Thursday, June 12, 2014

Chlorine Rash

Chlorine Rash
A chlorine rash is a skin rash that is caused due to the exposure to chlorine. Chlorine rash is popular with the name swimming pool rash because mostly people report these rashes after they have been to a swimming pool. It does not take much time for the onset of signs and symptoms of these skin rashes after exposure to chlorine. The beginning of chlorine rash is troublesome itching.

Chlorine is a harsh chemical and is also a strong oxidant. If chlorine is left on skin for a considerable time, it may cause itching and in later stages it develops as rash on the skin. Chlorine is added in the water to kill bacteria but if a person is allergic to chlorine, he may develop symptoms of chlorine allergy. But the extent to which the symptoms are developed vary greatly from one person to the other. Some may not be affected at all but others may get severe problems due to even little exposure.

A number of clinical and home remedies are available for treating chlorine rash. The symptoms may take few days to few weeks to heal. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Causes of chlorine rash

Usually chlorine that is added in water of swimming pools, recreational water parks, hot tubs etc is inhabited by people and therefore they report eruption of chlorine rash. The purpose of adding chlorine is to use it as a disinfectant for killing bacteria that grow in such heavily populated water.  For some people, getting exposed to small quantity of water causes no harm and for others, exposure to even a little quantity of chemical can trigger allergic rash development. A person who develops chlorine rash is said to have chlorine allergy.

People who spend most of the time in swimming pools generally develop chorine rash because chlorine bonds to hair and skin and do not easily wash away. This is the reason that chlorine continues to irritate the skin even after the person has come out of the pool. In due course of time the chlorine causes irritation and develop as rash or bumps on the skin. If it is lingering chlorine that is causing irritation and rash then it should be washed off. A concentrated pH balanced Vitamin C spray can help you get rid of the chlorine present on your skin.

Signs and symptoms of chlorine rash

Extreme itching is the first symptom of chlorine rash. There is a equally possibility of itching to get started as soon as person comes in contact with chlorinated water or it may take several hours also. Most people may also get small bumps all over the skin. Within few hours or days these bumps turn into patches. Generally the affected body parts get swollen up and patches become rd in colour. It may also be accompanied by pain.

Itchy rashes are the most common symptoms of chlorine rash which mostly occur if you have recently been into a public swimming pool or hot tub. Since fumes of chlorine cause eye irritation therefore in some cases it is also possible that the individual may have watery or dry, swollen, itchy and painful eyes when having allergic chlorine reaction.

In rare cases the person may also develop certain gastrointestinal symptoms and respiratory ailments. Some of these common diseases are problem breathing, coughing, sneezing and other breathing problems. The person may also develop stuffed or itchy nose because of the smell of chlorine.  However these symptoms may vary from one person to the other.


Taking certain steps may prevent chlorine rash to develop. If you are going to swim in a public swimming pool or any other public water spot and you are allergic to chlorine then you should first talk to the manager about the levels of chlorine in the water. Remove the swimsuit as soon as you come out of the water so as to limit the contact with chlorine. It would be great if you take bathe before and after entering the swimming pool having chlorinated water.

Treatment of chlorine rash

The most common treatment used by the people to treat their chlorine rash is to get an over-the-counter cream or ointment. The creams used to treat rash contain corticosteroids. An anti-itch ointment provides quick relief to the itching which is the most irritating symptom of this kind of rash.

Until the chlorine rashes are cured, the person should continue using antibacterial soap and also keep the affected area clean and dry all the time. However even after taking such measures, the symptoms continue to worsen, rash spreads, colour changes, develops high temperature or itching increases then the person should see a doctor immediately.

You should not use towel and clothes of the person already having chlorine rash. Do not enter into the pool until the chlorine rashes are healed up.

Chlorine Rash Pictures

PUPPS rash

PUPPS rash
Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPP) is a skin condition that is developed during pregnancy and it causes itching. It is one of the most common skin rash developed found in pregnant ladies. PUPPS is common with many other names like PEP (Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy) in UK, toxemic rash of pregnancy, toxic erythema of pregnancy and late onset prurigo of pregnancy.

