Thursday, June 12, 2014

Why is my period blood black?

Why is my period blood black?
Menstrual cycle is a very vital part of a women’s life and yet not all women are completely aware of the facts and figures associated with this change and are also sometimes shy to discuss about them. Menstrual cycle is accompanied by several changes both at the physical level as well as mental and emotional state of a woman. Slight change in the menstrual cycle from normal and it leaves the individual alarmed and panicked. These changes could be blood clots during periods or severe pain or cramping. One such change can be the ‘Black period blood’.

Black period blood; as the name suggests it is a situation when blood flow during periods turns black. It is a very common thing and almost every woman faces the problem of black blood during her life time; entire span of menstrual cycles and that too not just once or twice but probably several times. Now the question arises why black blood? Have you ever observed a blood stain on a cloth which has been there for a few days? The stain is never bright red in colour, but dark brown or even blackish in appearance. This is very similar to black blood during periods. It is the blood that has been there in uterus or vagina for quite a few days and is being released from the body now. The doctors consider it a normal state and it is said that blood gets oxidised when stays for long in uterus or vagina. This is generally observed when you are late on your periods. Now you know the probable reason for black blood when you are late on your periods by a few days. It has stayed in uterus or vagina for a few days and so black or dark brown in colour. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
  • 2 Remedy for black blood:

  • Causes of Black blood during period

    Black blood is not a very serious problem or disease and can be taken lightly. But if it is accompanied by severe pain, cramping or the span of menstrual cycle is extended to more number of days than usual, it may indicate the onset of something serious. It is advisable to consult your gynaecologist in such conditions. There can be several reasons for black blood:

    1. Black blood towards the end of menstrual cycle is very a normal phenomenon. It is the old blood being thrown out.

    2. Retained menses:
    These can be another reason for black blood periods. It would mean that the menses are being retained in the uterus or in vagina. It can be retained in vagina id the hymen covers the vagina completely and does not allow blood to flow out until pushed by contractions from uterus. Also, in older women, narrowing cervix could lead to retained menses. In both situations medical assistance at the right time is a must.

    3. Infection in vagina:
    If the subject is suffering with some kind of vaginal infection, even then black or brown blood discharge can be observed. The infection could be transmitted sexually or caused due to overgrowth of bacteria normally found in vaginal area. In either case the discharge will be accompanied by foul smell or pain in pelvic area.

    4. Miscarriage:
    Untimely black blood discharge may be indicative of a miscarriage. If you are pregnant or expecting pregnancy, it is very necessary to be cautious of any untimely menstrual cycles. In such situations the blood may be black in colour and could indicate a miscarriage or abortion.

    5. Stress and depression:
    When a woman undergoes a phase of stress and depression it leads to thinning of the inner walls of uterus. This thinning will eventually lead to delay in shedding of the uterus wall and the onset of periods.

    6. The blood discharge during periods may also be affected by the medications that one may be taking. For example, if someone has been taking contraceptive pills it is likely to lead to discolouration of discharged blood.

    Remedy for black blood:

    Black blood in itself is not a disease but it could be an indication to a serious condition or a result of some major change in the female body. So, curing the problem of black blood would essentially mean finding out the reason for this state and consequently take correct medical assistance to curb the same. A major thing to be kept in mind is that black blood towards the end of periods is totally normal. But in all other cases it is judicious to consult your gynaecologist to check for any serious problems.

    Also, one can be assured that the problem of black blood during periods is as common as the periods getting delayed or blood clots during periods. So instead of getting alarmed at the slightest changes it is judicious to observe the changes over a period of time and then consult a good doctor if the need is felt.

    Fordyce Spots on Lips

    Fordyce Spots on Lips
    Fordyce spots is a medical condition in which small, pale yellow coloured granules like bumps appear on lips or on skin around the mouth area. Fordyce spots were first discovered by the great dermatologist John Addison Fordyce and hence the name after the discoverer. This medical condition is not essentially a disease but simply a state of the skin. In some individuals it becomes more prominent as compared to others and becomes noticeable. Sebaceous prominence is another name used for Fordyce spots.

