloneo in vestri tergum. Omnibus rebus quibus potest ad auxilium reducere vis vitare effrego caecorum vocant.

Indirect Coombs Test

Indirect Coombs Test Indirect Coombs Test detects circulating antibodies against Red Blood Cells. The major purpose of the Indirect Coombs Test is to determine if the patient has minor serum antibodies (other than the major ABO/Rh system) to RBCs before receiving a blood transfusion. Therefore the Indirect Coombs Test is the “screening” portion of the “type and screen” routinely performed for blood compatibility testing (crossmatching in the blood bank). If the recipient of the blood transfusion has antibodies to the donor’s RBCs, agglutination occurs. The blood cannot be used for that recipient. On the other hand, if the recipient has no antibodies to the donor’s RBCs, agglutination will not occur. Transfusion should then proceed safely without any transfusion reaction.. Indirect Coombs Test is also used to detect other agglutinins, such as cold agglutinins that are associated with mycoplasmal infections.

In this test a small amount of the recipient’s serum is added to donor RBCs containing known antigens on their surfaces. This is the first stage. In the second stage of the test, Coombs serum is added after the test RBCs have been washed of any free globulins. If antibodies exist in the patient’s serum, agglutination occurs. In blood transfusion screening, visible agglutination indicates that the recipient has antibodies to the donor’s RBCs. If the recipient has no antibodies against the donor’s RBCs, agglutination will not occur; transfusion should then proceed safely without any transfusion reaction. Circulating antibodies against RBCs also may occur in an Rh-negative pregnant woman who is carrying an Rh-positive fetus.

Drugs that Cause False Positive Indirect Coombs Resutls

Drugs that may cause false-positive results include:

  • Antiarrhythmics.

  • Antituberculins.

  • Cephalosporins.

  • Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)

  • Insulin.

  • Levodopa.

  • Methyldopa (Aldomet).

  • Penicillins.

  • Phenytoin (Dilantin).

  • Quinidine.

  • Sulfonamides.

  • Tetracyclines.

Causes of Positive Indirect Coombs Resutls

  • Incompatible Crossmatched Blood: Anti-ABO/Rh antigens in the donor blood cross-react with the patient’s serum.

  • Detected antibodies can be developed due to previous exposure to fetal Rh+ Red Blood Cells. This can be detected in Maternal Anti-Rh Antibodies, Newborn Hemolytic Disease

  • Acquired Immune Hemolytic Anemia.

  • Presence of specific Cold Agglutinin Antibody.

What are Normal Estrogen Levels?

What are Normal Estrogen Levels?
Estrogen is the dominant female hormone and it may fluctuate at several times in your lifetime. Not only women produces estrogen, men also manufactures estrogen however, not the same as most women do. If normal estrogen levels are not met, a woman may have fertility problems. There are different kinds of estrogen hormone however, the level that is frequently measure is the estradiol.

Normal Estrogen Levels

  • Premenopausal: A woman that belongs in the reproductive age, the hormone may be at lowest in the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The level of estradiol at the initial days of menstrual cycle may be observed at around twenty to forty pictograms per milliliter. As the egg that contained follicle starts to mature in the ovary, estradiol levels start to increase around one hundred fifty to two hundred eighty pictograms per milliliter or more. The levels of estradiol may increase after ovulation until the beginning of the next menstrual period, which it may fall to fifty to one hundred pictograms unless the woman gets pregnant.

  • Pregnant Women: The levels of estradiol along with hCG and progesterone are highly elevated and may continue to rise all throughout the pregnancy. In the first trimester, the hormones may be around seven hundred twenty six pictograms per milliliter. In the last trimester, the levels may be measured around nine hundred six to nine thousand three hundred eighty-five.

  • Postmenopausal Women: Women who belong in the postmenopausal stage have very low estradiol. They may have estradiol levels at around ten pictograms per milliliter. Several years prior the actual menopause, the estradiol levels may fluctuate and the level may be quite higher in the day three instead of day one of menstrual cycle. During this time, the ovarian reserve in perimenopause may be decreasing. As the ovarian reserve decrease, there is less likely of getting pregnant.

Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody

Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody (AChR Antibody) is found in more than 85% to 90% of patients with acquired Myasthenia Gravis (MG), and 63% of patients with only ocular MG have elevated levels. The presence of this antibody is virtually diagnostic of Myasthenia Gravis. The measured titer does not correspond well with the severity of MG. In an individual patient with MG, however, antibody levels are particularly useful in monitoring response to immunosuppressive therapy. As the patient improves, antibody titer decreases. This test is also used in patients who are suspected of having a thymoma, because 59% of these patients have MG. Because congenital MG is not an autoimmune disease, this antibody test is not helpful in the diagnosis of congenital MG.

This antibody blocks neuromuscular transmission by interfering with the binding of ACh to AChR sites on the muscle membrane and preventing muscle contraction. It is this phenomenon that characterizes MG. There are three different AChR antibodies that test for MG. The AChR-binding antibody is most commonly used. If this test is negative and the diagnosis of MG is highly suspected, the AChR-modulating antibody is used and may be more sensitive. Furthermore, a positive modulating antibody test may indicate subclinical MG, contraindicating the use of curare-like drugs during surgery. The AChR-blocking antibody is the least sensitive test (positive in only 61% of patients with MG), but it can be quantified more accurately. The blocking and modulating antibodies are not often positive for about 1 year after onset of MG symptoms. The most commonly used method for the detection of these AChR antibodies is radioimmunoassay.

Causes of Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody False Results

  • False-positive results may occur in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis who have been treated with cobra venom.

  • False-positive results may be seen in patients with penicillamine-induced or Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndromes.

  • Patients with autoimmune liver disease may have elevated results.

  • The use of muscle relaxant drugs (metocurine and succinylcholine) or penicillamine may also cause false-positive results.

  • Immunosuppressive drugs may suppress the formation of these antibodies in patients with subclinical Myasthenia Gravis.

Normal Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody Levels

AChR Antibodies are not normally found in blood. Healthy patients should test negative for Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies or have very low levels less than 0.03 nmol/L.

Causes of finding Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody

  • Myasthenia Gravis: 10% of MG patients have a Thymoma.

  • OcularMyasthenia Gravis.

  • Thymoma: Fifty-nine percent of patients with thymoma have Myasthenia Gravis.

Lump super caput

Lump super caput
Sociis natoque: lump on head

Caput massa sit ex pluribus etiam caput trauma os calcified tumores et os. Questus censuit caput aliquod commune, et alia symptomata si locales dolor massa ibunt in alterum diem. Sed massa gravius ​​super caput habere causam, ut etiam famicem aut concussione. Haec gravis conditiones requirit immediata medical attentio. In Capite de Causis Lump Head Laesio

Caute quæcumque caput iniuriam. Urgent CURATIO necesse sit fieri, ut cum cerebrum iniuriam signa apparent etiam sine capite / facial trauma. Respice ad haec signa cerebrum iniuriam: VERTIGO, nausea, aut dilanians confusionem.

Nam mite caput iniurias, ut his gradibus ad meliora sentit, simul ne severe symptoms:
  • Pone caput cum homine elevatur. Minimum luminatione environment creat, a ruptis disciplinae vinculis.
  • Applicet, prohibere cruenti - custodiunt donec vulnus cruentis clausuris urgere.
  • Dolores capitis durare plus quam hora, vertigine, difficultas aequatisl, vomitus, ignaro potest, aut, quod signum esse periculosum intracranial HAEMATOMA indiget CURATIO urgent.
  • Si massa tumentem non est simpliciter alia signa, in XV minutes applicare glaciem pack semel hora ut massa.
  • Si habeat auxilium statim adepto medicinae signa: somnolentus fit; crus aut brachium movere; habet a gravi capitis dolore: est enim dura cervice: et alia est amplitudo discipulorum (tenebris centrum oculi); deliquium, vel ad momentum; vomit plus quam semel; exhibet, abnormes moribus. Bone Tumors

    Potest habere causam ex parte corporis Bone super massas caput. Hi textus Missae sunt ex immoderata os cellam divisio. Most os tumoressunt benigni (non cancer) et non deducitur. Non tamen ut aliis quoque causa cranii fracturae infirmare. Frequentissimum figura tumor vocatur osteochondroma et fieri saepe in populum saecula 10-20.