Itching is a very common problem among pregnant women. Because of the fact that during pregnancy there are many changes in the body from increased hormone production to stretching of skin, it is most likely to develop skin irritations during gestation. PUPPS rash is most likely to happen to a woman if it is her first pregnancy or she is going to give birth to a boy.

PUPPS rash are mostly developed during the 35th week of pregnancy and occurs on an average in 1 of every 200 first time pregnancies. This skin condition has very noticeable signs and symptoms. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.


Till date, the causes of PUPPS rash are not known but there are definitely some hypotheses about this skin condition.

The first reason considered for outburst of PUPPS rash is that during pregnancy abdominal wall suddenly swells up. The temporary impairment of connective tissues around it causes inflammatory reaction and so rashes are developed.

The second proposal is that male DNA in woman’s body causes irritation. There is also a supporting study for this hypothesis. It is noticed that around 3/4th of the ladies with these rashes give birth to baby boy.

However this is for sure that PUPPS has nothing to do with preeclampsia, hormones, autoimmune disorders or abnormalities related to fetus. It is also said that PUPPS rash occur when the woman is expecting multiples i.e. twins, triplets etc. Hypertension is also one reason.

There is a potential risk associated with this skin disorder which is the bacterial infection caused due to scratching. But it can be minimized or prevented by keeping the affected area clean and keep scratching to minimum.

Pupps Rash symptoms

The appearance of PUPPS rash is mostly described as bumpy, itchy papules which after few days become red, scaled skin with swelling. In the beginning they are stretch marks which turn into bumpy, red, big rash.

Mostly the PUPPS rashes are developed around the time stretch marks are formed on the abdomen. These look like small red nodules in the beginning but few days later they grow and appear as large red patches which are prominent not only on the abdomen but other parts of the body as well.

Generally PUPPS do not affect the skin but they spread to body parts like breasts, arms, thighs and buttocks. However if the condition becomes severe it can reach up to legs and neck of the woman.

PUPPS is also associated with itching that is most in the very first week and gradually reduces but never goes away. This skin disorder makes woman very uncomfortable and gives a feeling of discomfort especially during hot season. For most women itching is the most difficult thing about this skin problem.

The fortunate part is that doctors and experts have not yet reported any potential threat to the mother and baby. To summarize the signs and symptoms of PUPPS, here is a comprehensive list:

  • Redness

  • Colour of the rash changes with time

  • Causes itching

  • Appears on abdomen first and later begin to spread on other parts

  • Small blisters

  • Lesions which appear like eczema

  • No rash present on belly button

  • Stretching of the skin and so stretch marks is the sign of onset of PUPPS rash


In most of the cases, PUPPS rash occur between 33 and 36 months of pregnancy. But in few women it can arise as early as second trimester. PUPPS is clinically diagnosed which means to diagnose this condition it is important to study the symptoms. There are no tests to diagnose this skin disorder but biopsies are sometimes done to arrive at the conclusion by eliminating other associated reasons of the development of rash.

Pupps Rash Treatment

The only cure for this skin problem is to give birth to the baby but its growth can be reduced and discomfort associated with it can be greatly reduced. Wear loose clothes, keep cool and do not go near hot places, apply cold compresses or cold mist at the affected area.

Further, oatmeal and tar pine soap baths are used to provide soothing affect but these are not the permanent solution. Do not bath in hot water and use only cold or warm water because hot water will aggravate the skin problem.

Certain medications are also prescribed for relieving PUPPS. These include steroidal creams like cortisone and oral histamines. But before taking any preventive measure it is always advised to consult a doctor or midwife.

Pupps rash pictures

Burning Sensation in Mouth, Tongue

Burning Sensation in Mouth, Tongue
There are many reasons of having burning sensation in mouth and throat. There can be mild causes of burning sensation in mouth, throat like drinking hot liquid, constipation, allergy, decay tooth etc and there can also be some serious conditions that cause burning sensation. Of so many reasons, here are discussed the most important and common two of them:

  • Burning mouth syndrome

  • Acid Reflux and Oesophagitis

  • Burning mouth Syndrome

    Burning mouth syndrome is characterized by the painful sensation caused to the tongue, lips and palate. It also involves the feeling of discomfort or burning, to be precise, in the whole mouth. Other symptoms associated with burning mouth syndrome include dry mouth, metallic taste, irritation and numbness. There are different causes of burning mouth syndrome and its diagnosis includes examination of the mouth along with evaluation of the symptoms.

    Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a painful, scalding sensation in lips, tongue, palate and mouth. BMS occurs commonly in the middle-aged or old women. It occurs with multitude of medical as well as dental conditions, basically caused due to nutritional deficiencies, menopause, allergies and dry mouth. But this is not the actual reason of BMS and the exact cause is still not known.

    Causes: The possible causes of BMS include hormonal changes, any damage caused to nerves which control taste and pain, nutritional deficiencies, dry mouth which in turn is a result of medicines and disorders such as Sjogren’s syndrome and diabetes etc, acid reflux, oral candidiasis, anxiety and depression and issues with dentures.

    Symptoms: Burning in mouth is the main symptom of BMS and may last from months to years. For most people the sensation arises in the morning, rises to the maximum till evening and subsides in the night. Some may feel pain constantly and for others pain may come and go. People with burning mouth syndrome also suffer from anxiety and depression which is a result of chronic pain. Other symptoms, as mentioned above, are tingling and numbness in the mouth, sore or dry mouth and changes in taste.

    Diagnosis: To identify the source of burning mouth, the doctor may ask about the medical history, conduct oral examination and some general medical examination. Some tests used to diagnose the burning mouth syndrome include blood work to know any infection, nutritional deficiencies and disorders, oral swab to identify oral candidiasis and allergy testing for denture material.

    Treatment: Treatment for Burning Mouth Syndrome depends upon the individual depending upon the symptoms. Treatment methods may include treating existing orders, replacing irritating dentures, replace if any medication is aggravating the symptoms and using supplements for nutritional deficiencies. Certain medications are also prescribed to relieve dry mouth, control pain from nerve damage, treat oral candidiasis and relieve anxiety and depression.

    Acid Reflux and Oesophagitis

    Acid reflux is a condition in which the acid from stomach leaks and reaches up to the oesophagus. It results in heartburn and other symptoms. Oesophagitis is referred as an inflammation of lining of oesophagus. In some people are sensitive to only a little amount of acid whereas some may have lot of reflux and do not have Oesophagitis.

    Commonly a medicine that reduces the amount of acid created in the stomach works well to manage the condition. For some only a short course of medication is sufficient while for others the long-term daily medication is required.

    Causes: Sphincter which is a circular band of muscle present at the bottom of oesophagus prevents the acid from leaking up and reach oesophagus. When the sphincter doesn’t function properly then the acid reflux occurs. When the pressure builds up in the stomach higher than the sphincter can hold then this problem occurs.

    Symptoms: Heartburn is the most common symptom. In this condition, the burning sensation rises from abdomen up towards the neck. There is a burning sensation when the person swallows hot drink. Other symptoms of acid reflux and Oesophagitis include pain in chest and abdomen, feeling of being sick, bloating, belching, acid taste in mouth, dyspepsia and uncommon cough. It is also accompanied by mouth and throat symptoms like bad breath, gum problems, hoarseness, sore throat and feels like there is a lump in throat.

    Treatment: If you are a smoker then stop smoking as this will help greatly in reliving the symptoms. Foods like peppermint, tomatoes, chocolate, coffee, hot drinks, spicy food and alcohol should be avoided. Do not take medicines that irritate oesophagus such as anti-inflammatory painkillers, theophylline, nitrates, diazepam and nifedipine. Antacids and acid-suppressing medicines will help relieve the symptoms. In serious cases doctors may also suggest surgery to tighten up the lower oesophagus.

    Tests: Tests are not required until the typical symptoms occur. Mostly people who experience acid leaking up into the oesophagus are diagnosed with presumed acid reflux. Tests are advised if the symptoms of this condition are severe. Tests include Gastroscopy or endoscopy, test to check the acidity inside oesophagus, chest X-Rays, heart tracings etc.

    Urine smells like Coffee

    Urine smells like Coffee
    Ever wondered why every doctor, when testing for some disease generally asks to get yourself tested for urine test? The reason is obvious, urine is not only one of the most important methods by which body gets rid off its unwanted products but at the same time urine is also a direct reflection of a person’s health and the kind of food he consumes. Several people complain of bad smell or odor in urine. Urine may smell like ammonia or like coffee or a very strong pungent smell.