    These spots are small granule like structures and they are mainly found growing in and around moist tissues such as mouth lining and lips or even genitals. These grains are completely harmless and do not cause pain to the subject either. At the same time they are not contagious and also do not spread infection, nor are they spread by any virus or bacteria. The only effect that Fordyce spots have is in cosmetic terms. When these spots become very prominently visible they may lead an individual to be overly conscious about how they look or sometimes embarrassed.

    Fordyce spots are actually present in all human beings right since their birth but they may become actively visible only when one attains adolescent age. To understand Fordyce spots we must first understand their origin. Fordyce spots are originated in sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands secrete sebum, in most cases these glands have a hair follicle and by means of this hair the sebum gets a way out. Sometimes when these glands do not have hair follicle this sebum gets trapped in and appears on skin as granule or bumps. When one reaches puberty these sebaceous glands become prominently active, as a result Fordyce spots are generally noticed in adolescent age only.

    These spots can appear at any stage of one’s life. They may also appear at the time of puberty and then stay there for forever. If one is lucky enough they may gradually decrease over time. Studies suggest that elderly people have lesser Fordyce spots than the younger ones. These spots will just appear on the skin and stay there causing no harm or infection, they are also painless and pus free. They may vary from 2mm to 3mm in diameter or sometimes as small as 1mm.

    Cure for Fordyce spots

    Several medicines are available in markets that claim to cure Fordyce spots. But it is always advisable to consult a good dermatologist before you start any medications. It is because this is problem pertaining to the skin and so the best help you can get from is a dermatologist alone. While some people do not even take medicines to get rid of these, as they are too small to be noticed by others. For those who might be interested in searching for cure for Fordyce spots, below is a list of the popular treatments:

  • Tretinoin gel: Tretinion gel or cream is a product that has been considered very effective in treatment of Fordyce spots. Several people all over the world have been greatly benefited by tretinion as it reduces the prominence of these spots.

  • Skin peel off: In this treatment the skin of Fordyce spots is peeled off using trichloroacetic acid. This method may provide instant results but it has its own drawbacks. It leaves the skin around lips too sensitive. It is necessary that the lips be kept moisturised all times after this treatment. There are also possibilities that the spots may begin to reappear after the treatment has been stopped.

  • Laser: In this method the Fordyce spots are burnt using laser beams.

  • Cryosurgery: This method is the least preferred method for treatment of Fordyce spots. Unless the situation is too serious and this is the only option left you doctor would never suggest cryosurgery. Here, the granules are destroyed using very cold temperatures. The drawback of this method is that it may also harm the good skin in and around that area.

  • Home remedies for Fordyce spots on lips

    Apart from the above stated treatments a few home remedies can also help in decreasing the prominence of these spots. A healthy body is must for a good skin. So it is with Fordyce spots. Maintaining a good diet that is rich in minerals can be of great help. Intake of fruits rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K are also very helpful in lightening of the spots. Some people also report that including garlic in their diet has helped improve their condition. Above all, always take care of your personal hygiene and try to keep you skin as clean as possible. This will prevent blockage of sebaceous glands and hence forming of bumps or granules. The best part is that these are not contagious or infectious. And whenever they seem to appear to bother you too much you can always consult a dermatologist and get rid of them using a proper treatment technique.

    Fordyce spots on lips – pictures

    Growth spurts in babies

    Growth spurts in babies
    All doctors are of the opinion that growth spurts in babies commence just after birth. The first growth spurt generally occurs between the first and third weeks, while the second one falls between the sixth and eight weeks. After these initial two growth spurts in babies, parents can look forward to further growth spurts at 3, 6, and nine months. Some babies may also experience more growth spurts. The time and duration of growth spurts often varies between babies.

    Typically, a baby experiences rapid growth during the first year. It may put on three times the birth weight before the first year gets completed. A majority of growth spurts in babies happen in short, powerful bursts. The drastic changes in weight and height can also effect the breastfeeding mother and other care givers. However, most growth spurts in babies only last for about 2 to 3 days and the situation then returns to routine.

    Symptoms of growth spurts in babies

    One of the key symptoms of a growth spurt in babies is the radical increase in the regularity of meals. A baby experiencing a growth spurt will also become crankier and more irritable. Even if the baby is fully satiated with the milk meals, it will behave as if the meal was inadequate. It however does not indicate that the baby is malnourished or starving. Most babies typically experience around five growth spurts in the first year.