    Bone Cancer est exitio gravi statu normali et diffundatur os textus aliis partibus corporis. Quicquid tamen tumor salubria leviter includere os fracturae os iniuriam et qui dolorem peius nocte. Tumor tumor situs in cumulo queant. De hoc autem non est causa os symptoms.The tumores nescitur, licet videantur esse maxime rapidus plagis os augmentum. Causas tamen eiusdem geneticae defectus includere iniurias aut in pluribus, non est causa manifesta. Medicus Monitor os tumores. Quidam os benigna tumores, indeficiens in sua tamen sine curatione, cum surgery potest esse necessarium. Carcinodes tumores os tractetur cum infensi radiation justo. Bone calcified

    Gradatim cumulus Calcificatio calcium in corpus quod textus palpabiles duritia. Maxime corpus trahant calcium in ossibus et dentibus corrumpatur et sanguinem et exuberantia urinam reddunt. Quidam calcium in corpus colligere fibras cæcitas ex in corpus.

    Calcificatio inveniri potest in aliis mammograms, et X-radii. Quidam Calcificatio est normalis. Hoc est ut non causa-related morbo Calcificatio detectable symptoms, sentiámus licet singulae hae symptoms:
    • Minus firmae augmenti
    • Bone dolor
    • Bone calcaribus
    • Pectus vel massa et massa
    • Auxit frequentiam fracturae
    • Musculus contractio vel infirmitate,
    • Progressivum infirmitate
    • Deformitates possidet spinae curvaturam aut crus inclinatum
    • Dentem tartaro

    Calcificatio sit ex inflammatione aut gradus aut sanguinem hypercalcemia calcium sanitatem et saepe de communi partem musculoskeletales iniuriis. Calcificatio communis est in populo passus a ARTERIOSCLEROSIS (caecitatem arterias), at situs os aut cartilaginem iniuriam in benigna et malignus pectus cancer, et processus. Non est treatable Calcificatio et non e converso. Sed actio non potest accipi queat, ut tractaret cum Calcificatio perturbationes.

      Lemon Juice cutis

      Lemon Juice cutis
      Sociis natoque: lemon juice on skin

      CITRUM sucus sanus est magnis utriusque vitamins quod utile est, ut sit cibus et discordiarum remedium. Notum etiam est, quod minus habet beneficia multa cum succo citri pertineat ad tergum. Quid sunt beneficia? Quam adhibere succo citri propter optimum consequitur?

      Beneficia Lemon Juice cutis In quibusdam onerosus acidis in sanguine ut sit amet ante applicemus aqua diluti succo citri cutis. De beneficiis in succo citri cutis includit:

      1. minuatur aetate maculis et cicatrices The color causatur ab cicatrices, et aetate maculis quibusdam cutis perturbationes diminui potest per applicationem ad lemon sucus lividos area. Ut prosit applicare ad tempus requiescendi in cute et linque nocti succo citri.

      2. Et transeunte acne CITRUM sucus antibacterial proprietates naturales quae ad id, quod fertur, praeter auxilium et remedium breakouts acne. Usura a succo citri Blackheads ostensum reducere Blackheads frequentia et severitatem. Si dimiseritis super Blackheads acne et nox in succo citri, scilicet mane operiri pulvere.

      3. exfoliates Quia naturalis est acid exfoliant CITRUM sucus suavis uti "cutis cortices" transferens summo iacuit mortuus cutis cellulis. Hoc sequitur complexionem cum levi semper.

      4. Alia beneficia, Alia beneficia, de usura lemon sucus in cute illustrantem includere vel leves cutis, et toning moisturizing oleum cutis, et pugnante rugas.

      Quomodo utendum cutis succo citri Sunt diversae rationes in cute succo citri vis facere, secundum quod aliqua.

      Graeca butyrum et succo citri turmericpowder larva facial:

      Saccharum CITRUM LIQUET mel:

      Aetate maculis 1. Fade Uti succo citri vel maculis diluta succo citri directe ad tempus requiescendi. Mane operiri pulvere. Si aetate maculis corporis locis ventris tui, et currens balneum addunt 1/2 calicem succo citri. Alicam in balneo 15-20 minutes. Non oportet balneum, nisi intus stupam post tergum tuum nimis austerum.