    When in normal health urine is pale yellow and odorless. But even a slight change in eating habits or bodily disorder changes its color and odor. Urine may smell like coffee because of several reasons major being drinking large amount of coffee or very strong coffee or even dehydration. A very genuine question that comes up in mind is when we drink large amount of orange juice does urine smell like orange juice?? No; then why only with coffee? This is because products like coffee, tea and soda contain caffeine.

    Caffeine is one of those products which cannot be digested by human body and is as such released by the kidneys into urine. When you drink too much of coffee, kidneys release greater amount of caffeine in urine than at normal times and hence the smell becomes noticeable. Similarly if you drink too less water then also urine becomes concentrated. Caffeine concentration in urine increases relatively when compared to water and it produces coffee like smell. So if you wish to save yourself of the problem of coffee smelling like urine it is important that you keep a check on the quantity of coffee, tea or soda that you drink through the day. Too much of anything can be very harmful and so can be too much of these fluids.

    One of the best ways to keep oneself healthy is to drink lots of water. Most doctors suggest drinking at least two liters of water every day on an average. This water is sufficient to remove all unnecessary toxins from the body. If the fluid content is more, it decreases the concentration of smell producing components like caffeine and ammonia. One should always be vigilant about the changes that may take place in urine; its smell and odor. It helps you make sure that your body is functioning perfectly and can also help you detect an early disease. Reasons for change in urine smell and color may vary from being as simple as less water intake to as serious as urinary tract infection or diabetes. Whenever you observer any such changes you may first try to increase water intake; drink lots of water. If it still does not help the problem then you must probably consider seeing a doctor in the best of your interests. Urine is no doubt a window to the inside of a human body. It helps doctors judge about the patient’s health and make precise diagnosis of possible diseases.

    Sweat Smells Like Vinegar

    Sweat Smells Like Vinegar
    Perspiration is a very normal phenomenon and very important for the health and well being of human body. It is one of the very important mechanisms by means of which our body gets rid of its waste substances.  Slight smell in sweat is always present but if the sweat smells very strongly of vinegar or onions; it can be one of the most uncomfortable states. It not only bothers those around us but at the same time leaves us thinking about the possible reasons and remedies to get rid of the smell.

    There are several reasons why sweat may smell like vinegar. Some of them have been discussed below:

    • Personal hygiene: Very commonly observed reasons for sweat smelling like vinegar can be unhygienic daily habits. People who do not take regular body wash are sure to smell bad soon enough. Your body will excrete waste substances by means of sweating at its normal rate. But if you do not remove accumulated waste substances from the external skin layers regularly it will only be an invitation to all kinds of odour producing bacteria.

    • Food consumption: Sometimes even when you are regular with body wash and keep you body clean, your smell may sweat like vinegar. This may have something to do with your diet. Whatever you eat directly affects the smell of sweat. If you are on a diet very rich in proteins, there are greater possibilities that you may observe vinegar like smelling sweat.

    • Diabetes: It has also been reported that diabetic generally people have sweat that smells like vinegar. This is because of the ample of sugar content in their body. The breakdown of this sugar leads to generation of acidic compounds like those found in vinegar and hence the smell.

    Smelling sweat is a very common thing. It could be because of change in dietary intake, body disorders or change in regular cleaning habits. But at the same time it is not something that cannot be controlled. With little efforts and care anyone can get rid of this foul smell. One of the very simple things that can help is to increase water intake. Water is a natural detoxifying agent. It helps to remove waste substances in form of urine. When your body will have less waste substances, it will mean less smelling sweat.

    Also, one should take regular body wash and keep one’s body clean. If you have very high rates of perspiration then probably you could take bath twice a day. That shall keep your skin clean and definitely help in reducing the body odor. Also use of good soap and deodorants can play an important role in getting rid of vinegar like smelling sweat.

    You may try changing your diet and observe if that helps. Try to go for a less protein diet for some days and observe if that helps. If the state persists after all trials you must consider referring to a doctor on this, because it may also be an indication of diabetes.