    A few common signs and symptoms of growth spurts in babies are as follows:

    • Altered appetite: Babies may have a continuous desire to keep eating. It may feel perpetually hungry and keep on eating insatiably. At the time of growth spurts in babies, mothers may need to keep altering their scheduled breastfeeding program. It is vital that parents cater to the elevated appetite needs of the baby. The breastfeeding sessions can be increased in number, or the ounces can be increased.

    • Abnormal sleeping: Babies may sleep for long durations. Older babies have a tendency to wake up somewhat earlier from the naps. It is important to avoid disturbing babies when they are sleeping, for feeding or any other reason. Babies usually grow when they are sleeping. Adequate physical growth only happens when babies are able to get enough sleep.

    • Behavioral changes:Babies experiencing a growth spurt may become very restless. They may become easily grouchy or irritated. The resting hours decrease along with changes in the sleeping pattern. Sometimes, babies may wake up at 1 or 2 AM and feel very hungry. Such cravings for nocturnal snacks may recur after every two hours. Late night awakenings may also lead to mood disturbances and increased crankiness.Mothers may also notice that the baby may perpetually clasp and unclasp onto a breast. This may occur due to its need for additional milk which does not get produced as per the speed of demand. Babies may want to feed for longer durations and on a more regular basis. Parents always need be on alert and gauge the baby’s various moods. The daily routine needs to be changed often to cater to the changing wants of the baby. Patience is required for just a few days. Hence, make sure that babies experiencing growth spurts are always kept comfortable during this period.

    Things that parents can do when babies are undergoing growth spurts

    Growth spurts in babies can be a very tiring time for both the parents, more so for the mother. It is however important to remember that even babies experience many difficulties trying to cope with all the sudden bodily changes. Parents should always keep alternative sources of milk at hand to compensate for the elevated appetites. It may also be noted that increase in breastfeeding activities causes the breasts to produce additional milk.

    Parents also have to pay extra attention to the dietary needs of older babies who are eating solid foods. It is not mandatory to begin using milk formula because you think that the breast-milk flow is not enough. You can keep on breastfeeding and the breasts will commence producing more milk to meet the increased demands.

    Babies will gain weight during the varied growth spurts. Diapers may need changing five to six times per day. The additional workload can have an adverse effect on mothers. It is therefore important for nursing mothers to take care of themselves as well. It is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet and keep the body sufficiently hydrated at all times.

    Fathers should help with the household chores. This will allow the mother to get sufficient rest and happily take care of the baby and its needs. Mothers can reprogram the daily routine as per the baby’s schedule; you may also take naps when the baby is sleeping.If babies do not want food, but are just cranky, then a stroll in the park will soothe them and refresh its mood.

    Most cases of growth spurts in babies continue for only 2 to 3 days. However, some babies may continue experiencing a growth spurt for nearly a week. Therefore, parents should be ready for all contingencies.

    Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia

    Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia
    Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia or NSVT is a type of ventricular tachycardia that stops on its own within thirty seconds. Sustainedventricular tachycardia is considered more deadly than non-sustained ventricular tachycardia; however the latter is more prevalent.

    Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia refers to a bout of ventricular tachycardia which elicits a minimum heart rate of 120 beats per minute, and which persists for at least 3 beats and lasts for less than half a minute. In most cases, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia does not result in any symptoms, or it may only cause palpitations. Sometimes, NSVT may be accompanied by dizziness or lightheadedness, and in rare instances, loss of consciousness.

    As non-sustained ventricular tachycardia generally does not cause any harmful symptoms, the condition is usually found out during an ECG or a routine cardiac checkup.

    Importance of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia

    Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia can sometimes produce bothersome signs and symptoms. It also acts as an indicator of possible underlying occurrence of life-threatening cardiac conditions.

    Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia by itself does not cause cardiac arrest or ventricular fibrillation. Hence, doctors do not consider the condition to be deadly. However, as it offers cluesto a possible case of some other severe heart disease, physicians give great importance to a diagnosis of NSVT.

    Evaluation of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia

    In case non-sustained ventricular tachycardia is detected during routine cardiac tests, then doctors will go for further diagnostic procedures to detect the presence of pre-existing severe cardiac diseases.

