Sunday, June 14, 2015

Wart Remedies

Wart Remedies
Natural treatment for warts is very effective and consists of inexpensive home remedies like banana peels and garlic. It is thought that a strong immune system fights the virus causing warts, so immune support herba; formulas are also very helpful in the treatment of warts.

What are Warts?

Warts are skin growths caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). They can grow anywhere on the body and easily spread to another part of the body or to someone else, although the wart will not appear for months. There are several types, each found on certain part(s) of the body and having unique appearances.

Home Remedies for Warts

No home cure will work on everyone, but many are cheap, safe and often effective. While many warts will eventually go away on their own, no one wants to wait months if they can be removed faster.

Banana Peels – The #1 Home Remedy for Warts This natural remedy is extremely successful. It's simple - put a small piece of banana peel over the wart, skin side out, tape and leave on overnight. Less ripe bananas work best as the healing agent seems to become less effective with age.

The Power of Positive Thinking A double-blind study had one group of people with warts undergoing hypnosis once a week for 5 weeks while a second group with warts did not get hypnosis. None of the people treated the warts. The final result was that the ‘hypnosis group' had many of their warts disappear, while the other group did not.

Duct Tape Covering a wart with duct tape will cause the wart to shrink and disappear. This home treatment usually takes 1-2 months.

Apple Cider Vinegar ACV works as an effective alternative cure. A damp paper towel kept against a wart overnight is report to remove warts in 2 weeks.

Garlic Rubbing cut garlic cloves on warts has been a tried-and-true solution for years. Some people find that taking 3 odorless garlic capsules a day works. The antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory benefits from garlic are always beneficial.

Strengthen the Immune System Natural whole foods will help the immune system fight warts. Garlic, sweet potatoes and sunflower seeds are a few good choices. Apple cider vinegar tonic taken daily is always good.

People have tried many alternative treatments for warts over the centuries. Building a strong immune system seems to be key to fighting warts and preventing chronic reoccurrences as well as simple and inexpensive home remedies.

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