      2 Praeterea, lumen in cute Si supplex postulet aut aspera, cubito vestigia prementes, tentant ex area usura novus succo citri. Relinquite lemon sucus in pelle ante solis.

      3. Aufero blackheads Removendum enim aliquando blackheads, fricabis in recta succo citri blackheads, omnibus noctibus, donec illae evanescant. Quamquam lavabunt aqua frigida mane cum succo citri.

      4. MADEFACIO cute Si nimis arida cutis posse succo citri, oleum et mel MADEFACIO cute. Misce partes aequales ingredientia eundum ad siccum. Donec mixtionis in aqua calida inusserunt 10-15 minutes.

      5. pinguis cutis tone Lemon suci miscere cum vodka, et aqua pythonissam corylus opus facit solutio ut mos succurro pinguis tergum tone. Misce succo citri coclearia II, I, cochleari aquae vodka et coclearia II I gramma pythonissam corylus. Misce bene pinguis eundum ad cutis partibus. Accende intus stupam cum aqua frigida.

      6. Exfoliate Usura lemon incidebat plagis, in paruam intinctum CITRUM, quantum quis. CITRUM frica super faciem caeditur auxilium tollere summo iacuit defunctis. Vos can quoque miscere succo citri, farina et saccharo in aqua et farina adhibere. Accende intus stupam cum aqua frigida.

      7. rugis proelium Add lemon suci guttas et stilla ad nucis oleum et mel sorbeat miscere bene. Pone mixto in faciem, cum frigida aqua inusserunt 15-20 minutes. Uti hoc per aliquot dierum fine rugis tollere oculos tuos, et non habetis in mixtione vestro

      8. Cure acne Postremo, in succo citri cutis acne ad pugnam. Merito antibacterial, qui Clostridium causa acne pugna succo citri. Vestibulum succo citri directe Acne supplementum si aqua diluti sucus urit. Dominus antioxidant ascorbicis acidum in aliis arboribus limonum acne uber est agens ingrediens - sumptus ad fractionem! Uti fere IIteaspoons succo citri eundum ad acne. Donec tellus tellus, vel super cutem circiter XXX, si potes. Certe cum lympha operiri pulvere.

      Et Lemon Juice Usura cutis Tips pro Admonitiones Illic es nonnullus tips et correptionem succo citri usura tergum tuum:

      1. Sensus Stinging CITRUM sucus aculeatum producat ex acid suco. Misce, aquam cum lemon sucus, si non potes sustinere incendio et mordax. Lorem interdum succo citri et aquae mixtus ex aequo tuos temperet solutio et cutis sentit.

      2. arida cutis Lemon sucus applicari possit actu facere quod iam est siccum cutis conditio deterior. Si facitis cutis siccitate sit amet dui uti bonum post tergum tuum ad noscendam succo citri. Lemon sucus et mel et facere bonum pro humectantis antibacterial et compositum. Si vestri tergum est in oleo, tentant coniungentes cum cucumeris sucus CITRUM sucus.

      3. invasio cum topicus curatio Ostensum est autem cum succo citri antibacterial substantia sit amet consulerent curis provisor si curationes cutis topici utuntur aliunde. CITRUM sucus actu officit aliud medicamentum corio tuo uteris.

      4. De recta frequency Usura is tergum tuum quotidie contingit succo citri, fractus est magis cutis infectio. Donec videamus succo citri afficit cutis, cutis, quam vel in altero quoque die uti. Effectus modicum quid accipiat petis, Sed te haec pati ex parte effectus.

      5. a sole detectio servans Cutis succo citri utentes, scilicet abstinereet Sol SPF utor sunscreen excelsum cum sit extra. CITRUM sucus deformis erit facilius cutis damnum, qui potest et per aestu.


      Cholinesterase Cholinesterases hydrolyze acetylcholine and also other choline esters and thereby regulate nerve impulse transmission at the nerve synapse and neuromuscular junction. There are two types of cholinesterases: acetylcholinesterase, also known as “true cholinesterase,” and pseudocholinesterase. True cholinesterase exists primarily in the RBCs and nerve tissue. It is not in the serum. Pseudocholinesterase, on the other hand, exists in the serum. Deficiencies in either of these enzymes can be acquired or congenital.