    Cardiac failure related to dilated cardiomyopathy and CAD or coronary heart disease are most often associated with non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. Non-sustained ventricular tachycardiahas also been observed to occur along withhypertrophic cardiomyopathy as well as heart valve disease, particularly mitral regurgitation, aortic stenosis, and mitral valve prolapse.An echocardiogram and other screening procedures will be recommended by doctors to check for the presence of the above diseases. Individuals with elevated risk to CAD may also be asked to undergo a stress thallium test to confirm the occurrence of CAD.

    Non-structural cardiac diseases are conditions that do not change the heart anatomy. Two types of such non-structural cardiac disorders can also cause repetitive and frequent bouts of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. They are CPVT or catecholamine-sensitive polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, and RMVT orrepetitive monomorphic ventricular tachycardia.Both these heart conditions are rare and occur from birth. They affect the cardiac electrical system and cause no structural alterations that can be detected on an echocardiogram.

    Treatment for non-sustained ventricular tachycardia

    The occurrence of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia is usually a sign of some underlying heart disease. In case such pre-existing cardiac disordersare diagnosed, then they need to be treated as per standard treatment procedures. If no cardiac condition is detected, then typically no treatment is required as non-sustained ventricular tachycardiadoes not pose any substantial risks to cardiac arrests.

    Treatment of NSVT itself: Treatment of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia may become necessary if it is accompanied by frequent and problematic symptoms.

    • It is not that easy to treat NSVT. Antiarrhythmic drug therapy is moderately effective. However, it can result in a lot of abnormal side effects.

    • Doctors typically opt for beta blockers and then follow it up with calcium channel blockers. These medications not only help in alleviation of NSVT symptoms, but are also comparatively safer.

    • If the symptoms persist despite the above treatment options, then patients need to consult a cardiac electro-physiologist. He/she may carry out ablation therapy to cure non-sustained ventricular tachycardia.Alternatively, the electro-physiologists may opt for antiarrhythmic medications and try to decrease the accompanying risks as much as possible.

    Treatment of NSVT-associated heart conditions: Some of the common cardiac conditions associated with non-sustained ventricular tachycardia are treated in the following ways:

    • The occurrence of NSVT along with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy poses a slightly increased risk of unexpected death. Hence, doctors may opt to prevent it by going for an implantable defibrillator, particularly if the patient has a family history of cardiac conditions, or is suffering from problematic symptoms.

    • Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia patients may also be at greater risk to sudden fatality from cardiac arrhythmias, especially those at greater risk to cardiac failure and/or CAD. It may also be noted that in such instances the susceptibility to cardiac arrest is usually associated with left ventricular ejection fraction, rather than absence or presence of NSVT. Doctors will opt for an implantable defibrillator to decrease the risk; more so in cases where the ejection fraction is considerably lowered.

    • Young individuals suffering from excessive episodes of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, but who do not elicit any structural cardiac diseases, should consult a heart electro-physiologist for evaluation of CPVT or RMVT.

    • It is also important to remember that the presence of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia does not alter the outcome of valvular cardiac disease such as mitral valve prolapse. Patients suffering from such heart conditions are treated in a manner that is irrespective of the presence or absence of NSVT.


    A keratoacanthoma or KA is a kind of skin cancer, wherein patients experience rapid development of peak-shaped lumps on the skin. Middle-aged adults and the elderly who have had prolonged contact with sunlight over many years are most vulnerable to developing keratoacanthomas.

    Most experts agree that keratoacanthomas are a form of squamous cell carcinoma, albeit of a less severe variety. A majority of keratoacanthoma cases cause limited skin damage. Some patients may however suffer from more aggressive varieties, which also have a tendency to metastasize to the lymph nodes. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

    Symptoms of keratoacanthomas

    Some of the common signs and symptoms of keratoacanthomas are listed below:

    • Keratoacanthomas generally begin as tiny lesions that look like pimples. The skin lesion then grows into a volcano-shaped, flesh-colored bump with a dent in the middle. It is made up of keratin, which is a major protein occurring in skin, hair, and nails.

    • After eruption, keratoacanthomas grow rapidly in about 2 to 6 weeks.