    Scarlatina rash

    Scarlatina rash
    Scarlatina, also known as scarlet fever is a disease that is characterized by symptoms such as sore throat, headache and fever with scarlatina rash developing 1 or 2 days later. Scarlatina is most common among children of age group 4-14 years. Typically antibiotics will help relieve this illness but if scarlet fever is left untreated it may turn into serious conditions such as heart and kidney disease.

    Scarlatina rash looks like red blotches which turn into pink-red colored rash which look similar to sunburn skin. These rashes start from one point and continue to spread all over the body. Ears, chest, elbow, groin, neck and inner thighs are usually affected and affected area may itch as well. However face generally remains unaffected but cheeks become flushed and area around mouth becomes pale. The rash become white in color if a glass is pressed on it.

    Scarlatina rash do not require any treatment as such and disappear on its own in a week’s time or so. The outer layer of the skin mostly on hands and feet may peel off for weeks after the rash have disappeared.

    Milder form of scarlet fever usually has only one symptom i.e. scarlatina rash. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

    Symptoms of scarlet fever

    • Bright red bumps, also known as scarlatina rash

    • Reddened sore throat

    • Fever above 101 degree F

    • Loss of appetite

    • Difficulty swallowing

    • Neck glands get swollen up

    • Red lines are formed in the folds of body e.g. Armpit

    • Feeling of being unwell

    • White coating on tongue, tonsil and back of the throat.

    • Chills and body ache

    Scarlatina rash and redness in the affected area lasts for about a week and then symptoms begin to subside.

    Causes of scarlet fever or scarlatina:

    Scarlatina is caused by erythrogenic exotoxin that is released by Streptococcus pyogenes or group beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Scarlet fever is referred to as scarlatina when it is in less acute form and has one symptom i.e. scarlatina rash. Basically scarlatina is a bacterial illness that occurs when bacteria release toxins. Primarily it is caused by the same type of bacteria that cause strep throat.

    How does scarlatina rash or fever spread?

    Scarlet fever is highly contagious and people can easily catch it by simply breathing in the bacteria in airborne droplets from infected person at the time he coughs or sneezes. The incubation period for scarlatina fever is normally 1 to 5 days.

    It can also spread by coming in contact with the person having streptococcal skin infection. Also, it spreads if you use contaminated towel, clothes, baths, bed linen etc. Scarlet fever symptoms can also be transferred from carriers even from the person who has scarlet causing bacteria in his throat or skin but no visible symptom. Anyone who is susceptible to toxins produced by streptococcus bacteria will develop symptoms of scarlet fever. It is believed that children above the age of 10 will develop immunity to these toxins. Also, scarlet symptoms can occur more than once in a lifetime.

    When to see a doctor

    If you suspect your child has developed scarlet fever or scarlatina rash, you should immediately visit a healthcare provider. The doctor will first examine the symptoms by just looking at the rash and other symptoms. He may also ask certain questions such as since when have you developed symptoms or you have come in contact with a person already suffering from scarlatina rash. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will take a sample of saliva from the throat and test it in the laboratory.

    For pregnant women, it is difficult to say whether scarlet fever will affect your child or not. However it is advised that you should see your doctor in case you have been in contact with someone already suffering from scarlet fever.


    Scarlet fever should not be left untreated as it may worsen over the due course of time. If it is not treated at the right time, it may turn into serious complications like pneumonia, ear infections, kidney problem and rheumatic fever.

    The most popular treatment of scarlatina rash is with antibiotic tablets. The doctor would prescribe these medications for the course of 10 days but people with scarlatina symptoms recover within 1 week. Treatment will prevent further problems but there are equal chances of person developing infections in other parts of the body.


    Since scarlet is a contagious disease so it is important to make sure that your or family does not come in contact with a person suffering from scarlet fever. Also if you are suffering from scarlet fever, avoid going out of the house until you have taken course of antibiotics for at least 2 days.

    Tissues, clothes or bed linen that have been used by the person with scarlet fever should be washed or disposed of. If you have come in contact with any of these, wash your hands thoroughly. Do not share contaminated cups, glasses, towels, glasses etc.