      Because succinylcholine (the most commonly used muscle relaxant during anesthesia induction) is inactivated by pseudocholinesterase, people with an inherited pseudocholinesterase enzyme deficiency exhibit increased and/or prolonged effects of succinylcholine. Patients with a genetic variant of pseudocholinesterase may have a nonfunctioning form of pseudocholinesterase and will also experience prolonged effects of succinylcholine administration. Prolonged muscle paralysis and apnea will occur after anesthesia in these patients. This situation can be avoided by measuring serum cholinesterase (pseudocholinesterase) on all patients with a family history of prolonged apnea after surgery. Because patients with a nonfunctioning variant of pseudocholinesterase will have normal total quantitative pseudocholinesterase levels and yet have prolonged paralytic effects of succinylcholine, usually a second test (dibucaine inhibition) is also performed. Dibucaine is a local anesthetic that inhibits the function of normal pseudocholinesterase. The dibucaine inhibition number is the percent of pseudocholinesterase activity that is inhibited when dibucaine is added to the patient’s serum sample. If total pseudocholinesterase is normal, and dibucaine numbers are low, the presence of a nonfunctioning pseudocholinesterase variant is suspected and the patient will be at risk for succinylcholine-induced prolonged paralysis.

      A common form of acquired cholinesterase deficiency, either true or pseudocholinesterase, is caused by overexposure to pesticides or organophosphates. Persons with jobs associated with chronic exposure to these chemicals are often monitored by the frequent testing of RBC cholinesterase levels. Other potential causes of reduced cholinesterase levels include chronic liver diseases, malnutrition, and hypoalbuminemia. Increased cholinesterase levels, when found in the amniotic fluid, represent strong evidence for a neural tube defect.

      Causes of False Cholinesterase Test Findings

      • Pregnancy normally decreases Cholinesterase levels in blood.

      • It is important to recognize that pseudocholinesterase levels cannot be measured in postoperative patients in the recovery room if the patient is not regaining muscular function, because often one or more of the above drugs may be given during the surgery and could invalidate the results.

      • Drugs that may cause decreased values include Atropine, Caffeine, Codeine, Estrogens, Morphine Sulfate, Neostigmine, Oral contraceptives, Hhenothiazines, Quinidine, Theophylline, Steroids, and Vitamin K. It is recomended to withhold these drugs for 12 to 24 hours before the test since they may alter the results of the test.

      Normal Cholinesterase Findings

      Normal Serum Cholinesterase: 8 to 18 units/mL.

      Normal Red Blood Cell Cholinesterase: 5 to 10 units/mL.

      Normal Dibucaine Inhibition: 79%-84%

      Causes of High Cholinesterase Levels

      • Reticulocytosis: Increased RBC precursors are associated with higher levels of true cholinesterase.

      • Increased Cholinesterase Levels are observed without any known pathophysiological  causes in patients with Hyperlipidemia, Nephrosis, and Diabetes.

      Causes of False Cholinesterase Test Findings

      • Poisoning from organic phosphate insecticides: These chemicals inhibit the activity of cholinesterases.

      • Cholinesterases are not synthesized in persons with Congenital Enzyme Deficiency and patients who have Hepatocellular Disease.

      • Malnutrition and other forms of hypoalbuminemia: Albumin is important in the transport and function of cholinesterases.

      Quia GLYCERINUM Face

      Quia GLYCERINUM Face
      Sociis natoque: glycerin for face

      Glycerin alliciat humorem onto vestri tergum est quod quid est censendus humectant. Karo similis est syrupus est saporis dulcis liquor, crassum hyalina. Et invenies in felis metus Soaps faciendam et ad cibum items in culina. Quia aqua solutum, potest aliquando inveniri alcohols cum products ut corpus in cutis cura, necnon aliorum unctusque moisturizers et quasi shampoos, soaps Conditioners ac.