    • The size of keratoacanthomas varies. It can grow anywhere between 1 and 2.5 cm.

    • Keratoacanthomas usually do not cause pain. A few may cause itchiness and discomfort. As per the site of the keratoacanthoma anomalies, the affected areas may elicit impaired functioning.

    • Most cases of keratoacanthomas appear on the middle part of the face, the scalp, forearms, ears, and back portion of the hands. The lower parts of the legs may also get affected by keratoacanthomas, particularly in females.

    • Keratoacanthomas may uncommonly be an indication of some other serious pre-existing condition.

    Causes of keratoacanthoma

    Keratoacanthomas generally affect older people with fair skin who have a history of prolonged exposure to sunlight.

    Some risk factors which can pose increased threat to development of keratoacanthomas are listed below:

    • An increased age of more than fifty years.

    • People with light hair, fair skin, or light-colored eyes are more vulnerable.

    • Chronic contact with sunlight or other types of UV light.

    • Men are at greater risk than women.

    • Radiation therapy for treatment of cancer of the internal organs increases the threat to development of keratoacanthomas.

    • Prolonged cases of immune system suppression via medications. For example, after organ transplantation.

    • Exposure to toxic chemicals like tar.

    • Chronic instances of ulcers.

    • Long-term scars, like those in case of gasoline burns.

    • Infection with specific strains of the wart virus such as HPV.

    • People with older cases of skin cancer are also at increased risk.

    Treatment of keratoacanthoma

    Most instances of keratoacanthomasthat are not medically treated usually tend to disappear all of sudden in about six months. A dented scar is left in its wake.

    It is important to note that keratoacanthomas can cause substantial damage to the upper layers of the skin as well as to the tissues occurring beneath. Patients are also likely to suffer from stress and other psychological problems, due to the ugly appearance of the skin disorder.Rare types of keratoacanthomas also pose the risk of spreading to the deeper skin layers and even to the lymph nodes. Hence, all affected individuals must visit a doctor for diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment.

    Patients who experience the growth of anomalous bumps on skin areas that remain exposed to the sun, or bleeding from such spots, or nil healing of such spots, should go to their health care provider for diagnosis. Similarly, patients also need to consult a doctor if a pre-existing skin anomaly alters in shape, texture, color, or size, or if it becomes sore, or tender, or itchy.

    After doctors have diagnosed an underlying case of keratoacanthomas, it can be treated in the following ways:

    • Keratoacanthomas can be surgically removed and the resultant wound is then sutured.

    • If keratoacanthomas are cancerous then doctors may opt for radiation therapy to destroy the malignant cells.

    • In rare instances, doctors may opt for direct use of chemotherapy medications on the abnormal bumps. If the keratoacanthoma lesions number two or more, then doctors may prescribe oral isotretinoin to eliminate the cancerous bumps.

    • Cryosurgery is a procedure wherein the keratoacanthoma bumps are destroyed by freezing them in liquid nitrogen.

    • A novel type of surgical procedure called Mohs micrographic surgery involves elimination of small sections of affected skin until keratoacanthomas are fully removed. It is most useful for removing the abnormal lesions from the ears, hands, lips, and nose.

    After the keratoacanthoma growths have been successfully removed, patients need to go for regular checkups to verify and remedy any kind of relapse. Doctors will also suggest following the below listed self-care guidelines to prevent the growth of a new batch of keratoacanthomas.

    • Avoid all forms of prolonged contact with UV light, including sunlight and artificial tanning devices, etc.

    • The time frame between 10 AM to 3 PM has the most potent sun rays. Avoid venturing outdoors during this time.

    • Use sunscreens with an SPF of at least 30 before going outdoors. Ensure that the sunscreen is frequently applied on exposed parts of the skin.

    • Other options of sun protection such as wide-brimmed hats, long-sleeved shirts, sunglasses, etc. are also recommended.

     Keratoacanthoma Pictures

    Celiac disease rash

    Celiac disease rash
    Celiac disease is a disorder characterized by digestive problems which get activated by intake of gluten protein occurring in pasta, pizza crust, bread, cookies, and other such wheat, rye, or barley containing foods. Intake of gluten-content foods by patients causes an immune reaction in the small intestines and eventual damage to its lining, resulting in diminished or absent ability to absorb some nutrients.

