Sunday, June 14, 2015

What to Eat When you Have a Fever

What to Eat When you Have a Fever
Fever is characterized as the elevated body temperature that is normally caused by an infection or a disease. Body temperatures that are beyond 99 to 99.5 degrees signify fever. The common reasons for fever are urinary tract infections, respiratory infections and bacterial infections. Other severe infections, which may include pneumonia, tuberculosis, appendicitis, and other skin infections may also cause fever. Rest and the foods that you eat while having fever also plays an important role for your fast recovery. You may be wondering what to eat when you have a fever?

What to Eat when you have a Fever?

  • Fluids: Fluids are important especially when you have fever. Fluids do not only refer to water but it can also be other beverages and solid foods, which can be melted to liquid. Fluids are great in providing essential nutrients especially for people who have little appetite during their sickness. Some great fluids to take while having fever are water, fruit juices, gelatin, vegetable juices, soups and even popsicles. If a person is suffering with loose bowel movement, it is recommended that sports drinks may be taken. The electrolytes that are contained in sports drinks may aid in restoring the balance of vital salts. Imbalance salts may result to muscle, nerve and heart problems.

  • Probiotics: Eating probiotics may aid in reducing fever and cough especially in young children. Probiotics contains the good bacteria, which is good for the body. Foods that contain probiotics are beverages with probiotics as well as yogurt with live organisms.

  • Chicken soup: Chicken soup is great for anyone suffering with fever. It has protein and other nutrients that can soothe congestion and other flu symptoms. For best results, add some veggies to your chicken soup. Veggies in the chicken soup may provide the antioxidants that your immune system needs. Meanwhile, the protein found in chicken can promote tissue repair while you are recuperating from your infection.

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