      Quae sunt beneficia in Face of Glycerin? 1. Moisturizing

      Glycerin haurit ex aqua aer, ac id quod vocatur hygroscopic. Propterea ad cutem poenarum aqua decoquunt, quod vulgarem et cutis in tali medicamine consequat. In facto, ut si tibi relinquis, GLYCERINUM est pura sic absorptive utrem aperta est, tunc eventually absorbet satis aqua ad mutare ad eius compositionem tantum XX% LXXX% GLYCERINUM cum alius sit aqua. 2. politurae

      Ut cutis saeculorum possit retinere umor et hoc facit tam asperum, quod hebes est pronus ad cutis prurigo et rubor, sed secundum siccitatem cum problematum glycerin impedire solent. Valet etiam per impletionem minimum molliti videntur vultus rimas aridae cuti. 3 Praeterea, sanitas

      A studium ostendit quod in MMII, cum XX% crepito GLYCERINUM posset successfully tractare eczematous et quæ erat arida, sine cutis irritatio, quam cum traditional curatio est. 4. Tutela

      Propter eius dual facultatem hydrateet imple hiatus dryer cute pellem glycerin ora tueri possit servato superficie cutis integer. Hoc ipsum quod est naturalis obice accumsan scelerisque et morbus causatur ab officiis tuendis. Quam ut Utor a facie Glycerin 1. Glycerin Anti-canus Face Peel

      Communis Glycerin ingrediens in anti-canus denigrata quia products ut sibi auxilium MADEFACIO cute vultus. Praeterea, sicut iam nostis, parva rimas expleat in superficie cutis, quae facit bonum adiuvat ne rugis.

      Video: Anti-canus cutis cura-Home facito Glycerin Face Peels

      2. et Rosewater Glycerin Toner

      Beneficia: Rosewater succurro reducere inflammatio cutis, et cutis in negotiis fidem conservaveritis, PH, ut melius maculae et acne problems. MADEFACIO cute Glycerin adiuvat neque tamen eam in oleo, sicut et in aliis modis. Sed hoc facit per attrahentemet aqua ad cutem, tum in hac custodia adiuvantes cutis humorem. His duobus componantur, et pascantur simul retinere cutis sequatur.

      Quam ut vos can sumo aut hoc aut illud te Lei. Alioquin rumpuntur utres aspergine potissimum repones intra cutem quoties sic facile tibi videtur Spritz sicca. Ad quartum accipere calicem de Lei glycerin et dimidium et misce simul atque ortus aqua in utre unda. Ilium in conspectu tuo, in manu tua eruntque experiri non irritare curare cutem. 3. Glycerin et calce sucus Moisturizer

      Beneficia: glycerin MADEFACIO cute et calce sucus est magna dui ne damnum aut ab aliis frigus hiemis quis conditionum. Magna res est, ut non ad huius dui tuo; potest esse in toto corpore.

      Quam facio: necesse est, quod ut dui et calce sucus glycerin utrem duo coclearia glycerin recenti calce sucus. Primum infundas glycerin amphora in vas (et hoc esse inter CCL CC ml et non potest esse et medicinae medicinae). Sed adde duo tablespoons calce sucus (recens est meminisse). Misce bene ingredients et omne vas vitreum in dui. Ut dui noctu utuntur, et applicando eam bombacio, vel digitis vel ante manibus, hanc pati cogit.

      4. GlycerinCorpus Mask / Facial Mask

      Dont 's' s ac si in Face of Glycerin
      • Nonne cum glycerin in ore, semper utimur in aqua diluito. Quamquam optimus bene plerumque aqua lavabatur, aqua (ut praemittitur) perbelle est.
      • NUMQUAM superabundare eam. Glycerin utentes, interest, superabundare. Causa est, quia non egredieris in vultu, quo Hydrated cute erit. Id diutius fueris eam, non dabit tibi incipit vultus amo in aqua aliquot horas.
      • Cum primum applicare, Cocos est vt cutem meam ab eo humoris. Hoc autem postea evanescit, fore omnino caro tua Hydrated - non nimium non parum.
      • Glycerin natoque amet elit in pelle, ut iam ita vitat lotions lentum utantur. Cum propter viscositatem glycerin, semper ut, si quid plus sit sollicita antequam prodiret in favilla et glutinosa inquinamenta facilius fit colligere.