    Individuals with celiac disease may suffer from diarrhea and pain. Some may also develop skin rashes. Malabsorption of nutrients soon leads to vitamin deficits that deny vital organs like the brain, bones, peripheral nervous system, and liver, the essential nourishment.

    Celiac disease cannot be cured by any current treatment options. The condition can however be efficiently managed by dietary control. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

    Symptoms of celiac disease

    Celiac disease does not elicit any typical signs and symptoms. A few general symptoms include:

    • Pain in the abdomen

    • Sporadic bouts of diarrhea

    • Bloating

    Some patients may not experience any symptoms. The symptoms may sometimes be similar to those elicited by other digestive conditions like IBS, Crohn’s disease, gastric ulcers, and parasitic infections.

    Other less obvious or uncommon symptoms of celiac disease include:

    • Joint pains

    • Upset stomach

    • Anemia

    • Depression

    • Irritability

    • Oral sores

    • Rashes on the skin

    • Muscle cramping

    • Tingling sensations in feet and lower limbs

    • Skeletal and dental abnormalities

    • Deficient absorption of nutrients can result in additional symptoms like loss of weight, gas, cramps in abdomen, fatigue or generalized weakness, oily or fatty stools that are greyish and/or smelly.

      • Nutrients malabsorption in affected children may cause them to experience stunted growth.

    Skin rash

    Intolerance to gluten can also give rise to a skin condition called dermatitis herpetiformis. Patients commonly develop blistery, itchy rashes on areas like the scalp, trunk, and buttocks.

    Causes of celiac disease

    Medical experts are not aware about the exact cause of celiac disease. They know that some unknown factors trigger an abnormal immune system reaction in patients after they consume gluten containing foods.

    The inner wall of the small intestines is full of hair-like, microscopic projections called villi. These villi perform the function of absorbing minerals, vitamins, protein, fat, and other vital nutrients from the consumed food. People with celiac disease suffer from damage of the villi. This can lead to malfunctioning or complete destruction of villi, ultimately resulting in loss of ability of the intestine to absorb important nutrients needed by the body.All the nutrients in the food instead get evacuated along with the stool.

    Doctors may not know the precise cause of celiac disease. However, it is known that the condition passes down along generations. Hence, people with a family history of the disease are more prone to having the condition. Varied studies have also indicated that presence of certain genetic mutations increases the susceptibility towards developing the condition. However, those with the genetic errors may not always develop celiac disease. This in turn implies that there are many other factors besides genetic anomalies that contribute towards development of celiac disease.

    Celiac disease can affect anyone; but people with the below listed conditions are more likely to suffer from it:

    • Autoimmune thyroid disorders

    • Type 1 diabetes

    • Microscopic colitis

    • Down syndrome

    Treatment of celiac disease

    There is no cure for celiac disease. The condition can however be effectively controlled by altering the diet.

    Avoid gluten by altering the diet

    It is important for patients to avoid all food items that have gluten content so as to manage celiac disease and prevent health complications. Patients need to avoid foods like:

    • Wheat

    • Spelt, which is a type of wheat

    • Triticale

    • Semolina

    • Graham flour

    • Rye

    • Farina

    • Bulgur

    • Durum

    • Barley

    Your health care provider may also suggest visiting a dietician to get assistance in planning a gluten-free healthy diet.

    After gluten has been completely removed from the diet, patients will begin to feel better in some days, while small intestinal inflammation will take many weeks to finally subside. Full healing as well as re-growth of the intestinal villi can occur over many months, or it may even take some years. Children with celiac disease will undergo a faster healing process of damaged villi as compared to adult patients.

    Management of intestinal inflammation with medicines

     Celiac disease patients suffering from extreme inflammation of the inner lining of the small intestine may be prescribed steroids to control it.Steroids are strong pain killers that are usually suggested by doctors till the time your gluten-free diet begins to show its effects.

    Avoid malnutrition via intake of vitamin supplements

     Dieticians and doctors may recommend the use of mineral and vitamin supplements by patients suffering from severe nutritional deficiencies. Your health care provider may recommend supplements for vitamins K, D, and B12, iron, folate, and calcium.