    Scarlatina rash pictures


    Hypocative Bowel Sounds

    Hypocative Bowel Sounds
    Bowel or abdominal sounds are the noises made inside the large and small intestines mostly during digestion. This noise is similar to the sound water makes when moving through the pipe. Because of the fact that intestines are hollow, bowel sounds may echo in the abdomen. Bowel sounds are normal and frequent but it becomes a matter of concern if bowel sounds are loud or there is no abdominal noise at all.

    Ileus is a term given to the condition when there is reduced intestinal activity. A number of medical conditions may lead of ileus. It is necessary to determine it in the initial phase because fluids, gas etc may rupture the bowel wall. The noise is so less that doctor may not be able to hear bowel sound.

    Hypoactive or reduced bowel sounds is the reduction in tone, frequency and loudness of the bowel sounds. This is an indication that intestinal activity has slowed down. These sounds are most common during sleep and occur for short duration. Usually they occur after taking certain medications or if the person has undergone abdominal surgery. However absent or very less bowel sound indicate constipation. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

    Causes of bowel sounds

    Hypoactive bowel sounds are generally related to digestion – when food is being processed in the intestines. The process of digestion typically occurs few hours after eating and continues even when the person is sleeping. Bowel sounds occur after eating and may also occur due to hunger. When a person is hungry, a hormone-like-substance in the brain increases the urge to eat which then send signals to intestines and stomach. This causes muscle to contract and produce growl like sound.

    Abdominal or bowel sounds are of two types: hypoactive and hyperactive. Hypoactive or reduced bowel sounds occur when intestinal activity slows down. On the other hand hyperactive bowel sounds are loud noises; loud enough to be heard by people around. Occasional hypoactive and hyperactive bowel movements are normal but it becomes a medical case if these abdominal sounds are frequent.

    Increased or reduced bowel sounds may also be caused because of certain underlying conditions such as:

    • Infection

    • Trauma

    • Blood clots

    • Reduced blood potassium

    • Hernia and

    • Tumours

    If abdominal sounds are not present at all then it may be an indication of certain medical conditions including codeine, radiation exposure, abdominal surgery and damaged intestines.

    Hyperactive, hypoactive or no bowel movement can also be because of the following serious conditions:

  • Blocked blood vessels prevent intestines from getting proper blood flow which in turn produces sounds.

  • Conditions like tumour, hernia and adhesion may cause mechanical bowel obstruction which causes blockage in intestines.

  • Paralytic ileus i.e. problem in the nerves of intestine or reduced nerve activity is caused due to bowel blockage, infection, chemical imbalance, blood vessel blockage, over expanded bowel and trauma. This may also cause hypoactive bowel movement.

  • Other causes of Hypoactive bowel sounds

  • Intake of drugs which slow down the movement in intestine like phenothiazines, anticholinergics and opiates.

  • Radiation to abdomen

  • Spinal anaesthesia

  • General anaesthesia

  • Tests for abdominal sounds

    Abdominal sounds are caused by digestion but it may also be accompanied by other conditions like excess gas, vomiting, nausea, constipation, bloody stools, diarrhoea, weight loss, heart burn and feeling of fullness. In order to diagnose the underlying cause of sounds, the doctor will perform some tests.

    The doctor will first know the medical history and will question about the frequency of sounds. Doctor’s stethoscope will help your doctor to listen to the bowel sounds. Following tests may also be performed:

  • Computed tomography i.e. CT scan which help gets the X-ray images of abdominal area.

  • Endoscopy that takes pictures of abdomen with the help of a camera attached to tube.

  • Blood testing to determine any other infection or organ damage.

  • Treatment

    Treatment for hypoactive bowel sounds depends upon the cause of symptoms. The person should be immediately taken to the hospital if emergencies such as bleeding, bowel damage or obstruction occur.

    In case of emergency, the doctor will place a tube through your mouth or nose into the stomach or intestine. During this time the patient will not be allowed to eat or drink anything so that the intestine remains empty. Intravenous fluid will be given in the meantime.

    Most of the sounds produced in the stomach or intestine are due to digestion and do not require concern. Bowel sounds are harmless and do not need treatment. If anytime you feel your intestinal activity has become abnormal or your bowel sounds are slowed, loud or too frequent then you should seek medical help. Also if you experience symptoms like nausea, prolonged diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation, bleeding from rectum or any other abnormal symptoms that may be a cause of bowel sound then call your medical care provider immediately.