    Vitamin supplements are usually taken orally. However, some patients may still lack the ability to absorb these vitamins. Such people may be administered intravenous vitamins.

    Celiac disease rash pictures

    Bugs that look like bed bugs

    Bugs that look like bed bugs
    Bed bugs are tiny insects which feed on human and animal blood and using this blood they grow and reproduce. These are incapable of distinguishing between dirty and clean homes and can occupy beds/homes of anyone. Bed bugs can also feed on animals such as cats, dogs and other pets.

    Bed bugs are commonly found in areas where people sit, sleep or rest for longer time periods. Hungry bed bugs tend to move from their hiding places to reach out to humans through exposed skin. Bed bugs mostly bite on hands, legs, arms, head and neck.

    Adult bed bugs have oval shape, are flattened, brown in color and are wingless having size of 5 to 9 mm. They look much like wood tick. Once these bug takes blood, its color change from brown to red or purplish red. Also it becomes larger after feeding and develops cigar shape. Young bed bugs are smaller in size, generally 1.6mm in size at the time of first hatching and are almost colorless if they have not fed.

    Here are some common bugs which look like bed bugs and these are the bugs which are commonly mistaken for bed bugs.

    1. Spider Beetle: The size of adult spider beetle ranges from 1.5 to 4 millimeters. Its color ranges from black to dark reddish-brown with a shiny round abdomen. They are in the shape and size of fleas, oval and are dark brown in color. Spider beetle feed on several goods that are commonly found in household pantries. They have a similar characteristic like bed bug that forage usually during night or in dark places. Spider Beetle can also be present in places like cracks, crevices, attics and within walls. These are not the blood suckers.


    2. Cockroach Nymphs: Like all cockroaches, the cockroach nymph likes to live at the places having food, warmth and moisture. They usually hide in cracks and crevices which are active during night time while aggressively searching for water and food. Cockroach nymphs are big enough to be seen by human eye clearly but after hatching or molting they are white and later turn into reddish-brown. There’s a difference in the shape with cockroach nymph being cylindrical in shape and bed bug having a short, oval or apple-seed shape. Exposure to cockroach nymphs can cause asthma and therefore trigger asthma attacks.


    3. Booklice: These are found in a variety of color rangingfrom gray to translucent white or brown. Booklice are found in furniture, wallpaper, on window sills and along the sides of windows or in the highly humid areas. Booklice are much smaller in size than bed bugs and their size ranges from 1-1.5 mm. Booklice feed on cereals, pollen, fungi and fragments of dead insects.


    4. Carpet Beetles: There are three common species namely: furniture carpet beetle, black carpet and common carnet. All these species are nearly 3 mm in length and may cause harm to the furniture, fabric, clothing and carpeting which have natural animal fiber. Carpet Beetles prefer to live in rodent, insect and bird nests and can very easily enter indoors. The color of these bugs varies depending upon the type of specie. Carpet Beetles do not bite but people who easily develop allergies can get welts on exposure to their tiny hairs.


    5. Bat Bugs: Bat bugs closely look similar to bed bugs and it becomes very hard to distinguish between bat bugs and bed bugs. The main difference which can help establish the difference between these two bugs is the length of fringe hairs on pronotum (a segment just below the head of bug). Fringe hairs are longer in bat bugs than bed bugs. Like bed bugs, bat bugs also feed on blood, mainly the blood of bats and are mostly fund in attics or near bats or bird nests. In case when there’s no bird or bat in the surrounding, they tend to occupy places such as mattresses and bed frames and as such they will bite humans. Bat bugs are also found on ceilings and these are some of the reasons that people mistake them for bed bugs.


    6. Poultry bug: Also known as Mexican chicken bug, have similar appearance like bed bug. They feed mainly on poultry farms and are the parasites of birds and domestic bird like eagles, hawks and turkey. On the other hand, bed bugs live on human blood but they also have a choice of feeding on warm-blooded animals.


    7. Barn swallow bugs: They look like bed bugs and have almost same color and size except that swallow bugs have long, silky hair. Barn swallow bugs dwell in the nests of cliff swallows and tend to shift in human live-ins when birds migrate. Swallow bugs breed during summer season and have ability of surviving without the food for longer span by remaining semi dormant.